Reputation: 1
I am trying to code in MQl5, the code aims at collecting currency historical data. From here I use FileOpen() function with all flags as shown on the images. Code is successfully compiled with no errors, but when I run it, the required file isn't created.
//| Initial_Data.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//| |
//| Script for calculating Pearson correlation coefficient between |
//| historical price fluctuations, indicator data and extremes |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
//| Connect libraries |
#include <Math\Stat\Math.mqh>
#define FileName "correlation.csv"
//| External parameters |
input datetime Start = D'2015.01.01 00:00:00'; // Period beginning
input datetime End = D'2020.12.31 23:59:00'; // Period end
//| Script program |
void OnStart(void)
//--- Connect indicators
int h_ZZ = iCustom(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, "Examples\\ZigZag.ex5", 48, 1, 47);
int h_CCI = iCCI(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 12, PRICE_TYPICAL);
int h_RSI = iRSI(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 12, PRICE_TYPICAL);
int h_Stoh = iStochastic(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 12, 8, 3, MODE_LWMA, STO_LOWHIGH);
int h_MACD = iMACD(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 12, 48, 12, PRICE_TYPICAL);
int h_ATR = iATR(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 12);
int h_BB = iBands(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 48, 0, 3, PRICE_TYPICAL);
int h_SAR = iSAR(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 0.02, 0.2);
int h_MFI = iMFI(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, 12, VOLUME_TICK);
double close[], open[], high[], low[];
if(CopyClose(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, close) <= 0 ||
CopyOpen(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, open) <= 0 ||
CopyHigh(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, high) <= 0 ||
CopyLow(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, low) <= 0)
//--- Load indicator data
double zz[], cci[], macd_main[], macd_signal[], rsi[], atr[], bands_medium[],
bands_up[], bands_low[], sar[], stoch[], ssig[], mfi[];
datetime end_zz = End + PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M5) * (12 * 24 * 5);
if(h_ZZ == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_ZZ, 0, Start, end_zz, zz) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "ZigZag");
if(h_CCI == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_CCI, 0, Start, End, cci) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error of load indicator %s data", "CCI");
if(h_RSI == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_RSI, 0, Start, End, rsi) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "RSI");
if(h_MACD == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_MACD, MAIN_LINE, Start, End, macd_main) <= 0 ||
CopyBuffer(h_MACD, SIGNAL_LINE, Start, End, macd_signal) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "MACD");
if(h_ATR == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_ATR, 0, Start, End, atr) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "ATR");
if(h_BB == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_BB, BASE_LINE, Start, End, bands_medium) <= 0 ||
CopyBuffer(h_BB, UPPER_BAND, Start, End, bands_up) <= 0 ||
CopyBuffer(h_BB, LOWER_BAND, Start, End, bands_low) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "Bollinger Bands®");
if(h_SAR == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_SAR, 0, Start, End, sar) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "SAR");
if(h_Stoh == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_Stoh, MAIN_LINE, Start, End, stoch) <= 0 ||
CopyBuffer(h_Stoh, SIGNAL_LINE, Start, End, ssig) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "Stochastic");
if(h_MFI == INVALID_HANDLE || CopyBuffer(h_MFI, 0, Start, End, mfi) <= 0)
PrintFormat("Error loading indicator %s data", "MFI");
int total = ArraySize(close);
double target1[], target2[], oc[], hc[], lc[], bmc[], buc[], blc[], macd_delta[];
if(ArrayResize(target1, total) <= 0 || ArrayResize(target2, total) <= 0 || ArrayResize(oc, total) <= 0 ||
ArrayResize(hc, total) <= 0 || ArrayResize(lc, total) <= 0 || ArrayResize(bmc, total) <= 0 ||
ArrayResize(buc, total) <= 0 || ArrayResize(blc, total) <= 0 || ArrayResize(macd_delta, total) <= 0)
//--- Prepare data
double extremum = -1;
for(int i = ArraySize(zz) - 2; i >= 0; i--)
if(zz[i + 1] > 0 && zz[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE)
extremum = zz[i + 1];
if(i >= total)
target2[i] = extremum - close[i];
target1[i] = (target2[i] >= 0);
oc[i] = close[i] - open[i];
hc[i] = high[i] - close[i];
lc[i] = close[i] - low[i];
sar[i] -= close[i];
bands_low[i] = close[i] - bands_low[i];
bands_up[i] -= close[i];
bands_medium[i] -= close[i];
macd_delta[i] = macd_main[i] - macd_signal[i];
//--- Open the file to write data
int handle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV | FILE_ANSI, "\t", CP_UTF8);
if(handle == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintFormat("Error opening file %s: %d", FileName, GetLastError());
//--- Calculate correlation coefficients
string message = "Indicator\t Target 1\t Target 2";
FileWrite(handle, message);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, oc, "Close - Open", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, hc, "High - Close", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, lc, "Close - Low", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, cci, "CCI", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, rsi, "RSI", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, atr, "ATR", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, sar, "SAR", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, macd_main, "MACD Main", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, macd_signal, "MACD Signal", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, macd_delta, "MACD Main-Signal", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, bands_medium, "BB Main", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, bands_low, "BB Low", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, bands_up, "BB Up", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, stoch, "Stohastic Main", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, ssig, "Stochastic Signal", handle);
CorrelationPearson(target1, target2, mfi, "MFI", handle);
//--- Close the data file
PrintFormat("Correlation coefficients saved to file %s\\Files\\%s",
TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH), FileName);
//| Function for calculating correlation coefficients |
void CorrelationPearson(double &target1[], // Target data buffer 1
double &target2[], // Target data buffer 2
double &indicator[], // Indicator data buffer
string name, // Indicator name
int handle) // File handle to write data
double correlation = 0;
string message = "";
if(MathCorrelationPearson(target1, indicator, correlation))
message = StringFormat("%s\t%.5f", name, correlation);
if(MathCorrelationPearson(target2, indicator, correlation))
message = StringFormat("%s\t%.5f", message, correlation);
if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
FileWrite(handle, message);
I tried to create a function out side the void Onstart(){}
and expected "correlation.csv" file to be created but still no output. Any one with an idea of what is happening? I will much appreaciate your support!
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Views: 35
Reputation: 1
The issue is that your time period is out of range. You need to update it to more recent dates. For example:
input datetime Start = D'2024.12.30 00:00:00'; // Period beginning
input datetime End = D'2025.01.01 23:59:00'; // Period end
I also recommend adding a Print statement to check when the script exits due to missing data. This way, you can identify issues like this which results in error 4401 (Requested history not found).
if (CopyClose(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, close) <= 0 ||
CopyOpen(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, open) <= 0 ||
CopyHigh(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, high) <= 0 ||
CopyLow(_Symbol, PERIOD_M5, Start, End, low) <= 0)
Print("Error loading price data. Error code: ", GetLastError());
Upvotes: 0