
Reputation: 113

Problem after updating to geoflutterfire_plus package

I use to have the package geoflutterfire2, I used this package to get the id of users that where in a certain distance from a specific location (latitude and longitude), my code was:

getSuppliersLocation(BuildContext context, int requestReach, String serviceCode,
    double lat, double long) async {
  final serviceRequest = Provider.of<CustomerRequest>(context, listen: false);
  final user = firebaseAuth.currentUser?.uid;
  final fcmToken = await firebaseMessaging.getToken();

  late Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot>> stream;
  late GeoFlutterFire geo;

  geo = GeoFlutterFire();
  final radius = requestReach / 1000;
  String field = 'location';

  String collectionRoute;
      ? collectionRoute = 'supplier'
      : collectionRoute = 'Testsupplier';

  var collectionReference = firestore
      .where(serviceCode, isEqualTo: true)
      .where('isActive', isEqualTo: true)
      .where('isVerified', isEqualTo: true);

  GeoFirePoint center = geo.point(latitude: lat, longitude: long);

  stream = geo
      .collection(collectionRef: collectionReference)
      .within(center: center, radius: radius, field: field, strictMode: true);

  controllerSuppliers = stream.listen((List<DocumentSnapshot> documentList) {
    List<String> ids = [];
    List<String> tokenIds = [];
    List<String> phoneNumbers = [];
    for (var item in documentList) {
      final data = as Map<String, dynamic>;
      if (data.containsKey('id') && data['id'] != user) {
      if (data.containsKey('tokenId') && data['tokenId'] != fcmToken) {
      if (data.containsKey('phoneNumber')) {

    if (ids.isNotEmpty) {
      serviceRequest.setAuthorizedSuppliersIds = ids;
    } else {}

    serviceRequest.setAuthorizedSuppliersIds = ids;
    serviceRequest.setAuthorizedSuppliersTokenIds = tokenIds;
    serviceRequest.setAuthorizedSuppliersPhoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;

but I have to update to flutter 3.22, and with that my Google Sign In stop working, so I have to update the firebase_auth and firebase_core to avoid the Google Sign In problem, but when doing that, the geoflutterfire2 stop working, because it depends in an older firebase_auth and firebase_core package, geoflutterfire2 last update was 19 months ago, so I look for a new package and I found the Geoflutterfire_plus package, so I try to update my code but I'm blocked at this problem:

I need to make a query to get only the collection that meet this criteria:

  var collectionReference = firestore
      .where(serviceCode, isEqualTo: true)
      .where('isActive', isEqualTo: true)
      .where('isVerified', isEqualTo: true);

but the problem is that in order to do the stream:

  Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>>> stream =
        GeoCollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>>(collectionReference).subscribeWithin(
            center: center,
            radiusInKm: radius,
            field: field,
            geopointFrom: geopointFrom);

the collectionReference needs to be CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>>, so the error is at this:

enter image description here

please help!!!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 101

Answers (1)

If you're still struggling, this fork of GeoFlutterFire2 allows you to use a current rxdart so you can update other dependencies.


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