Reputation: 1
I am trying to implement ECMP load balancing in a 4 pod, fat-tree network. I.E 4 core switches connected to 4 pods containing 4 switches and 8 hosts each.
When running pingAll() host 1 (a0:00:00:00:01 / to host 3 (a0:00:00:00:00:03 / switch nr.7 (which host 1 is connected to) should use ECMP to forward the ping to either switch 5 (port 1) or 6 (port 2), but neither of these switches recieve the ping from switch 5.
The links are: S5-S7, S5-S8, S6-S7, S6-S8.
The links are set up so that using ports 1 and 2 will send the packet "upward" in the network, and using ports 3 and 4 will send the packet "downward" in the network.
from ryu.base import app_manager
from ryu.controller import ofp_event
from ryu.controller.handler import CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER
from ryu.controller.handler import set_ev_cls
from ryu.ofproto import ofproto_v1_3
from ryu.lib.packet import packet
from ryu.lib.packet import ethernet, arp
from ryu.lib.packet import ether_types
class SimpleSwitch13(app_manager.RyuApp):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SimpleSwitch13, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.mac_to_port = {
'7': {'a0:00:00:00:00:01': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:02': 4}, '8': {'a0:00:00:00:00:03': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:04': 4},
'11': {'a0:00:00:00:00:05': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:06': 4}, '12': {'a0:00:00:00:00:07': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:08': 4},
'15': {'a0:00:00:00:00:09': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:10': 4}, '16': {'a0:00:00:00:00:11': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:12': 4},
'19': {'a0:00:00:00:00:13': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:14': 4}, '20': {'a0:00:00:00:00:15': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:16': 4}
self.arp_table = {
'a0:00:00:00:00:01': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:02': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:03': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:04': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:05': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:06': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:07': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:08': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:09': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:10': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:11': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:12': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:13': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:14': '',
'a0:00:00:00:00:15': '', 'a0:00:00:00:00:16': '',
self.pod_map = {
'a0:00:00:00:00:01': 1, 'a0:00:00:00:00:02': 1, 'a0:00:00:00:00:03': 1, 'a0:00:00:00:00:04': 1,
'a0:00:00:00:00:05': 2, 'a0:00:00:00:00:06': 2, 'a0:00:00:00:00:07': 2, 'a0:00:00:00:00:08': 2,
'a0:00:00:00:00:09': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:10': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:11': 3, 'a0:00:00:00:00:12': 3,
'a0:00:00:00:00:13': 4, 'a0:00:00:00:00:14': 4, 'a0:00:00:00:00:15': 4, 'a0:00:00:00:00:16': 4
self.upPorts = [1,2]
self.downPorts = [3,4]
self.coreS = [1,2,3,4]
self.aggS = [5,6,9,10,13,14,17,18]
self.edgeS = [7,8,11,12,15,16,19,20]
def addEdgeSwitchSettings(self, dp, msg):
ofproto = dp.ofproto
parser = dp.ofproto_parser
#Host is on the same switch
for key, value in self.mac_to_port[str(].items():
actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(value)]
match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_dst=key)
self.add_flow(dp, 3, match, actions)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: {key} on port {value}')
#Packet comes from above but is not destined for this switch
match1 = parser.OFPMatch(in_port=self.upPorts[0])
match2 = parser.OFPMatch(in_port=self.upPorts[1])
actions1 = [parser.OFPActionOutput(self.upPorts[1])]
actions2 = [parser.OFPActionOutput(self.upPorts[0])]
self.add_flow(dp, 2, match1, actions1)
self.add_flow(dp, 2, match2, actions2)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: miss-routed packet on port {self.upPorts[0]} -> port {self.upPorts[1]}')
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: miss-routed packet on port {self.upPorts[1]} -> port {self.upPorts[0]}')
def addCoreSwitchSettings(self, dp, msg):
ofproto = dp.ofproto
parser = dp.ofproto_parser
for key, value in self.pod_map.items():
actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(value)]
match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_dst=key)
self.add_flow(dp, 1, match, actions)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: {key} on port {value}')
@set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
datapath = ev.msg.datapath
msg = ev.msg
dp = msg.datapath
ofproto = datapath.ofproto
parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
#Proactivly add flow rules for the edge switches. When both hosts are on the same switch
self.mac_to_port.setdefault(str(, {})
#Proactivly add flow rules for the core switches.
