Reputation: 45
I am working on a text editor project that uses pdcurses for tui
here is the code :
but since it uses pdcurses it was only availible on windows , so i tried to make it work on linux by making it include and link against ncurses when building on linux , and while it compiles it doesn't work like the windows version at all
windows version :
linux version :
i could narrow it down and say the proplem is propably in src/display/display_txt.c but are there any linking errors or any thing else that might cause this
here is a minimal version of the main.c file that leads to the same outcome :
#include "../headers/parse_term_args.h"
#include "../headers/simple_globals.h"
#include "../headers/curses_header.h"
#include "../headers/init_display.h"
#include "../headers/msg_fmt.h"
#include "../headers/display.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc , char **argv){
parse_term_args(argc , argv);
if(Current_File == NULL){
if(stdscr != NULL){
return 0;
Current_Mode = Normal_Mode;
Quit = false;
if(stdscr == NULL){
text_display_info *save_text_info = new_text_disp_info();
update_text_display(Current_File , save_text_info , stdscr , BACKGROUND , TEXT , LINE_HIGHLIGHT , SIDE_STRIPS , SIDE_STRIP_HIGHLIGHT , Least_V_Distance , Least_H_Distance , true , Relative_Line_Number , true , true , true , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0);
for(int ch = getch() ; ch == ERR ; ch = getch()){}
note : the q's are caused by using chgat on a line made hline , but if it works like the windows version this shouldn't happen
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Views: 89
Reputation: 45
turns out that the problem was that i opened files from DOS/Windows origin which contains the character ^M at the end of each line , the windows version of fread doesn't read this character , but the linux version does leading to this problem , so the soultion was to make my loading function not copy the ^Ms read by fread
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