Reputation: 13
in codeigniter 3 i have a controller method to create pdf from html content using TCPDF as follow;
public function generatePDF_correct_numbering1() {
// Initialize TCPDF
$pdf = new TCPDF('L', PDF_UNIT, 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
// Set document information
$pdf->SetAuthor('Your Name');
$pdf->SetTitle('Generated PDF');
$pdf->SetSubject('PDF with TOC');
$pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, CodeIgniter, TOC');
// set default header data
// set header and footer fonts
$pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
$pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
// set default monospaced font
// set margins
// Add a cover page or title page
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 16);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Generated PDF with Table of Contents', 0, 1, 'C');
// Placeholder for the Table of Contents
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Table of Contents', 0, 1, 'C');
$tocPage = $pdf->getPage();
// Content structure
$formattedData = [
'Kullanici Profilleri' => [
'profil_yonetimi_cover1' => 'Content for contents section.',
'profil_yonetimi_contents' => 'Content for contents section.',
'Kullanici Profil Sirketleri' => [
'profil_yonetimi_company_governing_body' => 'Content for contents section.',
'profil_yonetimi_company_natural_capital_accounting' => 'Content for natural capital accounting.',
'Kullanici Profillerirwrw' => [
'profil_yonetimi_cover2' => 'Content for cover 1.',
'profil_yonetimi_parts' => 'Content for contents section.',
// Prepare the Table of Contents entries
$tocEntries = [];
// Generate the content
foreach ($formattedData as $section => $subContent) {
// Start a new section
$sectionPage = $pdf->getPage(); // Record starting page for TOC
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 14);
$pdf->Write(10, $section);
// Save TOC entry for the section
$tocEntries[] = ['title' => $section, 'page' => $sectionPage];
// Add subsection content
foreach ($subContent as $subtitle => $content) {
// Add subtitle page
$subtitlePage = $pdf->getPage(); // Record page for the subtitle
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', 'I', 12);
$pdf->Write(8, $subtitle);
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
$pdf->WriteHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $content, 0, 1, false, true, 'L', true);
// Save TOC entry for the subtitle
$tocEntries[] = ['title' => $subtitle, 'page' => $subtitlePage];
// Go back to TOC page
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12);
// Add TOC entries
foreach ($tocEntries as $entry) {
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, $entry['title'] . ' ........ ' . $entry['page'], 0, 1, 'L');
// Output the PDF
$pdf->Output('generated_pdf_with_toc.pdf', 'I');
i want to add my cstum logo as header instead of default tcpdf logo;
i create my logo as follow:
$logo = $this->db->select('profil_resmi')->from('kullanici_profilleri')->where('id', 89)->get()->row();
$full_logo_path = $logo->profil_resmi ? FCPATH . 'assets/image/' . $logo->profil_resmi : FCPATH . 'assets/image/defult_logo-organization.png';
$logo_base64 = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($full_logo_path));
how should i replace my logo on pdf?
i can not apply the approach in TCPDF Example 003
i need to create pdf in my own controller not a new controller MYPDF as described in this example.
how should i define headers in my controller to apply costum logo to reports.
thanks in advance.
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