
Reputation: 21

How to calculate correlation between two distribution in Bayesian statistics?

I am trying to calculate the correlation between two distributions (let’s call them height and weight). I know how to calculate a simple Pearson correlation using a frequentist approach: calculate the covariance, calculate the covariance matrix and then divide it by sd(x)×sd(y) The standard formula for covariance can be calculated as:Covariance formula 1

or via the correlation coefficient 𝜌 as: Covariance formula 2

  1. The first question I have is whether it’s appropriate to calculate the mean as in the frequentist method. Would it be correct to obtain two separate posteriors (for weight and height), then calculate covariance and correlation using the first equation?

  2. Is it possible to treat ρ as a posterior? Should I first obtain posteriors for height and weight, then calculate ρ afterward?

My code I'm trying to use PyMC, but in my model, I can only obtain an estimate for one distribution. The prior and posterior ρ differs, but I don't understand why.

high_values = df['high'].values #no NaN 
weight_values = df["weight"].values

with pm.Model() as model:
    rho_transformed = pm.Beta("rho_transformed", alpha=2, beta=2)
    rho = pm.Deterministic("rho", rho_transformed * 2 - 1)  # Map back to [-1, 1]
    # Define mean 
    mu_high = pm.NegativeBinomial("mu_1", mu=mu_1, alpha = 4) #t or poisson ...
    mu_weight = pm.NegativeBinomial('mu_2', mu=mu_2, alpha=shape) #negBin
    # Difine std
    sigma_high = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_1", sigma=1)
    sigma_weight = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_2", sigma=1)

    cov_matrix = pm.math.stack([
        [sigma_high**2, rho * sigma_high * sigma_weight],
        [rho * sigma_high * sigma_weight, sigma_weight**2]
    ]) #is it correct in bayes?

    # Observed data
    observed_data = np.column_stack([high_values, weight_values]).astype("float64")

    mu_value = pt.as_tensor_variable([mu_high, mu_weight]) #thats a very strange thing
    observed = pm.MvNormal("observed", mu=mu_value, cov=cov_matrix, observed=observed_data) #multivariate normal distribution
    # Prior and Posterior Predictive Checks
    prior_samples = pm.sample_prior_predictive(draws=1000)
    posterior_samples = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace)
    # Run the sampler
    trace = pm.sample(1000, return_inferencedata=True) #Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling to draw samples from the posterior distribution of each parameter. 

You could call prior_samples.prior['rho'] and trace.posterior['rho'] to check that they differs:)

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Views: 67

Answers (1)

Anders Gorm
Anders Gorm

Reputation: 35

Your code mostly works, but can be simplified in a number of ways (see code examples at the end of this post, where I also have some comments about the priors used here, and PyMC coding more generally; I got carried slightly away...).

Question 1: No, using formula 1 (and 2) directly on some set of (x, y)-values would not be the way to obtain an estimate of the correlation coefficient, rho, when doing a Bayesian analysis. Formula 1 allows you to compute the so-called "sample co-variance" for your specific set of observed (x, y) value-pairs (which are in the columns high and weight of the df dataframe). However, the typical assumption is that your finite dataset is only a sample from a larger (potentially infinite) population of values, and your aim is to try to estimate (with uncertainty) the true underlying population-correlation based on your limited sample. To achieve that goal, in a Bayesian framework, you need to make some extra assumptions about how the data was generated (how the x and y values are related), and also specify what you think about possible values of rho before seeing any data (see question 2 below).

A Bayesian analysis would under all circumstances not give you additional (x, y), or ("high", "weight"), value-pairs to work with. (Well, ... you could in principle get so-called posterior predictive data values, and estimate a posterior distribution of rho using those, but that would be a very roundabout and indirect way to get that estimate - see question 2 and comments to code below).

Question 2: Yes, the outcome of a Bayesian analysis would result in a (joint) posterior distribution over all your model parameters, including rho, which would indicate your degree of belief in the different possible values of these parameters. The (marginal) posterior distribution over rho can be inspected, allowing you to answer such questions as for instance "what is the posterior probability that rho > 0.7" or "what is the 95% credible interval for rho".

No to obtain this posterior over rho, you do not need to first obtain "posteriors for height and weight" and then compute rho using formula 1.

