Reputation: 127
I have a cron expression in my properties file but the schedule annotation won't take the property like it would in Spring with the Scheduled annotation.
In Spring you can do:
@Scheduled(cron = "${app.cronExpiredDepartures}")
I want to do the same with EJB. At this point I don't care if the timer is programmatic or automatic, I just want the easier way to be able to use a cron property in my timer.
I have tried to use the info attribute of the @Schedule annotation with no success:
@ConfigProperty(name = "app.cronExpiredDepartures", defaultValue = "* * * * *")
private String cronExpression;
@Schedule(persistent = false, info = "app.cronExpiredDepartures")
public void checkExpiredDepartures() {
System.out.println("checkExpiredDepartures executed");
This is my cron expression in my properties file:
app.cronExpiredDepartures="* * * * *"
Any minute, any hour, any day, any month, any day of the week
So: Execute every minute.
I have also tried using the programmatic approach with no results. The timeout method doesn't run:
@Stateless public class ExpirationWatch {
private TimerService timerService;
@ConfigProperty(name = "app.cronExpiredDepartures", defaultValue = "* * * * *")
private String cronExpression;
public void init() {
ScheduleExpression schedule = new ScheduleExpression();
String[] parts = cronExpression.split(" ");
timerService.createCalendarTimer(schedule, new TimerConfig("ExpirationWatchTimer", false));
public void checkExpiredDepartures() {
System.out.println("checkExpiredDepartures executed");
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Views: 18
Reputation: 127
I found a way to make it work. It seems the problem was with the annotations. My EJB programmatic timer was not executing even if I changed it to a really simple case.
I used the annotation @Singleton instead of @Stateless (both can't be used) and @Startup like this:
public class ExpirationWatch {
private TimerService timerService;
@ConfigProperty(name = "app.cronExpiredDepartures", defaultValue = "* * * * *")
private String cronExpression;
public void init() {
ScheduleExpression schedule = new ScheduleExpression();
String[] parts = cronExpression.split(" ");
timerService.createCalendarTimer(schedule, new TimerConfig("ExpirationWatchTimer", false));
public void checkExpiredDepartures() {
System.out.println("checkExpiredDepartures executed");
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