Reputation: 1
I am trying to execute an Ansible play to execute a MySQL statement that inserts a JSON object where all the keys and values are Strings. However, with my current code, the resulting JSON does not have double quotes around the keys and values.
Current code:
- name: Execute SQL to update entries for client_id 'test')
shell: >
mysql {{ mysql_credentials_file_cmdline_parameter }} -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = '{{id_dns}}',
app_callback_urls = '{"notification_callback_urls":{"app_novuid_registration":"{{id_dns}}/user_registration","forgot_password":"{{id_dns}}/password_reset"},"user_attribute_callback_url":"{{id_dns}}/user_updated","check_switch_callback_url":"{{id_dns}}/email_switched"}',
app_dns = '{{id_dns}}'
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
However, the result I am getting when I examine the results in MySQL does not contain double quotes around the Strings.
{ notification_callback_urls:
{ app_novuid_registration : https://dns/user_registration,
forgot_password : https://dns/password_reset
user_attribute_callback_url : https://dns/user_updated,
check_switch_callback_url : https://dns/email_switched
Instead, I want this:
{ "app_novuid_registration" : "https://dns/user_registration",
"forgot_password" : "https://dns/password_reset"
"user_attribute_callback_url" : "https://dns/user_updated",
"check_switch_callback_url" : "https://dns/email_switched"
I tried escaping the double quotes as so:
- name: Execute SQL to update entries for client_id 'test')
shell: >
mysql {{ mysql_credentials_file_cmdline_parameter }} -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = '{{id_dns}}',
app_callback_urls = '{\"notification_callback_urls\":{\"app_novuid_registration\":\"{{id_dns}}/user_registration\",\"forgot_password\":\"{{id_dns}}/password_reset\"},\"user_attribute_callback_url\":\"{{id_dns}}/user_updated\",\check_switch_callback_url\":\"{{id_dns}}/email_switched\"}',
app_dns = '{{id_dns}}'
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
However, upon running I get an generic error, and it looks like trying to escape the double quotes with \" results in 3 slashes in the command that gets run.
TASK [Execute SQL to update entry] *********************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! =>
"changed": true,
"mysql {{ mysql_credentials_file_cmdline_parameter }} -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = 'dns',
app_callback_urls = '{\\\"notification_callback_urls\\\":{\\\"app_novuid_registration\\\":\\\"dns/user_registration\\\",\\\"forgot_password\\\":\\\"dns/password_reset\\\"},\\\"user_attribute_callback_url\\\":\\\"dns/user_updated\\\",\\\"check_switch_callback_url\\\":\\\"dns/email_switched\\\"}',
app_dns = 'dns'
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
Interestingly, just to try things out, I tried putting single quotes around the escaped \"
, Example: '\"'notification_callback_urls'\"'
I get a JSON with values surrounded by single quotes, which still isn't quite what I want, but it's closer.
{ 'app_novuid_registration' : 'https://dns/user_registration',
'forgot_password' : 'https://dns/password_reset'
'user_attribute_callback_url' : 'https://dns/user_updated',
'check_switch_callback_url' : 'https://dns/email_switched'
Upvotes: 0
Views: 44
Reputation: 12124
Quick and lazy you could try to change from >
to |
(Literal style)
A minimal example playbook
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
id_dns: DNS
mysql_credentials_file_cmdline_parameter: TEST
- debug:
msg: |
mysql {{ mysql_credentials_file_cmdline_parameter }} -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = '{{ id_dns }}',
app_callback_urls = '{"notification_callback_urls":{"app_novuid_registration":"{{ id_dns }}/user_registration","forgot_password":"{{ id_dns }}/password_reset"},"user_attribute_callback_url":"{{ id_dns }}/user_updated","check_switch_callback_url":"{{ id_dns }}/email_switched"}',
app_dns = '{{ id_dns }}'
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
will result into an output of
TASK [debug] *************************************
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: |-
mysql TEST -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = 'DNS',
app_callback_urls = '{"notification_callback_urls":{"app_novuid_registration":"DNS/user_registration","forgot_password":"DNS/password_reset"},"user_attribute_callback_url":"DNS/user_updated","check_switch_callback_url":"DNS/email_switched"}',
app_dns = 'DNS'
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
Since there is many room for improvement on that single task, you could then start with change the formatting to get rid of the inline JSON string.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
URLs: {
"notification_callback_urls": {
"app_novuid_registration": "https://{{ DNS }}/user_registration",
"forgot_password": "https://{{ DNS }}/password_reset"
"user_attribute_callback_url": "https://{{ DNS }}/user_updated",
"check_switch_callback_url": "https://{{ DNS }}/email_switched"
- debug:
msg: |
mysql {{ CREDENTIALS }} -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = '{{ DNS }}',
app_callback_urls = '{{ URLs | to_json }}',
app_dns = '{{ DNS }}
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
resulting into an output of
TASK [debug] *************************************
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: |-
mysql TEST -s -N -e
"UPDATE test_db.test SET app_home_url = 'DNS',
app_callback_urls = '{"notification_callback_urls": {"app_novuid_registration": "https://DNS/user_registration", "forgot_password": "https://DNS/password_reset"}, "user_attribute_callback_url": "https://DNS/user_updated", "check_switch_callback_url": "https://DNS/email_switched"}',
app_dns = 'DNS
WHERE client_id = 'test';"
Proceed further with simplification, maybe with templating and up to the point where the task becomes easy to maintain and operate even after several year not looking on it.
Upvotes: 0