Bayesian analysis, brief overview

Briefly, to get an estimate of some unknown parameters using a Bayesian approach you would need to:

  • Specify the likelihood, p(data | parameters). This means specifying a model with a set of parameters that will allow you to compute, for a given set of parameter values, what the probability is of getting your observed data. An example is a linear regression model where y ~ normal(b0 + b1*x, sigma), with parameters b0, b1, and sigma, and where the probability is the normal probability density. Typically individual data points are assumed to be independent and the overall likelihood is computed by multiplying the likelihood for individual data points (or adding their logs).
  • Specify a prior probability distribution over the parameters, p(parameters), which indicates your degree of belief in possible parameter values before seeing any data. In the case of rho: if you have absolutely zero knowledge, then p(rho) could be a flat distribution over [-1,1] for instance. (Most often you do have relevant domain knowledge, and it is then better to provide a prior that is at least weakly informative, and which will help regularise the model fitting process, keeping the MCMC from straying into unrealistic regions of parameter space). When defining a prior distribution it is often assumed that parameters are independent, so the priors for each parameter can be defined separately, and the joint prior is then implicitly the product of these individual priors: p(parameters) = p(par1) * p(par2) * p(par3)
  • Compute the posterior using Bayes' theorem: p(parameters | data) = p(data | parameters) * p(parameters) / p(data).
  • That last step is rarely done analytically (and often there is no analytical solution), so instead the typical approach is to use MCMC sampling in some software like PyMC or Stan, which allows you to just specify the prior and likelihood, and then takes care of generating samples from the posterior for you.
  • The posterior distribution of a parameter represents the relative plausibility of all possible values, given the data and your modeling assumptions. If the data is informative about the parameter, the posterior distribution should differ from the prior distribution—typically, the prior is broader, while the posterior concentrates on a narrower range of plausible values (see plot comparing prior and posterior for rho, using simulated data below).
  • Note also that the posterior is proportional to the likelihood. This is how information from your observed data is incorporated into the posterior distribution: parameter values that make the observed data more probable (i.e., where the likelihood is higher) will have proportionally higher posterior probabilities.

Regarding the likelihood: Specifying the likelihood amounts to formulating a hypothesis about how the data is generated. This could be based on some mechanistic understanding of the system where the data originates and/or ideas about how your sample was obtained from a larger fixed population. In the present case, where we are interested in estimating a correlation coefficient for (x, y) real value pairs, a typical assumption would be that the (x, y) values are drawn from a bi-variate normal distribution with mean vector = (mu_x, mu_y), and covariance matrix Sigma, a 2 x 2 matrix looking as shown below:

Sigma = [[var(x),   cov(x,y)],
          cov(x,y), var(y)  ]] 

It turns out that cov(x,y) = rho * sd_x * sd_y, (where sd_x is the standard deviation of x - this is your formula 2), so Sigma can also be described using only the parameters sd_x, sd_y, and rho:

Sigma = [[      sd_x^2,       rho * sd_x * sd_y],
          rho * sd_x * sd_y,        sd_y^2     ]] 

When using MCMC, the outcome of such an analysis is a set of samples from the posterior, i.e., a data frame (or file) where each column corresponds to one of the model parameters (such as rho or mu_x), and each row corresponds to a sample from one step of the MCMC process. The set of values in a column constitute the empirical, marginal posterior distribution for that parameter, and you can plot histograms or compute the fraction of values larger than some threshold, etc, etc.

Getting the OP code to run: The provided code will run correctly as long as you:

  • Provide a value for the variable df (specifically this should be a dataframe with columns "high" and "weight" - for instance use the simulation code included below)
  • Provide values for variables mu_1 and mu_2 (which are used in the priors for "mu_high" and "mu_weight"
  • Provide a value for variable shape (which is used in the prior for "mu_weight")
  • Provide import statements for PyMC (import pymc as pm) and pytensor (import pytensor.tensor as pt)
  • Swap the last two lines (run the .sample() function before you run the pm.sample_posterior_predictive() function, so you have the trace variable defined)

You will then get the posterior distribution samples for your model parameters (mu_1, mu_2, sigma_1, sigma_2, rho, rho_transformed) in the variable trace (which is an arviz.InferenceData object).

You can get plots of the posteriors as follows:

import arviz as az"arviz-darkgrid")
az.plot_trace(trace, combined=True)

You can extract the posterior samples into a pandas dataframe like this:

df_post = az.extract(trace).to_dataframe()

Simplified pymc code

Below is a simplified version of code addressing the same problem. It is divided into blocks, each of which would be well suited to run in a jupyter-lab cell. I have added comments after the code:

Import modules and simulate data:

import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import arviz as az
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Simulate the data 
n = 50
mu = [170, 60]
sigma = [10, 5]
rho = 0.7
cov_matrix = np.array([[sigma[0]**2, rho * sigma[0] * sigma[1]],
                       [rho * sigma[0] * sigma[1], sigma[1]**2]])
samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov_matrix, n)
df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=["high", "weight"])

# Plot simulated scatter data
plt.scatter(df["high"], df["weight"], alpha=0.5, color="blue")
plt.title("Simulated data")

Specify and check PyMC model structure:

