Reputation: 1
I am working on a problem where I need the full spectrum of a Hamiltonian matrix. I order to have a better performance, I am using ScaLAPACK routine PDSYEV to compute the eigenstates and eigenvalues of very large matrices (N > 15000), and the results are very impresive. But, after computing the eigenstates, I need to calculate some other dynamical properties, thus I need to have all the eigenstates into a single matrix in a single process. Using pdgemr2d works fine for N up to 20000, but for larger values I get the error : xxmr2d core aborted. My cluster has 128GB RAM , 32 CPU/64 threads.
This is how I organized the code.
call MPI_INIT(info)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myrank, info)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nprocs, info)
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nsize, info)
nprow = 4
npcol = 4
block = 6
call blacs_get(-1,0,ictxt)
call blacs_gridinit(ictxt,"R",nprow, npcol)
call blacs_gridinfo(ictxt, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol)
! print*, "myrank", myrank, myrow,mycol
np = numroc(nst,block,myrow,0,nprow)
nq = numroc(nst,block, mycol, 0,npcol)
lld = max(1,np)
call descinit(descAloc,nst,nst,block,block, 0,0, ictxt,np,info)
! print*, "INFO descinit A", info
! print*, "descAloc", descAloc
call DESCINIT(descZ, nst, nst, block, block, 0, 0, ictxt,np, info)
call DESCINIT(descZglobal, nst, nst, nst, nst, 0,0,ictxt,nst,info)
call DESCINIT(descdumm, nst,nst,block,block,0,0,ictxt,np,info)
!print*, "info descinit Z", info
pi=acos(-1.d0) ! value of pi
fi = 0.0/N_site
phase = dcmplx(cos(fi),sin(fi))
!if we eigenvalues only
! lworkk = 5*nst + max(3*block,block*(np+1))+1
! if also eigenvectors
lworkk = max( 1 + 6*nst + 2*np*nq, 3*nst + max( block*( np+1 ), 3*block)) + 2*nst
allocate(Z(lld,lld), Aloc(lld,lld),workk(lworkk), wrk(np)) ! allocate memory to construct the full Hamiltonian matrix, j operator matrix for the calculated number of states in the Sz=0 sector
do local_i = 1 , np
do local_j = 1 , nq
! Determine the global indicies (i,j) from the local indices (local_i,local_j)
i = indxl2g(local_i,block,myrow,0,nprow)
j = indxl2g(local_j,block,mycol,0,npcol)
! Compute Hmatc(i,j) directly
if (i == j) then
Aloc(local_i,local_j) = real(AD(i))
Aloc(local_i, local_j) = 0.d0 ! Initialize to zero
do ih = row_ptr(i),row_ptr(i+1) - 1
ij = col_ind(ih)
isig = sign(1,col_ind_oper(ih))
if (ij == j) then
if (isig == 1) then
Aloc(local_i,local_j) = Aloc(local_i,local_j) + 0.5*J_int
Aloc(local_i,local_j) = Aloc(local_i,local_j) - 0.5*isig*J_int
end if
end if
end do
end if
end do
end do
call pdsyev("v","u",nst,Aloc,1,1,descAloc,W,Z,1,1,descZ,workk,lworkk,info)
if(myrank ==0) then
write(0,*) "info pdsyev", info
end if
if(myrank == 0) then
write(0,*) "First and last eigenvalues :"
write(0,"(6f5.2)") W(1),W(2),W(3),W(nst-2),W(nst-1),W(nst)
write(0,*) "info pdsyev", info
end if
allocate(Zglobal(nst,nst)) ! global matrix to store all eigenvectors
call pdgemr2d(nst,nst, Z,1,1,descz, Zglobal, 1,1, descZglobal,ictxt)
if(myrank == 0) then
end if
deallocate (Z)
call blacs_gridexit(ictxt)
call MPI_FINALIZE(info)
I compile the code as in following:
mpiifx problem.f90 -qmkl=cluster
mpirun -np 16 ./a.out
the error is : cannot allocate memory, aborted xxmr2d: out of memory
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