Reputation: 1
Can you link a button widget to a map widget? If I create a button widget I want it to show different kinds of devices in the map when I press it. For example: I have a number of devices on the map, some are active and some are inactive. I want to use the button to filter out and only show inactive devices when I press it the first time and active devices when I press it a second time on the map. Is it possible?
I have tried to ask Chatgpt for advice but have come up empty. It gives me some examples on how to use "dashboard messages" using js code as a custom action. For example:
self.onAction = function() {
** // Send a custom message to the map widget
self.ctx.widgetContext.sendDashboardMessage("updateMap", {
filterKey: "deviceType",
filterValue: "temperature"
Thats the button action and the map action it recommends is a follows:
**self.onDataUpdated = function() {
// Listen for the "updateMap" message
self.ctx.dashboard.on("updateMap", function(data) {
var filterKey = data.filterKey;
var filterValue = data.filterValue;
// Example: Update the map widget datasource based on the received message
filter: {
key: filterKey,
value: filterValue
Have tried both scripts and changed the parameters to the corresponding ones I have but cant get it to work. Im kind of new to Thingsboard when it comes down to JS scripting and have trouble sometimes to get my head around the solutions.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 99
Reputation: 1
example dashboard JSON (import it). instead of the widget card you can use a widget map (thingsboard v3.7+)
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Upvotes: 0