Reputation: 1
I don't understand why it's not possible to retrieve more than 200 members from a Telegram group. The only thing that seems to work is iterating through a filter, but it doesn't return deleted Telegram accounts in the group (those that only have a user ID and no other data).
Everything I found is either outdated and irrelevant or doesn't work either.
const { TelegramClient, Api } = require("telegram");
const { StringSession } = require("telegram/sessions");
const input = require("input");
if (!process.env.API_ID || !process.env.API_HASH) {
console.error("API_ID и API_HASH в .env файле.");
const apiId = parseInt(process.env.API_ID);
const apiHash = process.env.API_HASH;
const stringSession = new StringSession("");
const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const generateHash = (ids) => {
let hash = 0;
for (const id of ids) {
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 21);
hash = hash ^ (hash << 35);
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 4);
hash = hash + id;
return hash;
(async () => {
const client = new TelegramClient(stringSession, apiId, apiHash, {
connectionRetries: 5,
await client.start({
phoneNumber: async () => await input.text("Номер ?"),
password: async () => await input.text("Пароль ?"),
phoneCode: async () => await input.text("Код ?"),
onError: (err) => console.log(err),
const groupId = await input.text("ID группы: ");
const allParticipants = [];
const uniqueParticipants = new Set();
try {
let offset = 0;
const limit = 200;
let hash = 200;
let nextBatch = true;
while (nextBatch) {
try {
const participants = await client.invoke(
new Api.channels.GetParticipants({
channel: groupId,
filter: new Api.ChannelParticipantsSearch({ q: "" }),
offset: offset,
limit: limit,
hash: hash,
if (participants.participants.length > 0) {
const ids = [];
participants.participants.forEach((user) => {
const userId = user.userId.valueOf();
if (!uniqueParticipants.has(userId)) {
const telegramUser = participants.users.find((u) => === userId);
const firstName = telegramUser?.firstName || "Не указано";
const lastName = telegramUser?.lastName || "Не указано";
const username = telegramUser?.username || "Не указано";
group_id: groupId,
username: username,
first_name: firstName,
last_name: lastName,
phone: || "",
is_premium: telegramUser.premium ? "Yes" : "No",
offset += participants.participants.length;
hash = generateHash(ids);
nextBatch = participants.participants.length === limit;
} else {
nextBatch = false;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Ошибка при извлечении участников:", error);
nextBatch = false;
await delay(2000);
console.log("Извлечённые участники:", allParticipants);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Ошибка при загрузке участников:", error);
} finally {
await client.disconnect();
Or did Telegram itself block this method of obtaining the list of participants?
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Views: 77