# Specify pymc model structure
with pm.Model() as cormodel:
    # Priors for means
    mu_x = pm.TruncatedNormal("mu_x", mu=160, sigma=30, lower=0)
    mu_y = pm.TruncatedNormal("mu_y", mu=50, sigma=20, lower=0)
    # Priors for standard deviations (sigma)
    sigma_x = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_x", sigma=10)
    sigma_y = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_y", sigma=10)
    # Prior for correlation (rho), using a bounded distribution
    rho = pm.Uniform("rho", lower=-1, upper=1)

    # Construct the 2x2 covariance matrix using the prior distributions
    cov_matrix = pm.math.stack([
        [sigma_x**2, sigma_x * sigma_y * rho], 
        [sigma_x * sigma_y * rho, sigma_y**2]

    # Likelihood of the data
    y_obs = pm.MvNormal("y_obs", mu=[mu_x, mu_y], cov=cov_matrix, observed=df)

# Check model structure is correct by plotting graph representation 
modelgraph = pm.model_to_graphviz(cormodel)

Run MCMC to get posterior samples, and produce plots:

# Get posterior samples for model parameters
with cormodel:
    posterior_samples = pm.sample(draws=2000)

# Plot marginal posteriors and trace plots for all model parameters"arviz-darkgrid")
az.plot_trace(posterior_samples, combined=True)
plt.suptitle("Posterior Distributions and Trace Plots for Posterior Samples", fontsize=14, y=1.02)

Run MCMC to get prior samples, plot comparison of prior and posterior for rho:

# Get prior samples from model
with cormodel:
    prior_samples = pm.sample_prior_predictive(draws=2000)

# Extract prior and posterior samples for "rho"
prior_rho = prior_samples.prior["rho"].values.flatten()
posterior_rho = posterior_samples.posterior["rho"].values.flatten()

# ArviZ density plot for prior and posterior of rho
az.plot_dist(prior_samples.prior["rho"], color="blue", label="Prior", fill_kwargs={"alpha": 0.5})
az.plot_dist(posterior_samples.posterior["rho"], color="red", label="Posterior", fill_kwargs={"alpha": 0.5})
plt.title("Prior vs Posterior for rho")

Notes on code changes:

  • In the original pymc code the prior for the two mean values (mu_high, and mu_weight) were negative binomial. This was presumably to ensure the parameters could only be positive, but it is problematic since these are distributions over discrete values, and the means can presumably be any real number. In fact, checking the output from the original model will show that the posteriors over mu_high and mu_weight are discrete distributions also. In the simplified code I instead set the priors to be normal distributions with lower bounds of zero ("TruncatedNormal" means a normal distribution where you can specify lower and upper bounds). I could also have used lognormal distributions (which are only defined for positive values), or HalfNormal (as for the sigma variables), which are always bounded at zero below.
  • In the original code the prior for rho was set in two stages: first a beta(2,2) distribution over rho_transformed, covering the range [0,1], which was then transformed to the proper [-1,1] range by: rho = rho_transformed * 2 - 1. In the simplified code I instead used a uniform distribution over the [-1,1] range. The transformed beta is fine if you want a more informative prior.
  • In the likelihood specification for "observed" (called "y_obs" in the simplified code): The original code first stacks the high_values and weight_values lists, and then explicitly casts them to float64, but the pymc distributions accept data frames directly, so you can simply provide the variable df as the observed argument (as done in the simplified code).
  • The name given in the naming argument for pymc distributions is the name your parameter will get in the posterior sample object, so make sure to use meaningful names.
  • Further about naming: it is considered good style to use the same name for a variable as is given in the "name" argument to a distribution (so: mu_x = pm.Normal("mu_x", mu=160, sigma=30), not mu_high = pm.Normal("mu_x", mu=160, sigma=30)).
  • I have added code to explicitly compare the prior and posterior for rho. This shows that while the prior distribution of rho is a uniform distribution over [-1,1], the posterior is a narrow distribution centred on the simulated (ground-truth) value of rho=0.7.
  • In the original code there was code to get samples for posterior predictive checks. The idea here is to simulate data in order to check if your model looks reasonable (good idea!), but the code has been omitted here, and as mentioned posterior predictive data samples are not needed to compute the posterior for the parameter rho.
  • Note that prior and posterior predictive checking is done by simulating data from your model (in this case height and weight values), and then comparing the distribution of these data to the distribution in your actual, observed data set. This is different from inspecting the prior and posterior distributions of the parameter values. Simulated data values for posterior (or prior) predictive checking are generated by first obtaining samples from the posterior (or prior) distribution of your model parameters, and then, for each parameter value, simulate a data set, by drawing from the distribution as specified in the likelihood.

Comparison of prior and posterior distributions for rho

Plot of prior vs posterior for rho, given example code above. Note how the prior is uniform over the entire possible range [-1,1], while the posterior is much more narrow, and centred on the ground truth value of 0.7 (known because we simulated the data).

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