Reputation: 63
I'm adding waf configuration to avoid when ever "--BEGIN PUBLIC KEY---" is matching but terraform is throwing error about some required options
name = "example-wafpolicy"
resource_group_name =
location = "Global"
custom_rules {
name = "MatchPublicKey"
priority = 1
rule_type = "MatchRule"
action = "Block"
match_conditions {
match_variable = "RequestBody"
operator = "RegexMatch"
match_values = ["--BEGIN PUBLIC KEY---"]
managed_rules {
managed_rule_set {
version = "1.1"
```Too few blocks specified for "match_variables": At least 1 block(s) are expected for "match_variables"Terraform
Unexpected attribute: An attribute named "match_variable" is not expected hereTerraform
Upvotes: 0
Views: 160
Reputation: 2531
Azure waf custom policy configuration is throwoing error for match_variables using terraform
As per the latest terraform registry you should mention the match_variables within match_conditions and use the variable_name attribute instead of match_variable
Demo configuration:
resource "azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_firewall_policy" "example" {
name = "vinaycdnfdwafpolicy"
resource_group_name =
sku_name = azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_profile.example.sku_name
enabled = true
mode = "Prevention"
redirect_url = ""
custom_block_response_status_code = 403
custom_block_response_body = "PGh0bWw+CjxoZWFkZXI+PHRpdGxlPkhlbGxvPC90aXRsZT48L2hlYWRlcj4KPGJvZHk+CkhlbGxvIHdvcmxkCjwvYm9keT4KPC9odG1sPg=="
custom_rule {
name = "Rule1"
enabled = true
priority = 1
rate_limit_duration_in_minutes = 1
rate_limit_threshold = 10
type = "MatchRule"
action = "Block"
match_condition {
match_variable = "RemoteAddr"
operator = "IPMatch"
negation_condition = false
match_values = ["", ""]
custom_rule {
name = "Rule2"
enabled = true
priority = 2
rate_limit_duration_in_minutes = 1
rate_limit_threshold = 10
type = "MatchRule"
action = "Block"
match_condition {
match_variable = "RemoteAddr"
operator = "IPMatch"
negation_condition = false
match_values = [""]
match_condition {
match_variable = "RequestHeader"
selector = "UserAgent"
operator = "Contains"
negation_condition = false
match_values = ["windows"]
transforms = ["Lowercase", "Trim"]
managed_rule {
type = "DefaultRuleSet"
version = "1.0"
action = "Block"
exclusion {
match_variable = "QueryStringArgNames"
operator = "Equals"
selector = "not_suspicious"
override {
rule_group_name = "PHP"
rule {
rule_id = "933100"
enabled = false
action = "Block"
override {
rule_group_name = "SQLI"
exclusion {
match_variable = "QueryStringArgNames"
operator = "Equals"
selector = "really_not_suspicious"
rule {
rule_id = "942200"
action = "Block"
exclusion {
match_variable = "QueryStringArgNames"
operator = "Equals"
selector = "innocent"
managed_rule {
type = "Microsoft_BotManagerRuleSet"
version = "1.0"
action = "Log"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 63
need follow this doc for the solution.
resource "azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_firewall_policy" "example"
is the correct resource to use
Upvotes: 0