Reputation: 1594
If I try to run phpcbf --version
vscode opens and shows
The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: Unable to resolve resource phar://c:/PHP_Tools/phpcbf/src/Config.php
(Sometimes it's not Config.php but Runner.php)
then hangs, if I CTRL C I also get
The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: Unable to resolve resource phar://c:/Program%20Files/PHP_Tools/phpcbf/src/Config.php
(I moved the folder from Program Files
, not sur why it's still there in the error)
Yesterday I found that .phar files were associated to VSCODE so I though maybe it was that, I deleted from regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts
and restarted, it worked but today it's failing again and the registry is still gone.
This happens with phpcbf
and phpcs
but not with phpmd
and phpstan
š 08:38:52 Ī» dir
Directory: C:\PHP_Tools
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 16/04/2024 13:40 1460735 ļ
-a--- 22/11/2024 8:28 1059 ī© phpcbf.bat
-a--- 16/04/2024 13:39 1460731 ļ
-a--- 22/11/2024 8:25 59 ī© phpcs.bat
-a--- 12/03/2024 10:57 3168622 ļ
-a--- 22/11/2024 8:25 59 ī© phpmd.bat
-a--- 12/03/2024 11:19 22528065 ļ
-a--- 22/11/2024 8:25 61 ī© phpstan.bat
š 08:39:17 Ī» cat .\phpcbf.bat
@echo off
REM Set a temporary file to store the output
set outputFile=%TEMP%\phpcbf_output.txt
REM Run phpcbf command and redirect output to the temporary file
C:\xampp7\php\php.exe "C:\PHP_Tools\phpcbf" %* > "%outputFile%"
REM Store the exit code of phpcbf
set exitCode=%ERRORLEVEL%
REM Print the exit code for debugging
echo Exit Code: %exitCode%
REM Check if the output contains the specific phrase
findstr /C:"PHPCBF FAILED TO FIX" "%outputFile%" > nul
REM Check the exit code of phpcbf and the presence of the phrase
IF %exitCode% EQU 0 (
REM phpcbf encountered no fixable errors
exit /b 0
) ELSE IF %exitCode% EQU 1 (
REM phpcbf found error and fixed them or found unfixable errors
echo "The phrase was not found in the output"
exit /b 0
) ELSE (
echo "The phrase was found in the output"
exit /b 1
) ELSE (
REM error code 2, fatal error, worng syntax?
type "%outputFile%"
exit /b 1
š 08:39:21 Ī» cat .\phpcs.bat
@echo off
C:\xampp7\php\php.exe "C:\PHP_Tools\phpcs" %*
phpcs and phpcbf were downloaded from PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer
Upvotes: 0
Views: 29
Reputation: 1594
I had to clone the git repository to run it as indicated in
git clone
cd PHP_CodeSniffer
php bin/phpcs -h
php bin/phpcbf -h
so I'd have the files separated and not in a phar.
Turns out that since in the file C:\PHP_Tools\PHP_CodeSniffer\Config.php
handles --version
like so
* Processes a long (--example) command-line argument.
* @param string $arg The command line argument.
* @param int $pos The position of the argument on the command line.
* @return void
* @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException
public function processLongArgument($arg, $pos)
switch ($arg) {
case 'help':
$output = ob_get_contents();
throw new DeepExitException($output, 0);
case 'version':
$output = 'PHP_CodeSniffer version '.self::VERSION.' ('.self::STABILITY.') ';
$output .= 'by Squiz and PHPCSStandards'.PHP_EOL;
throw new DeepExitException($output, 0);
case 'colors':
if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['colors']) === true) {
$this->colors = true;
self::$overriddenDefaults['colors'] = true;
case 'no-colors':
if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['colors']) === true) {
$this->colors = false;
self::$overriddenDefaults['colors'] = true;
case 'cache':
if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['cache']) === true) {
if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === false) {
$this->cache = true;
self::$overriddenDefaults['cache'] = true;
case 'no-cache':
if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['cache']) === true) {
$this->cache = false;
self::$overriddenDefaults['cache'] = true;
and my debugger was running with breakpoints on Exceptions, it was catching these DeepExitException
and trying to open the phar://c:/PHP_Tools/phpcbf/src/Config.php
The fix when I restarted was probably because I hadn't started the debugger yet.
Upvotes: 1