Reputation: 11
I am using niilearn to preprocess MRI Image. But, it is not working because the file name that it is generating is rest_mcf.nii_mean_reg.nii . As you can see .nii extension is coming two times, rather than one. This file should be rest_mcf_mean_reg.nii . Since, the filename isn't proper, my workflow isn't proceeding.
I have attached the code below, Why is this error occuring? What to do so that this doesn't happen again?
func_template = 'cocaine_dataset/sub-{subject_id}/func/sub-{subject_id}_task-{task_name}.nii.gz'
templates = {
'func': func_template,
# Infosource: Iterate over subject and task
infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id', 'task_name']),
infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list),
('task_name', task_list)]
# SelectFiles: Template-based file selection
selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates), name="selectfiles")
# MCFLIRT: Motion Correction (realignment)
realign = Node(MCFLIRT(
mean_vol=True, # Create a mean image for reference
save_plots=True, # Save motion correction plots
output_type='NIFTI', # Save output as NIFTI
out_file='rest_mcf.nii'), name="realign")
# DataSink: Organize outputs
datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=experiment_dir,
# Define substitutions for datasink output
substitutions = [
('_subject_id_', 'sub-'),
('_task_name_', 'task-'),
('.nii_mean_reg.nii', '_mean.nii.gz'), # Handle the double extension
('_mcf.nii.gz', '_mcf'), # Remove additional .nii.gz
('.mat', '.par'),
('_flirt', '') # Remove unwanted suffix
datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions
# Create the workflow
realignment_wf = Workflow(name="realignment")
realignment_wf.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir)
# Connect the nodes
(infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'),
('task_name', 'task_name')]),
(selectfiles, realign, [('func', 'in_file')]),
(realign, datasink, [('out_file', 'realignment.@realigned'),
('par_file', 'realignment.@motion_parameters')])
# Run the workflow'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 1})
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Views: 13