Sarkis Sulyan
Sarkis Sulyan

Reputation: 11

Ignoring InsufficientResponseError in OSMNX

I have a list of 2000 names of localities. I Use OSMNX Library with OpenStreetMaps to get the administrative boundaries of these localities.

Here is the link to the File:

The thing is, that in OpenStreetMaps, some of the localities are marked as points, not polygons, so i can not use the features_from_place option (because it can find only polygons)

Then I tried to use the ox.geocoder.geocode_to_gdf(thelist, which_result=1, by_osmid=False), where "thelist" contains my 2k locality names.

The same - i get Insufficient Response Error for the first Locality that cannot be found from the list.

Are there any ideas, how to make the OSMNX ignore the elements, that it could not find?

I Tried Googling, no results for this one... Actually this is really frustrating, because it looks more of like a bug to me, rather a meaningful behaviour

UPDATE: I have tried to find my localities by using the features_from_place, and I have some very strange results. The documentation says that the features_from_place gives us any result only if there is a Polygon (or multipol) type of object.

So, I tried to use 2 types of query: the code looks like:

dat = pd.read_excel('oren.xlsx')
lists = dat['Населённый пункт'][dat['Сроки'] =="-"].unique()
tags = {"name": thelist}
gdf = ox.features_from_place("Оренбургская Область", tags)
gdf2 = ox.features_from_place(thelist, {'addr:region':'Оренбургская Область'})

In this case, we find text "Оренбургская Область", for any element that has the tag 'Name' in it according to the given List (thelist) And you know what? It found a lot of data, and also it found POINTs, Lines, and other types of objects, not just the Polygons or MPolygons

The second way to try this code:

gdf2 = ox.features_from_place(thelist, {'addr:region':'Оренбургская Область'})

And here, we try data, that has a tag "addr:region" equal to "Оренбургская Область" to check all of the elements in this region, that has the text from the list in it.

and this one gave the error. Here is the full error text:

C:\Users\SSulyan\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: This area is 81 times your configured Overpass max query area size. It will automatically be divided up into multiple sub-queries accordingly. This may take a long time. multi_poly_proj = utils_geo._consolidate_subdivide_geometry(poly_proj) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[191], line 3 1 tags = {"name": thelist} 2 gdf = ox.features_from_place("Оренбургская Область", tags) ----> 3 gdf2 = ox.features_from_place(thelist, {'addr:region':'Оренбургская Область'})

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\osmnx\, in features_from_place(query, tags, which_result, buffer_dist) 289 gdf_place = geocoder.geocode_to_gdf( 290 query, which_result=which_result, buffer_dist=buffer_dist 291 ) 292 elif isinstance(query, list): 293 # if it is a list, it contains multiple places to get --> 294 gdf_place = geocoder.geocode_to_gdf(query, buffer_dist=buffer_dist) 295 else: # pragma: no cover 296 msg = "query must be dict, string, or list of strings"

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\osmnx\, in geocode_to_gdf(query, which_result, by_osmid, buffer_dist) 137 gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame() 138 for q, wr in zip(query, which_result): --> 139 gdf = pd.concat([gdf, _geocode_query_to_gdf(q, wr, by_osmid)]) 141 # reset GeoDataFrame index and set its CRS 142 gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True)

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\osmnx\, in _geocode_query_to_gdf(query, which_result, by_osmid) 190 result = results[0] 192 elif which_result is None: 193 # else, if which_result=None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon --> 194 result = _get_first_polygon(results, query) 196 elif len(results) >= which_result: 197 # else, if we got at least which_result results, choose that one 198 result = results[which_result - 1]

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\osmnx\, in _get_first_polygon(results, query) 257 # if we never found a polygon, throw an error 258 msg = f"Nominatim could not geocode query {query!r} to a geometry of type (Multi)Polygon" --> 259 raise TypeError(msg)

TypeError: Nominatim could not geocode query 'Чабла' to a geometry of type (Multi)Polygon

The WHOLE CODE looks like this:

dat = pd.read_excel('oren.xlsx')
lists = dat['Населённый пункт'][dat['Сроки'] =="-"].unique()
tags = {"name": thelist}
gdf = ox.features_from_place("Оренбургская Область", tags)
gdf2 = ox.features_from_place(thelist, {'addr:region':'Оренбургская Область'})

UPDATE2: I try This code:

ox.geocoder.geocode_to_gdf('W366775538', which_result=1, by_osmid=True)

So it gives me an error, that Nominatim can't find this ID, bit this ID is present in the OpenstreetMap (website)


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