Cat Tom
Cat Tom

Reputation: 76

WebCodecs decode raw HEVC

I am trying to decode a raw HEVC video in Annex B format in Chrome, but always get error: EncodingError: Decoder error.

I'm not familiar with Webcodecs API, so any help will be appreciated

I'm using the Typescript code shown below:

const videoElement = document.getElementById("video") as HTMLVideoElement;
let gotKey = false
const videoDecoder = new VideoDecoder({
    output: (frame) => {
        const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // Create a new canvas
        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');             // Get the 2D rendering context
        if (ctx) {
            // Set the canvas dimensions to match the video frame
            canvas.width = frame.displayWidth;
            canvas.height = frame.displayHeight;

            // Draw the frame onto the canvas
            ctx.drawImage(frame, 0, 0);

            // Append the canvas to your video element or container
            if (videoElement.parentNode) {
                videoElement.parentNode.insertBefore(canvas, videoElement.nextSibling);

            // Optionally, add a class or style to the canvas for customization
   = "1px solid black";
        frame.close(); // Release the video frame
    error: (err) => console.error("VideoDecoder error:", err),

async function decodeH265Video(file: File) {
    const arrayBuffer = await file.arrayBuffer();
    const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);

    // Split the file into NAL units
    const nalUnits: Uint8Array[] = [];
    let start = 0;

    for (let i = 3; i < uint8Array.length - 3;) {
        // Check for long start code (0x00000001)
        if (uint8Array[i] === 0x01 && uint8Array[i - 1] === 0x00 && uint8Array[i - 2] === 0x00 && uint8Array[i - 3] === 0x00) {
            if (start !== i - 3) {
                nalUnits.push(uint8Array.slice(start, i - 3));
                start = i - 3;
            i += 2
            // Check for short start code (0x000001)
        } else if (uint8Array[i-1] === 0x01 && uint8Array[i - 2] === 0x00 && uint8Array[i - 3] === 0x00) {
            if (start !== i - 3) {
                nalUnits.push(uint8Array.slice(start, i - 3));
                start = i - 3;


    videoDecoder.addEventListener('error', (e) => console.error("Error event:", e));
    videoDecoder.addEventListener('dequeue', () => console.log("Frame dequeued."));
    let timestamp = 0; // Initialize the timestamp
    // Decode NAL units
    for (const nalUnit of nalUnits) {
        let type: EncodedVideoChunkType = determineFrameType(nalUnit)
        if (keys.length == 4) {
            console.log(`Decoder state: ${videoDecoder.state}`);
            console.log(`Initial queue size: ${videoDecoder.decodeQueueSize}`);
            let merged = mergeUint8Arrays(keys)
            const chunk = new self.EncodedVideoChunk({
                type: type,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                data: merged,
            gotKey = true
            keys = []
        if (sps && pps && vps) {
            let result = await parseCodecInst.parseCodec(sps, pps, vps)
            if (result.error) {
                console.error("Failed to parse codec:", result.error);
            if ( {
                const decoderSupport = await VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported(
                if (decoderSupport.config && decoderSupport.supported) {
                } else {
                    console.error("Decoder configuration is undefined.");
                sps = pps = vps = null
            } else {
                console.error("Failed to configure video decoder: is undefined");
        if (!gotKey) {
        try {
            console.log(`Decoder state: ${videoDecoder.state}`);
            console.log(`Initial queue size: ${videoDecoder.decodeQueueSize}`);
            const chunk = new self.EncodedVideoChunk({
                type: type,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                data: nalUnit,
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Failed to decode video chunk:", error);
        timestamp += 1000 / 25; // Increment the timestamp by 1 frame at 30fps
function determineFrameType(nalUnit) {
    // Locate and skip the start code (either 3 or 4 bytes)
    let startCodeLength = 3; // Default to 3 bytes
    if (nalUnit[0] === 0x00 && nalUnit[1] === 0x00 && nalUnit[2] === 0x01) {
        startCodeLength = 3; // 0x00 00 01 (3 bytes)
    } else if (nalUnit[0] === 0x00 && nalUnit[1] === 0x00 && nalUnit[2] === 0x00 && nalUnit[3] === 0x01) {
        startCodeLength = 4; // 0x00 00 00 01 (4 bytes)
    } else {
        throw new Error("Invalid start code in NAL unit");

    // Skip the start code to find the NAL header
    const nalHeader = nalUnit[startCodeLength];

    // Extract the NAL unit type from the NAL header
    const nalType = (nalHeader & 0x7E) >> 1;

    // Process the NAL unit type
    if (nalType === 32) { // VPS (Video Parameter Set)
        keys = [];
        vps = nalUnit.slice(startCodeLength); // Exclude the start code
        if (videoDecoder.state === "configured") {
            // videoDecoder.reset()
        gotKey = false;
        return "key";
    } else if (nalType === 33) { // SPS (Sequence Parameter Set)
        sps = nalUnit.slice(startCodeLength);
        return "key";
    } else if (nalType === 34) { // PPS (Picture Parameter Set)
        pps = nalUnit.slice(startCodeLength);
        return "key";
    } else if (nalType === 19 || nalType === 20) { // IDR frames (keyframes)
        return "key";
    } else {
        return "delta";

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