
Reputation: 647

How to generate a sample with a given spearman coefficient

In order to create a dataset to test a statistical calculation package, I want to be able to generate a sample that is correlated to a reference sample with a given searman coefficient.

I managed to do it for the Pearson coefficient, but the fact that Spearman works on the rank makes it quite tricky, to say the least!

As an example, with a code to generate spearman and pearson correlated samples:

from statistics import correlation

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

def generate_pearson_correlated_to_sample(x, correlation):
    Generate a variable with a specified Pearson correlation coefficient to a given sample.

    x : array-like
        The fixed first sample.
    correlation : float
        Desired Pearson correlation coefficient (-1 <= correlation <= 1).

        The generated sample y with specified Pearson correlation to x.
    # standardize the pixel data
    x_std = (x - x.mean()) / x.std()

    # generate independent standard normal data
    z = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=x_std.shape)

    # Create correlated variable (standardized)
    y_std = correlation * x_std + np.sqrt(1 - correlation ** 2) * z

    # Scale to desired standard deviation and add mean
    mean = x.mean()
    std = x.std()
    y = y_std * std + mean

    return y

def generate_spearman_correlated_to_sample(x, correlation):
    Generate a variable with a specified Spearman correlation coefficient to a given sample.

    x : array-like
        The fixed first sample.
    correlation : float
        Desired Spearman correlation coefficient (-1 <= correlation <= 1).

        The generated sample y with specified Spearman correlation to x.

    n_samples = len(x)

    # Convert x to ranks (normalized between 0 and 1)
    x_ranks = stats.rankdata(x) / (n_samples + 1)

    # Convert ranks to normal distribution
    normal_x = stats.norm.ppf(x_ranks)

    # Generate correlated normal variable
    normal_y = correlation * normal_x + np.sqrt(1 - correlation ** 2) * np.random.normal(0, 1, n_samples)

    # Convert back to uniform distribution
    y_uniform = stats.norm.cdf(normal_y)

    # Convert uniform to same marginal distribution as x using empirical CDF
    x_sorted = np.sort(x)
    y = np.interp(y_uniform, np.linspace(0, 1, n_samples), x_sorted)

    return y

def verify_correlations(x, y):
    Calculate both Spearman and Pearson correlations between two variables.

    x, y : array-like
        The two variables to check

        (spearman_correlation, pearson_correlation)
    spearman_corr = stats.spearmanr(x, y)[0]
    pearson_corr = stats.pearsonr(x, y)[0]
    return spearman_corr, pearson_corr

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set random seed for reproducibility

    # Create different types of example data
    x_normal = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10000)  # Normal distribution
    x_exp = np.random.exponential(2, 10000)  # Exponential distribution
    x_bimodal = np.concatenate([np.random.normal(-2, 0.5, 5000),
                                np.random.normal(2, 0.5, 5000)])  # Bimodal distribution

    # Test with different distributions and correlations
    test_cases = [
        (x_normal, 0.7, "Normal Distribution"),
        (x_exp, 0.5, "Exponential Distribution"),
        (x_bimodal, 0.8, "Bimodal Distribution")

    # Run examples
    for x, target_corr, title in test_cases:
        print(f"\nTesting with {title}")
        print(f"Target correlation: {target_corr}")

        # Generate correlated sample
        y_spearman = generate_spearman_correlated_to_sample(x, correlation=target_corr)
        y_pearson = generate_pearson_correlated_to_sample(x, correlation=target_corr)

        # Calculate actual correlations
        spearman_corr, _= verify_correlations(x, y_spearman)
        _, pearson_corr = verify_correlations(x, y_pearson)
        print(f"Achieved Spearman correlation: {spearman_corr:.4f}")
        print(f"Achieved Pearson correlation: {pearson_corr:.4f}")

With the above code, the generated Pearson coefficient is of course not exactly equal to the targeted value due to the random nature of the code. But I find that Spearman is systematically off by a much larger amount, which makes me suspecting a problem in my code.

I work in Python but any help is appreciated!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 49

Answers (2)


Reputation: 647

I finally managed to improve the above code for spearman correlation:

def generate_spearman_correlated_to_sample_bis(x, correlation):
    Generate a variable with a specified Spearman correlation coefficient to a given sample.

    x : array-like
        The fixed first sample.
    correlation : float
        Desired Spearman correlation coefficient (-1 <= correlation <= 1).

        The generated sample y with specified Spearman correlation to x.

    n_samples = len(x)

    # Convert x to ranks
    x_ranks = stats.rankdata(x)# / (n_samples + 1)

    x_std = (x_ranks-x_ranks.mean()) / x_ranks.std()

    # generate independent standard normal data
    z = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=x_std.shape)

    # Create correlated variable (standardized)
    y_std = correlation * x_std + np.sqrt(1 - correlation ** 2) * z

    # Rescale to obtain ranks (values between 1 and n_samples)
    y_ranks=1+ (n_samples-1)*(y_std-min(y_std))/(max(y_std)-min(y_std))

    # resample to respect the ranks
    x_sorted = np.sort(x)
    y = np.interp(y_ranks, np.arange(1, n_samples+1), x_sorted)

    return y

I removed the part where I project the ranks as a normal distribution. It is much more stable and give results much more acurate.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 15283

One simple approach is to toss it into least-squares as a polishing method, with your initial approach as an estimate:

def generate_pearson_correlated_to_sample(
    x: np.ndarray,
    correlation: float,
) -> np.ndarray:
    xerror = x - x.mean()
    lhs = correlation*np.sqrt(

    # standardize the pixel data
    mean = x.mean()
    std = x.std()
    x_std = (x - mean)/std

    # generate independent standard normal data
    z = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=x_std.shape)

    # Create correlated variable (standardized)
    y_std = correlation*x_std + np.sqrt(1 - correlation**2)*z

    # Scale to desired standard deviation and add mean
    y0 = y_std*std + mean

    def error_fun(y: np.ndarray) -> float:
        yerror = y - y.mean()
        corr_error = - lhs*np.sqrt(
        return corr_error

    result = least_squares(
        fun=error_fun, x0=y0,
        method='dogbox', jac='2-point', x_scale='jac', loss='linear')
    assert result.success
    return result.x

Shown only with Pearson; Spearman will be the same:

Testing with Normal Distribution
Target correlation: 0.7
Achieved Pearson correlation: 0.7000
Testing with Exponential Distribution
Target correlation: 0.5
Achieved Pearson correlation: 0.5000
Testing with Bimodal Distribution
Target correlation: 0.8
Achieved Pearson correlation: 0.8000

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