Reputation: 13
I'm trying to numerically calculate the CDF of the sum of two random variables and I'm having trouble replicating answers on StackOverflow.
This question CDF of a sum of independent random variables and this question Cumulative Distribution Function of 𝑋+𝑌 , where 𝑋,𝑌 are independent is convolution of 𝐹𝑋 and 𝐹𝑌 ? suggest this relationship is:
I've numerically calculated a CDF and a PDF for two independent random variables. Here's the PDF and the CDF:
but when I convolve them using:
I get something that plainly isn't a CDF:
On thinking about this, I can't see how the convolution of a CDF and PDF can give a CDF, surely the convolution will end up with something that breaks the rules for CDFs (non-decreasing, goes to 1 etc.). I can't see how digitizing the continuous functions is responsible for my problems either.
Can anyone state how I might get the CDF for X + Y from the PDF and CDF of X and Y if I have the digitized data? Are there numerical (digitization) issues I'm missing?
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Views: 65
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What is going wrong? You convolved the PDF of one variable with the CDF of the other.
np.convolve(a=pdf, v=cdf)
Problem: Convolving a PDF with a CDF does not yield a valid PDF or CDF. The convolution operation for summing random variables specifically requires convolving the PDFs of the variables.
Incorrect Formula:
How to Correct It:
Convolve the PDFs of X and Y to get the PDF of Z= X +Y and then Integrate the resulting PDF to obtain the CDF of Z.
Upvotes: 1