Reputation: 43
I was trying to build a very simple example of a coroutine in Haskell using callCC
My understanding of how callCC :: ((a -> m b) -> m a) -> m a
works is that by writing
example :: Cont Int Int
example = do
callCC $ \k -> ...
I essentially bind the continutation of that callCC
, i.e. f
to k
. Then, if k
is used inside of callCC
's body, e.g. callCC $ \k -> ... k 42 ...
it will result in the continuation being called with this value, i.e., f 42
, otherwise, if k
is unused, callCC $ \k -> ... return 41
, it will result in f
applied to 41
instead. By storing this k
in some data structure I gain the ability of resuming the function (example
) right after the callCC
(because f
is bound to k
The code I have for a coroutine is as follows
{-#LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Cont where
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State(put, get, runStateT, evalStateT, StateT, MonadState, MonadIO, execStateT)
newtype CoroutineT r m a = CoroutineT {runCoroutineT :: ContT r (StateT [CoroutineT r m ()] m) a}
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadCont,MonadIO, MonadState [CoroutineT r m ()])
schedule :: CoroutineT () IO ()
schedule = do
cs <- get
case cs of
(c:cs) -> do
put cs
[] -> return ()
yield :: CoroutineT () IO ()
yield = callCC $ \k1 -> do
cs <- get
put (cs ++ [k1 ()])
test1 :: CoroutineT () IO ()
test1 = do
liftIO $ print "HelloTest1"
liftIO $ print "HelloTest1_2"
test2 :: CoroutineT () IO ()
test2 = do
liftIO $ print "HelloTest2"
liftIO $ print "HelloTest2_2"
test_cont :: IO ()
test_cont = do
runStateT (evalContT (runCoroutineT schedule)) [test1,test2]
return ()
where yield
stores the continuation in the state which is then resumed by schedule
I would expect each continuation to be executed twice --- once in schedule
after 'invoking' c
and then after each yeild
gets evaluated. And therefore the expected output should be
What happens in reality though is
What might be wrong with my understanding and/or the code?
As correctly noted by @Li-yaoXia I was missing the fact that the continuation after invoking k
bound inside of callCC
is ignored. It can be seen from the definition of a callCC
callCC :: ((a -> Cont r b) -> Cont r a) -> Cont r a
callCC f = Cont $ \k1 -> let a2b = \x -> Cont $ \_ -> k1 x in
runCont $ (f a2b) k1
when I invoke the callCC
as callCC $ \k -> ...
the k
is bound to a2b
and once I invoke this k
outside the callCC
it becomes \x -> Cont $ \_ -> k1 x
where k1
is the continuation after the callCC
and _
is the continuation after the invocation of k
which is ignored.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 80
Reputation: 33519
You're probably missing the fact that when a continuation captured with callCC
is called (c
in schedule
), the current continuation at the call site (schedule
and whatever follows) is discarded.
schedule [test1,test2]
test1 [test2]
--------------------------- Print "HelloTest1"
yield [test2]
print "HelloTest1_2"
--------------------------- -- let K1 = do print "HelloTest1_2"; schedule
schedule [test2, K1]
print "HelloTest1_2"
test2 [K1]
print "HelloTest1_2"
--------------------------- Print "HelloTest2"
yield [K1]
print "HelloTest2_2"
print "HelloTest1_2"
--------------------------- -- let K2 = print "HelloTest2_2"; schedule; print "HelloTest1_2"; schedule
schedule [K1, K2]
print "HelloTest2_2"
print "HelloTest1_2"
--------------------------- -- call K1: the current continuation is discarded, the whole program becomes K1 (Note the definition of K1 above is a lie since it doesn't include this detail.)
print "HelloTest1_2" [K2]
--------------------------- Print "HelloTest1_2"
schedule [K2]
--------------------------- -- call K2: the current continuation is discarded, the whole program becomes K2
print "HelloTest2_2" []
print "HelloTest1_2"
--------------------------- Print "HelloTest2_2" and "HelloTest1_2"
Upvotes: 6