
Reputation: 10189

How can I make the parameters of a uiState persist when turning the screen in Kotlin?

I've made a form in which I can create or edit cards. I'm using Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Dagger Hilt + Room. It works OK, except for one thing. When I turn the screen without saving the record, I lose the modified data. Example: if I'm editing the card with title "X", and I change its title to "XYZ", and I turn the screen, the title goes back to "X".

I'm using sealed classes for the state.

This is the state of the screen:

sealed class CardUiState: Parcelable {
    data object Loading: CardUiState()
    data class Creation(
        val titlePrefix: String = "",
        val title: String = "",
        val titleSuffix: String = "",
        val mainCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val selectedMainCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val timeCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val selectedTimeCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val error: Boolean = false,
        val errorMessageResId: Int? = null,
    ) : CardUiState()
    data class Edition(
        val card: Card,
        val titlePrefix: String = card.titlePrefix,
        val title: String = card.title,
        val titleSuffix: String = card.titleSuffix,
        val mainCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val selectedMainCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val timeCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val selectedTimeCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
        val error: Boolean = false,
        val errorMessageResId: Int? = null,
    ): CardUiState()
    data class Error(
        val message: String
    ): CardUiState()

This is the view model (it's much bigger but I'm only pasting the relevant code):

class CardViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    private val cardRepository: CardRepository,
    private val categoryRepository: CategoryRepository,
    private val cardCategoryRelRepository: CardCategoryRelRepository,
    @ApplicationContext private val context: Context
): ViewModel() {

    private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow<CardUiState>(CardUiState.Loading)
    val uiState: StateFlow<CardUiState> = _uiState.asStateFlow()

    init {
        val savedState = savedStateHandle.get<CardUiState>("uiState")
        if (savedState != null) {
            _uiState.value = savedState

    private fun setState(uiState: CardUiState) {
        _uiState.value = uiState
        savedStateHandle["uiState"] = uiState

    fun getCard(cardId: Int?) {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            try {
                val categories = categoryRepository.getCategories().first()
                if (cardId != null) {
                    val cardWithCategories = cardRepository.getCardWithCategories(cardId).first()
                        card = cardWithCategories.card,
                        selectedMainCategories = cardWithCategories.categories.filter { it.type == "main" },
                        mainCategories = categories.filter { it.type == "main" },
                        selectedTimeCategories = cardWithCategories.categories.filter { it.type == "time" },
                        timeCategories = categories.filter { it.type == "time" },
                } else {
                        mainCategories = categories.filter { it.type == "main" },
                        timeCategories = categories.filter { it.type == "time" },
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                    e.message ?: context.getString(R.string.msg_unknown_error)
    fun onChangeTitle(title: String) {
        val currentState = _uiState.value
        if (currentState is CardUiState.Creation) {
                title = title,
                error = false,
                errorMessageResId = null,
        } else if (currentState is CardUiState.Edition) {
                title = title,
                error = false,
                errorMessageResId = null,

This is the screen (it's much bigger but I'm only pasting peaces of the relevant code):

fun CardScreen(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    titleResId: Int,
    viewModel: CardViewModel = hiltViewModel(),
    canNavigateBack: Boolean = false,
    navigateUp: () -> Unit,
    cardId: Int? = null,
) {
    LaunchedEffect(cardId) {
    val uiState by viewModel.uiState.collectAsState()
    val scrollBehavior = TopAppBarDefaults.enterAlwaysScrollBehavior()
        modifier = modifier,
        titleResId = titleResId,
        uiState = uiState,
        scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior,
        canNavigateBack = canNavigateBack,
        navigateUp = navigateUp,
        onTitleChange = { viewModel.onChangeTitle(it) },
        onTitlePrefixChange = { viewModel.onChangeTitlePrefix(it) },
        onTitleSuffixChange = { viewModel.onChangeTitleSuffix(it) },
        onCategoryAdd = { category ->
        onCategoryRemove = { category ->
        onSave = {
            if (uiState is CardUiState.Creation) {
                val selectedCategories = (
                    uiState as CardUiState.Creation
                    uiState as CardUiState.Creation
                    title = (uiState as CardUiState.Creation).title,
                    titlePrefix = (uiState as CardUiState.Creation).titlePrefix,
                    titleSuffix = (uiState as CardUiState.Creation).titleSuffix,
                    selectedCategories = selectedCategories,
            } else if (uiState is CardUiState.Edition) {
                val selectedCategories = (
                    uiState as CardUiState.Edition
                        uiState as CardUiState.Edition
                    title = (uiState as CardUiState.Edition).title,
                    titlePrefix = (uiState as CardUiState.Edition).titlePrefix,
                    titleSuffix = (uiState as CardUiState.Edition).titleSuffix,
                    selectedCategories = selectedCategories,


