
Reputation: 250

How can I read files from a directory?

So I tried EPS2_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING and EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING. But the issue is, that inside the function, there is a check to verify whether the user has the necessary permssions for transports. The check performed is Function 'TR_AUTHORITY_CHECK_DISPLAY'.

I have no idea what it has to do with file permissions...

I started digging. Turns out in note it's written, that the Function should not be used anymore since it lost support. But they don't specify a replacement.

Have you any suggestions what I might use here? I call the function with a path and file_mask, so the replacement needs to have such possibility also.

Either that, or someone can explain me that I need the Transport rights to use the function.

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Views: 112

Answers (1)

Sandra Rossi
Sandra Rossi

Reputation: 13628

Of course, the easiest solution is to duplicate the function module and adapt the code as you wish.

Otherwise, if you don't want to depend on unofficial solutions, the only way I know to work with the server file system is to use the transaction code SM49 and the function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE, which are meant to run direct commands on the server.

For instance, you may create a "server command" in SM49 (e.g. ZGET_DIRECTORY) and configure it with ls for UNIX-like systems, cmd /c dir for Windows, etc.

You may invoke the command ZGET_DIRECTORY by calling SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE and convert the result in something close to EPS2_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING in order to reduce the number of adaptations of your custom programs using EPS2_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING.

Example for SM49 and ABAP code:

SM49 ls -la Linux command

DATA exec_protocol TYPE TABLE OF btcxpm.
DATA status        TYPE extcmdexex-status.
DATA exitcode      TYPE extcmdexex-exitcode.

DATA(directory) = CONV sxpgcolist-parameters( '/tmp' ).
DATA(host) = CONV rfcdisplay-rfchost( sy-host ).

  EXPORTING  commandname                   = 'ZGET_DIRECTORY'
             additional_parameters         = directory
             operatingsystem               = sy-opsys
             targetsystem                  = host
  IMPORTING  status                        = status
             exitcode                      = exitcode
  TABLES     exec_protocol                 = exec_protocol
  EXCEPTIONS no_permission                 = 1
             command_not_found             = 2
             parameters_too_long           = 3
             security_risk                 = 4
             wrong_check_call_interface    = 5
             program_start_error           = 6
             program_termination_error     = 7
             x_error                       = 8
             parameter_expected            = 9
             too_many_parameters           = 10
             illegal_command               = 11
             wrong_asynchronous_parameters = 12
             cant_enq_tbtco_entry          = 13
             jobcount_generation_error     = 14
             OTHERS                        = 15.

IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR status = 'E'.
  " handle the error
  CASE sy-opsys.
    WHEN 'UNIX' OR 'Linux'.
      " Convert the output of "ls -la" into EPS2FILI format
      TYPES output_eps2_get_directory_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF eps2fili WITH EMPTY KEY.

      " -rw-rw----  1 l4xadm   sapsys    317674 2024-11-04 15:24:30.297148558 +0000 ABAON-BA
        BEGIN OF ls_output_fields,
          file_type_mode      TYPE c LENGTH 10, " type of entry - (file), d (directory), s (system), etc. + rwxrwxrwx
          count_hard_links    TYPE c LENGTH 4,
          owner_name          TYPE c LENGTH 8,
          owner_group         TYPE c LENGTH 8,
          size_bytes          TYPE string,
          last_modif_date_iso TYPE string,
          file_name           TYPE c LENGTH 200, " possibly truncated
        END OF ls_output_fields.
      TYPES formatted_ls_output TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ls_output_fields WITH EMPTY KEY.

      " Delete the "total" line
      DELETE exec_protocol INDEX 1.

      DATA(output_eps2_get_directory_list) = VALUE output_eps2_get_directory_list( ).
      LOOP AT exec_protocol REFERENCE INTO DATA(exec_output_line).
        DATA(ls_output_fields) = VALUE ls_output_fields( ).
        FIND REGEX '^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)\s+(.*)$' ##REGEX_POSIX
             IN exec_output_line->message
        IF '-' = substring( val = ls_output_fields-file_type_mode
                            len = 1 ).
          INSERT VALUE eps2fili( name  = ls_output_fields-file_name
                                 size  = ls_output_fields-size_bytes
                                 mtim  = CONV #( ls_output_fields-last_modif_date_iso )
                                 owner = ls_output_fields-owner_name )
                 INTO TABLE output_eps2_get_directory_list.
  SORT output_eps2_get_directory_list BY name.

NB: SM69 is an alias of SM49.

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