Reputation: 1
Here is a minimal not working example of what I am trying to do : Let
import io.github.iltotore.iron.*
import io.github.iltotore.iron.constraint.string.*
case class User(name: String)
type Username = String :| StartWith["@"]
def name2user(usern : Username) : User = User(usern)
I want to implements an implicit conversion so that :
val user : User = "@john" //compile
val user : User = "!john" //not compile
Here what I've tried so far
given name2user: Conversion[Username, User] = User(_)
val user1 : User = name2user("@john") //
val user2 : User = "@john" //does not compile because "@john" is a String
implicit def name2user[S <: String](n: S)(implicit
ev: S <:< Username
): User = User(n)
val user1: User = name2user2("@john") // cannot prove that String <:< Username
val user2: User = "@john" // does not compile because "@john" is a String
Once again this is a minimal example to illustrate as simply as possible my objective to integrate Iron's refinements and Scala 3 implicit conversions.
Thank you in anticipation for your help
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Views: 55
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Answering, you should inline and typelevel programming using good old implicits :
implicit inline def name2user(inline n: String)
(implicit inline ev: Username = n): User = User(n)
val user3: User = name2user("@john") // compile
val user4: User = "@john" // compile
val user5: User = "#john" // does not compile as it should
An interesting variation is to declare
case class User(name: Username)
implicit inline def name2user(inline n: String)
(implicit inline ev: Username = n): User = User(ev)
This guarantee User is always well formed while authorizing a compile time automatic construction of it from well formed strings.
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