Reputation: 64
I have a webshop with products in 4 languages. When I try to receive the full list of products, I do not see all the products. Only the products in the Dutch language (the 'main' language) and not the products that are not published yet.
The code:
$ConsumerKey = "ck_blablahalblah"
$CustomerKey = "cs_somethingelse"
$URL = ""
$Products = "/wp-json/wc/v3/products"
$URL = "$($url)$($Products)"
$Headers = @{Authorization = "Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $ConsumerKey, $CustomerKey))) }
[Int]$Page = 1
[Int]$PerPage = 10
$ArrayWithProducts = @()
Write-Host "Reading products from page: $Page"
$AllProducts = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($URL)?page=$Page&per_page=$PerPage&status=any&orderby=id&order=asc&catalog_visibility=any" -Headers $Headers
Write-Host " -->> Counted $($AllProducts.Count) products on page $Page."
If (-not $AllProducts) {Break}
$ArrayWithProducts += $AllProducts
} While ($True)
Write-Host "There are total $($ArrayWithProducts.Count) products discovered by the REST API."
I only see 149 products. That are 147 published products and 2 draft products. But I do not see:
As a reference I already checked WooCommerce Rest API not returning Products and woocommerce rest api - did not show product list. I also checked
What can I do to solve points one and two.
Feedback is appreciated and with kind regards, TheStingPilot
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Views: 34