if in self.coreS:
self.addCoreSwitchSettings(dp, msg)
#Add missed for all un-handled packets
match = parser.OFPMatch()
actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
self.add_flow(datapath, 0, match, actions)
#Create RR Group Entries
# 1 = Upwards
# 2 = Downwards
lBucket = parser.OFPBucket(actions=[parser.OFPActionOutput(self.upPorts[0])])
rBucket = parser.OFPBucket(actions=[parser.OFPActionOutput(self.upPorts[1])])
RRUp_mod = parser.OFPGroupMod(dp, ofproto.OFPGC_ADD, ofproto.OFPGT_SELECT, 1,
[lBucket, rBucket])
lBucket2 = parser.OFPBucket(actions=[parser.OFPActionOutput(self.downPorts[0])])
rBucket3 = parser.OFPBucket(actions=[parser.OFPActionOutput(self.downPorts[1])])
RRDown_mod = parser.OFPGroupMod(dp, ofproto.OFPGC_ADD, ofproto.OFPGT_SELECT, 2,
[lBucket2, rBucket3])
if in self.edgeS:
self.addEdgeSwitchSettings(dp, msg)
#Add a flow rule
def add_flow(self, datapath, priority, match, actions, buffer_id=None):
ofproto = datapath.ofproto
parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
inst = [parser.OFPInstructionActions(ofproto.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS,
if buffer_id:
mod = parser.OFPFlowMod(datapath=datapath, buffer_id=buffer_id,
priority=priority, match=match,
mod = parser.OFPFlowMod(datapath=datapath, priority=priority,
match=match, instructions=inst)
@set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
def _packet_in_handler(self, ev):
# If you hit this you might want to increase
# the "miss_send_length" of your switch
if ev.msg.msg_len < ev.msg.total_len:
self.logger.debug("packet truncated: only %s of %s bytes",
ev.msg.msg_len, ev.msg.total_len)
msg = ev.msg
datapath = msg.datapath
dp = msg.datapath
ofproto = datapath.ofproto
parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
in_port = msg.match['in_port']
dpid =
pkt = packet.Packet(
eth = pkt.get_protocols(ethernet.ethernet)[0]
self.mac_to_port.setdefault(str(dpid), {})
dst = eth.dst
src = eth.src
if eth.ethertype == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_LLDP:
# ignore lldp packet
#Ignore multicast packets
if dst[:6] == '33:33:':
self.mac_to_port[str(][src] = in_port
if eth.ethertype == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_ARP:
arp_pkt = pkt.get_protocols(arp.arp)[0]
self.ARP(dp, msg, src, dst, arp_pkt)
if dpid in [5,6]:
print(f'[{}] {src}->{dst}')
if dpid in self.edgeS:
self.handleEdges(dp, msg, src, dst)
if dpid in self.aggS:
self.handleAggs(dp, msg, src, dst)
print(f'[{}] {src}->{dst}')
#Handle Aggregation switches
def handleAggs(self, dp, msg, src, dst):
parser = dp.ofproto_parser
ofproto = dp.ofproto
in_port = msg.match['in_port']
print(f'[{}] packet {src}->{dst}')
if in_port in self.upPorts: #from another pod, apply ECMP
actions = [parser.OFPActionGroup(group_id=2)]
match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_dst=dst)
self.add_flow(dp, 1, match, actions)
self.send_flow(dp, msg, actions)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: ->{dst} ECMP')
if in_port in self.downPorts and not self.inSamePod(src, dst): #going to another pod, apply ECMP
actions = [parser.OFPActionGroup(group_id=1)]
match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_dst=dst)
self.add_flow(dp, 1, match, actions)
self.send_flow(dp, msg, actions)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: ->{dst} ECMP')
#Going to the 'other side' of the pod
match = parser.OFPMatch(in_port=in_port, eth_dst=dst)
if in_port == self.downPorts[0]:
out_port = self.downPorts[1]
out_port = self.downPorts[0]
actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(out_port)]
self.add_flow(dp, 1, match, actions)
self.send_flow(dp, msg, actions)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: {src}->{dst} on port {out_port}')
#Handle Edge switches
def handleEdges(self, dp, msg, src, dst):
parser = dp.ofproto_parser
ofproto = dp.ofproto
print(f'[{}] handling ECMP for {src}->{dst}')
actions = [parser.OFPActionGroup(group_id=1)]
match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_dst=dst, eth_src=src)
self.add_flow(dp, 5, match, actions)
self.send_flow(dp, msg, actions)
print(f'[{}] added flow rule: ->{dst} ECMP with actions {actions}')
#Handle ARP
def ARP(self, dp, msg, src, dst, arp_pkt):
proto = dp.ofproto
parser = dp.ofproto_parser
src_ip = arp_pkt.src_ip
dst_ip = arp_pkt.dst_ip
in_port = msg.match['in_port']
dst_mac = None
for key, value in self.arp_table.items():
if dst_ip == value:
dst_mac = key
eth_reply = ethernet.ethernet(dst=src, src=dst, ethertype=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_ARP)
arp_reply = arp.arp(opcode=arp.ARP_REPLY, src_mac=dst_mac, src_ip=dst_ip, dst_mac=src, dst_ip=self.arp_table[src])
pkt = packet.Packet()
actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(in_port)]
out = parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=dp, buffer_id=proto.OFP_NO_BUFFER, in_port=proto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, actions=actions,
#Send packet decision to switch
def send_flow(self, dp, msg, actions):
proto = dp.ofproto
parser = dp.ofproto_parser
data = None
in_port = msg.match['in_port']
if msg.buffer_id == proto.OFP_NO_BUFFER:
data =
out = parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=dp, buffer_id=msg.buffer_id,
in_port=in_port, actions=actions, data=data)
#Check if two hosts are in the same Pod
def inSamePod(self, src, dst):
return self.pod_map[src] == self.pod_map[dst]
Before implementing ECMP with buckets, I originally used Round Robbin for load balancing. This worked and so I'm pretty sure the problem lies in how I've implemented ECMP and not the rest of the controller logic.
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