Reputation: 31
I'm struggling a bit with NestJS because i can't use 2 on 3 .entities.ts file.
I have 1 file working without any problems.
When i tried a this.xxxrepositories.find(); i got the error
Very strange information : when i do a synchronized: true on app.module.ts, it create correctly the both table in my dev database
So : How can it can't found metadata if it can create the tables ?
Here the code :
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { JwtModule, JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt';
import { ScheduleModule } from '@nestjs/schedule';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { Races } from './models/races.entities';
import { Ticket } from './models/ticket.entities';
import { Track } from './models/track.entities';
import { SynchronizedModule } from './synchronized/synchronized.module';
import { TicketController } from './ticket/ticket.controller';
import { TicketModule } from './ticket/ticket.module';
import { WebsocketModule } from './websocket/websocket.module';
imports: [TicketModule, WebsocketModule,
type: 'mysql',
host: process.env.DATABASE_HOST,
port: 3306,
username: process.env.DATABASE_PUBLIC_LOGIN,
password: process.env.DATABASE_PUBLIC_PASSWORD,
database: 'racecontrol-public',
entities: [Races, Ticket, Track],
}), TypeOrmModule.forFeature([Races, Ticket, Track]),
global: true,
secret: "f9RexYqCpwoMDR5FJACb",
signOptions: { expiresIn: '2m' },
controllers: [AppController, TicketController],
providers: [AppService, JwtService],
export class AppModule {
import { Logger, Module, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { JwtModule, JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt';
import { InjectRepository, TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import axios from 'axios';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Races } from '../models/races.entities';
import { Ticket } from '../models/ticket.entities';
import { Track } from '../models/track.entities';
imports: [
TypeOrmModule.forFeature([Races, Ticket, Track]),
global: true,
secret: "",
signOptions: { expiresIn: '2m' },
controllers: [],
providers: [JwtService],
exports: [SynchronizedModule]
export class SynchronizedModule implements OnModuleInit {
private jwtService: JwtService,
private readonly racesRepository: Repository<Races>,
private readonly tracksRepository: Repository<Track>,
private readonly ticketsRepository: Repository<Ticket>,
) {
async onModuleInit() {
const publicTick = await this.ticketsRepository.find(); <= No problem
const publicRace = await this.racesRepository.find(); <= Metadata not found
const publicTrack = await this.tracksRepository.find(); <= Metadata not found
I give you my .entities file too :
ticket.entities.ts (Functionnal table)
import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
@Entity({ name: 'Ticket' })
export class Ticket {
id: number;
victim: string;
accused: string;
lap: string;
sector: string;
corner: string;
infractionTime: string
offense: string
penalty: string
createdAt: string;
specifyField: string;
raceId: number;
races.entities.ts (Unfunctionnal file)
import { Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
@Entity({ name: 'Races' })
export class Races {
id: number;
eventName: string;
track: string;
date: string;
hours: string;
default: false
isEntrylistExist: boolean;
fk_id_track: number;
createdAt: Date;
I've tried :
I really don't understand why in this specific case it cause this error and not on another module from my monorepo ?
[EDIT] More information :
I've seen i have the same problems with another api gateway in my project.
I've change the way i working recently going from local dev to remote server in devcontainer.
I've think about a problem with permission due to devcontainer like cannot access the file, but i've found this in the main.js file generated by NX when using serve:developement :
var _a;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.Races = void 0;
const tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
const typeorm_1 = __webpack_require__(32);
let Races = class Races {
exports.Races = Races;
(0, typeorm_1.PrimaryGeneratedColumn)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Number)
], Races.prototype, "id", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", String)
], Races.prototype, "eventName", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", String)
], Races.prototype, "track", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", String)
], Races.prototype, "date", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", String)
], Races.prototype, "hours", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)({
default: false
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Boolean)
], Races.prototype, "isEntrylistExist", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Number)
], Races.prototype, "fk_id_track", void 0);
(0, typeorm_1.Column)(),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", typeof (_a = typeof Date !== "undefined" && Date) === "function" ? _a : Object)
], Races.prototype, "createdAt", void 0);
exports.Races = Races = tslib_1.__decorate([
(0, typeorm_1.Entity)({ name: 'Races' })
], Races);
This show me that the build have include all the metadata for being use isn't it ?
[EDIT 2] More information
I've tried to create a new microservice with NX console, and this one, can access to this meta with the same call than my APIs ?! this is absolulty non-sens...
Upvotes: 3
Views: 46
Reputation: 76953
The error message says that it couldn't find the metadata for ""
, so it is clear that it is searches for metadata for empty string, which is why it cannot find it.
Here's an article for troubleshooting this error type:
, @Entity
and @PrimaryGeneratedColumn
which seems to be properly setemitDecoratorMetadata
and experimentalDecorators
are both set to true
among the compilerOptions
, which are likely true
in your case, given the fact that metadata was properly found for tickentities
and migrations
pathsThe error strongly suggests that your entities whose metadata was not found were not imported correctly or did not have the proper decorators.
Upvotes: 1