Reputation: 1
While converting a large number of old MS office documents, Pop-Ups asking for document passwords, permission to save a file without macros, or hinting that files contain comments or revisions occur regularly. Since they halt the conversion progress, I would like to automate responses to them.
I've tried to catch errors using exceptions, but those Pop-Ups don't raise exceptions. I have tried switching switched to pyexcel for excel files, which did work for password-protected files (aka raising an exception so I can skip the file and log), but most of the Pop-Ups come from Word anyways and there doesn't seem to be a word equivalent to pyexcel. I've also read about unoconv, but I would like to try to avoid using LibreOffice.
Here's my code (just the bit for Word files to keep it shorter):
import os
import win32com.client as win32
folder = "FOLDER_PATH"
word = win32.Dispatch("Word.application")
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
for file in files:
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
path = os.path.join(subdir, filename)
if filename.endswith(".doc") or filename.endswith(".DOC"):
wordDoc = word.Documents.Open(path, False, False, False)
wordDoc.SaveAs(path + 'x', FileFormat=16) # FileFormat = 16 is .docx
with open('CONVERTED_FILES.txt','a') as f:
f.write(path + "\n")
except Exception as ex:
with open('CONVERSION_ERRORS.txt','a') as f:
if hasattr(ex, 'message'):
f.write(path + " Error: " + ex.message + "\n")
f.write(path + " Error: " + str(ex) + "\n")
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Views: 20