
Reputation: 701

The osmnx call graph_from_bbox() reports that it takes 1 positional argument, however, help(ox.graph.graph_from_bbox) appears to expect 4

I am writing a simple test driver to generate an html file, displaying two possible, real-world routes for a very limited area. When I run the python script, I get what I thought would be an easy error to resolve: "line 12, in <module> graph = ox.graph.graph_from_bbox(*bbox, network_type="drive") TypeError: graph_from_bbox() takes 1 positional argument but 4 positional arguments (and 1 keyword-only argument) were given".

Here is the code that uses the function:

import osmnx as ox
import networkx as nx
import folium

# Configure timeout for HTTP requests
ox.settings.timeout = 180  # Set timeout to 180 seconds

# Define the bounding box as (north, south, east, west)
bbox = (37.5, 32.0, -94.0, -104.0)  # Approximate bounding box for OK, TX, KS

# Create the graph using the bounding box
graph = ox.graph.graph_from_bbox(*bbox, network_type="drive")

# Define start and end points (Oklahoma City to Dallas)
start_point = (35.4676, -97.5164)  # Oklahoma City
end_point = (32.7767, -96.7970)    # Dallas

# Find the nearest nodes in the road network
start_node = ox.distance.nearest_nodes(graph, X=start_point[1], Y=start_point[0])
end_node = ox.distance.nearest_nodes(graph, X=end_point[1], Y=end_point[0])

# Calculate the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm
shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(graph, source=start_node, target=end_node, weight='length')

# Create a map centered between the start and end points
route_map = folium.Map(location=[(start_point[0] + end_point[0]) / 2, (start_point[1] + end_point[1]) / 2], zoom_start=7)

# Extract route geometry and plot it on the map
route_coords = [(graph.nodes[node]['y'], graph.nodes[node]['x']) for node in shortest_path]
folium.PolyLine(route_coords, color="blue", weight=5, opacity=0.8).add_to(route_map)

# Add markers for start and end points
folium.Marker(location=start_point, popup="Start: Oklahoma City").add_to(route_map)
folium.Marker(location=end_point, popup="End: Dallas").add_to(route_map)

# Save the map to an HTML file"real_world_route_map.html")

Since it is my first time working with osmnx, I thought I'd check the details of what the function expects by typing: help(ox.graph.graph_from_bbox) This is the usage text I see:

This function uses filters to query the Overpass API: you can either
specify a pre-defined `network_type` or provide your own `custom_filter`
with Overpass QL.

Use the `settings` module's `useful_tags_node` and `useful_tags_way`
settings to configure which OSM node/way tags are added as graph node/edge
attributes. You can also use the `settings` module to retrieve a snapshot
of historical OSM data as of a certain date, or to configure the Overpass
server timeout, memory allocation, and other custom settings.

    Bounding box as `(left, bottom, right, top)`. Coordinates should be in
    unprojected latitude-longitude degrees (EPSG:4326).
    {"all", "all_public", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"}
    What type of street network to retrieve if `custom_filter` is None.
    If True, simplify graph topology via the `simplify_graph` function.
    If True, return the entire graph even if it is not connected. If
    False, retain only the largest weakly connected component.
    If True, retain nodes outside bounding box if at least one of node's
    neighbors is within the bounding box.
    A custom ways filter to be used instead of the `network_type` presets,
    e.g. `'["power"~"line"]' or '["highway"~"motorway|trunk"]'`. If `str`,
    the intersection of keys/values will be used, e.g., `'[maxspeed=50][lanes=2]'`
    will return all ways having both maxspeed of 50 and two lanes. If
    `list`, the union of the `list` items will be used, e.g.,
    `['[maxspeed=50]', '[lanes=2]']` will return all ways having either
    maximum speed of 50 or two lanes. Also pass in a `network_type` that
    is in `settings.bidirectional_network_types` if you want the graph to
    be fully bidirectional.

The error I received appears to say there is only 1 positional, instead of the 4 the function help indicates. What have I missed?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 217

Answers (1)

Nick ODell
Nick ODell

Reputation: 25409

The error I received appears to say there is only 1 positional, instead of the 4 the function help indicates. What have I missed?

The function help is saying that the bbox argument should be given as a single tuple argument of four numbers, rather than four separate arguments.


# Define the bounding box as (north, south, east, west)
bbox = (37.5, 32.0, -94.0, -104.0)  # Approximate bounding box for OK, TX, KS

# Create the graph using the bounding box
graph = ox.graph.graph_from_bbox(bbox, network_type="drive")

You may see code examples on the internet that use *bbox. This is because versions of osmnx prior to 2.0 allowed users to pass this as four separate arguments.

If you want to be compatible with both 2.0 and pre-2.0 versions of osmnx, you could also use

graph = ox.graph.graph_from_bbox(bbox=bbox, network_type="drive")

Upvotes: 2

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