    when (uiState) {
        is CardUiState.Loading -> CircularProgressIndicator()
        is CardUiState.Error -> ErrorDialog(
            text = uiState.message,
            onDismiss = navigateUp
        is CardUiState.Creation -> CardForm(
            title = uiState.title,
            titlePrefix = uiState.titlePrefix,
            titleSuffix = uiState.titleSuffix,
            mainCategories = uiState.mainCategories,
            selectedMainCategories = uiState.selectedMainCategories,
            timeCategories = uiState.timeCategories,
            selectedTimeCategories = uiState.selectedTimeCategories,
            onTitleChange = onTitleChange,
            onTitlePrefixChange = onTitlePrefixChange,
            onTitleSuffixChange = onTitleSuffixChange,
            onCategoryAdd = onCategoryAdd,
            onCategoryRemove = onCategoryRemove,
            error = uiState.error,
            errorMessageResId = uiState.errorMessageResId,
        is CardUiState.Edition -> CardForm(
            title = uiState.title,
            titlePrefix = uiState.titlePrefix,
            titleSuffix = uiState.titleSuffix,
            mainCategories = uiState.mainCategories,
            selectedMainCategories = uiState.selectedMainCategories,
            timeCategories = uiState.timeCategories,
            selectedTimeCategories = uiState.selectedTimeCategories,
            onTitleChange = onTitleChange,
            onTitlePrefixChange = onTitlePrefixChange,
            onTitleSuffixChange = onTitleSuffixChange,
            onCategoryAdd = onCategoryAdd,
            onCategoryRemove = onCategoryRemove,
            error = uiState.error,
            errorMessageResId = uiState.errorMessageResId,


fun CardForm(
    title: String = "",
    titlePrefix: String = "",
    titleSuffix: String = "",
    mainCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
    selectedMainCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
    timeCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
    selectedTimeCategories: List<Category> = emptyList(),
    onTitleChange: (String) -> Unit = {},
    onTitlePrefixChange: (String) -> Unit = {},
    onTitleSuffixChange: (String) -> Unit = {},
    onCategoryAdd: (Category) -> Unit = {},
    onCategoryRemove: (Category) -> Unit = {},
    error: Boolean = false,
    errorMessageResId: Int? = null,
) {
        modifier = Modifier
        contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomCenter
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center),
            horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
            verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
        ) {
                value = titlePrefix,
                onValueChange = onTitlePrefixChange,
                label = { Text(stringResource(id = R.string.text_field_title_prefix)) },
                singleLine = true,



These are the elements of the NavHost which call the list of cards screen (Cards) and the card form to create/edit (CardDetail):

        composable(route = NavScreen.Cards.route) {
                titleResId = NavScreen.Cards.titleResId,
                canNavigateBack = navController.previousBackStackEntry != null,
                navigateUp = { navController.navigateUp() },
                onCardUpdateButtonClicked = { cardId ->
                onCardInsertButtonClicked = { navController.navigate(NavScreen.CardDetail.route) },
            route = NavScreen.CardDetail.route,
            arguments = NavScreen.CardDetail.navArguments
        ) { backStackEntry ->
            val cardId = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("cardId")
                titleResId = NavScreen.CardDetail.titleResId,
                canNavigateBack = navController.previousBackStackEntry != null,
                navigateUp = { navController.navigateUp() },
                cardId = cardId?.toIntOrNull(),

Upvotes: 1

Views: 70

Answers (1)

Jan B&#237;na
Jan B&#237;na

Reputation: 7278

So, as we already established in the comments, the problem is calling viewModel.getCard from LaunchedEffect, which is invoked when you rotate screen and will reload card data from repository and replace the data you have in SavedStateHandle.

Since you use androidx navigation, you can get the navigation arguments from the SavedStateHandle inside of your viewmodel, see the documentation. Also note that you can conveniently getStateFlow directly from the SavedStateHandle, so you don't have to update two places separately. The resulting code can look like this:

class CardViewModel(
  private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
) : ViewModel() {

  val uiState = savedStateHandle.getStateFlow<CardUiState>("uiState", CardUiState.Loading)

  init {
    if (uiState.value == CardUiState.Loading) {
      // CardUiState was not saved in savedStateHandle, you have to load data
      viewModelScope.launch {
        // get the id from you navigation arguments
        val cardId = savedStateHandle.toRoute<YourRoute>.cardId
        // load data from repository

  private suspend fun getCard(cardId: Int?): CardUiState {
    // ...

  private fun setState(uiState: CardUiState) {
    savedStateHandle["uiState"] = uiState

  // the rest stays the same:
  fun onChangeTitle(title: String) {
    val currentState = uiState.value
    val newState = ...

From the compose code, you will just observe uiState and update data with methods like onChangeTitle. Loading data (getCard) is responsibility of ViewModel.

Upvotes: 2

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