Reputation: 11
I've got a Mac .net application, and all it needs to do is record audio and then write it into a WAV file.
I'm using a C# wrapper for PortAudio to record the audio. I've managed to record and write a WAV file for one-channel audio successfully and, the same for two-channel. But when I try to record two-channel audio and then write it as 1 channel audio, it becomes distorted. The combination of 2 channels to 1 is done by taking interleaved pairs of samples, adding them together, and then dividing by 2. With steps taken to try and avoid overflowing.
And yet when combining the channels, the end result becomes distorted. I'm convinced it's something basic and easy that I'm doing horrifically wrong but I can no longer spot it.
The code for recording:
private static readonly int _sampleRate = 44100;
private static int _totalSamplesWritten = 0;
private const ushort BIT_DEPTH = 16 ;
var param = new StreamParameters
device = _indexOfDevice,
channelCount = device.maxInputChannels > 1 ? 2 : 1,
sampleFormat = SampleFormat.Int16,
suggestedLatency = device.defaultLowInputLatency,
hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero
StreamCallbackResult CallbackStereoInput(
IntPtr input,
IntPtr output,
uint frameCount,
ref StreamCallbackTimeInfo timeInfo,
StreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
IntPtr userData
var samples = new short[frameCount];
Marshal.Copy(input, samples, 0, (int)frameCount);
for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
var sampleL = samples[i];
var overflowSafeSampleL = Convert.ToInt32(sampleL);
var sampleR = samples[i + 1];
var overflowSafeSampleR = Convert.ToInt32(sampleR);
var combinedSample = overflowSafeSampleL + overflowSafeSampleR;
var dividedSample = Convert.ToInt16(combinedSample / 2);
_totalSamplesWritten += (int)frameCount;
return StreamCallbackResult.Continue;
_stream = new PortAudioSharp.Stream(
inParams: param, outParams: null,
sampleRate: _sampleRate,
framesPerBuffer: 256,
streamFlags: StreamFlags.ClipOff,
callback: param.channelCount > 1 ? CallbackStereoInput : CallbackMonoInput,
userData: IntPtr.Zero
Code for Writing WAV header:
WriteWavHeader(_outputFileWriter, 1, BIT_DEPTH, _sampleRate / 2, _totalSamplesWritten);
private static void WriteWavHeader(BinaryWriter writer, ushort channelCount, ushort bitDepth, int sampleRate, int totalSampleCount)
writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
writer.Write((bitDepth / 8 * totalSampleCount) + 36);
writer.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("fmt "));
writer.Write(sampleRate * channelCount * bitDepth / 8);
writer.Write((ushort)(channelCount * bitDepth / 8));
writer.Write(bitDepth / 8 * totalSampleCount);
I don't care too much about loss of audio quality as long as you can clearly and easily understand human speech from it.
An example of the distorted audio:
The code above is the end point after multiple different attempts.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 34
Reputation: 11
Managed to figure it out in the end. The samples from PortAudio are interleaved into 1 sample. So one sample contains left and right, I was combining left and right pairs with other left and right pairs.
I needed to split the individual samples from the 'samples' array into two, in order to get the left and right audio streams. Once I got that figured out, I could actually average them into 1 stream by adding them together and dividing by 2 into a single signed int16.
Upvotes: 0