Reputation: 469
I am migrating an application from View to Compose. The application was written in Java so I need to migrate the UI to Kotlin. I prefer to do it as gradually as possible so I'm leaving the ViewModel in Java.
The UI is a lazy column of Cards. A long click on a card toggles its selected state. It sends an event to the ViewModel - adding/deleting its ID to/from a List that contains the IDs of the selected cards.
I would like the UI to observe the changes in the List of IDs. Currently, I use a workaround: An observable Boolean that toggles with every change in the List of IDs. I wonder if there is a better approach.
Some code: The UI part - The function that displays the card:
private fun DisplayAlarmItem(alarmItem: AlarmItem) {
// Force this function to be called when list of selected changes
val selectToggle by parent!!.alarmViewModel.selectToggleObserve.observeAsState( )
val toggled = if (selectToggle!=null && selectToggle as Boolean) "A" else "B"
// Get list of selected alarms and mark this item as selected(yes/no)
val selectedAlarmList by parent!!.alarmViewModel.selectedItems.observeAsState()
val filterList = selectedAlarmList?.filter { it.equals(alarmItem.createTime.toInt()) }
var selected= (filterList != null && filterList.isNotEmpty())
val backgroundColor = if (selected) MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant else MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface
val currentAlpha = if (alarmItem.isActive) 1.0f else 0.3f
modifier = Modifier
onLongClick = { AlarmItemLongClicked(alarmItem.getCreateTime()) },
onClickLabel = "Edit Alarm"
{ AlarmItemEdit(alarmItem, true) }
shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
elevation = CardDefaults.elevatedCardElevation(5.dp),
colors = CardDefaults.cardColors(containerColor = backgroundColor),
) {
ConstraintLayout(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
val refLabel = createRef()
val refBell = createRef()
val refAlarmTime = createRef()
val refAlarmActive = createRef()
val refAmPm24h = createRef()
val refWeekdays = createRef()
Now, The Long Click callback:
private fun AlarmItemLongClicked(id: Long) {
// get the list of alarms
//List<AlarmItem> alarmItems = parent.alarmViewModel.getAlarmList().getValue();
//if (alarmItems==null) return;
// Update the list of the selected items - simply toggle
// Modify toolbar according to number of selected items
// Inform the ViewModel that the selection List was changed
On the ViewModel, the code that adds/removes ID from the List of selected IDs:
public void toggleSelection(long id){
int index = selectedItems.indexOf((int)id);
if (index >=0)
The definitions of the above properties:
private final MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Integer>> LiveSelectedItems;
private final ArrayList<Integer> selectedItems;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 172
Reputation: 4276
needs to know when its value has been updated, but it can not track changes in a List
. To trigger State
update you need to create a new collection instance instead of updating the LiveData
with the same instance of ArrayList
View model:
private final MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Integer>> liveSelectedItems = new MutableLiveData<>(new ArrayList<>());
public final LiveData<ArrayList<Integer>> selectedItems = liveSelectedItems;
public void toggleSelection(int id) {
var currentList = Objects.requireNonNull(liveSelectedItems.getValue());
var newList = new ArrayList<>(currentList);
int index = currentList.indexOf(id);
if (index >= 0) {
} else {
Sample composable:
val selectedItems by viewModel.selectedItems.observeAsState(ArrayList())
Column {
repeat(10) { index ->
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { viewModel.toggleSelection(index) },
) {
Text("Item $index selected: ${selectedItems.contains(index)}")
Upvotes: 1