Reputation: 1
I am currently implementing a Provisioner node based on BlueZ v5.54 with example 'test-mesh' using Python D-Bus API on Raspberry Pi 4. I created a vendor model and try to set configuration for the model.
I tested it through steps, adding appkey to node, binding appkey to model and set publication. 2 first steps are OK except the last one. I tried many times by checking the message format but the Config Model Publication Status message keep shows 'status' field 0x02 - Invalid model.
This is Python code for Config Model Publication Set:
def model_pub_set(model_type):
friend_crendential_flag = 0
publish_ttl = 0xFF # use default TTL
step_res = 0x00 # step resolution = 100ms
step_num = 0x00 # number of steps = 0 = disable
# Publish Period = Step Resolution * Number of Steps
# This means how frequently the model will send a publication message.
publish_period = (step_num << 6) + step_res
publish_retransmit_count = 0x000 # no times retransmission
publish_retransmit_interval_step = 0x00000 # no interval steps
packet = (dst_addr +
(app_idx << 32) +
(friend_crendential_flag << 44) +
(publish_ttl << 48) +
(publish_period << 56) +
(publish_retransmit_count << 64) +
(publish_retransmit_interval_step << 67))
data = None
opcode = btmesh_ultis.MODEL_PUBLICATION_SET_OPCODE
packet_bytes = None
if model_type == 0: # Sig Model
packet += (model << 72)
packet_bytes = packet.to_bytes(11, byteorder='little')
data = struct.pack('<B', opcode) + packet_bytes
elif model_type == 1: # Vendor Model
packet_bytes = packet.to_bytes(9, byteorder='little')
data = struct.pack('<B', opcode) + packet_bytes + struct.pack('<HH', model, APP_COMPANY_ID)
print("Invalid input, accept 0 or 1 only")
node.DevKeySend(app.get_element(element_idx).get_path(), dst_addr, True, net_idx, data,
# Callback of Model Subscription
def model_pub_status(payload):
res = {}
res['status'] = int.from_bytes([payload[2]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
res['ele_address'] = int.from_bytes([payload[3], payload[4]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
res['pub_address'] = int.from_bytes([payload[5], payload[6]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
app_credential_flag = int.from_bytes([payload[7], payload[8]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
res['app_idx'] = app_credential_flag >> 4
res['credential_flag'] = (app_credential_flag & 0x1000) >> 3
res['pub_ttl'] = int.from_bytes([payload[9]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
res['pub_period'] = int.from_bytes([payload[10]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
publish_retransmit = int.from_bytes([payload[11]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
res['pub_retrans_count'] = publish_retransmit >> 5
res['pub_retrans_interval_step'] = (publish_retransmit & 0x11111)
if (len(payload) == 14):
res['model'] = int.from_bytes([payload[12], payload[13]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
res['model'] = int.from_bytes([payload[12], payload[13], payload[14], payload[15]], byteorder='little', signed=False)
... The rest of code are similar to test-mesh example
Log of console
token - set node ID (token)
create - create mesh network
appkey-index - set AppKey index
appkey-new - create appkey
scan-start - scan for near unprovisioned devs
scan-cancel - cancel scanning
element-index - set Element index
add - add device to mesh network
join - join mesh network
attach - attach mesh node
remove - delete node
uuid - set remote uuid
vendor-send - send raw vendor message
config-menu - Node Configuration menu
client-menu - On/Off client menu
help - show list command
quit - exit the test
Creating with UUID 0a0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
Created mesh network with token da1109acea12b0b6
Attach mesh node to bluetooth-meshd daemon
Mesh app registered: /org/bluez/mesh/node0a0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
Success create app key index 0 in net index 0
dest - set destination address
appkey-add - add AppKey index in network
appkey-bind - bind AppKey in model
model - set model ID
pub-set - set publication
sub-set - set subscription
feature - show node feature
back - back to main menu
quit - exit the test
Enter 4-digit hex destination address:
Destination address: 0001
Node 0x0001 properties:
{'feature': {'Relay': 1, 'Proxy': 0, 'Friend': 1, 'Low Energy': 0}, 'elements': [{'IDx:': 0, 'Location': 0, 'SIG Models': [0, 4096, 4097], 'Vendor Models': [33685504]}, {'IDx:': 1, 'Location': 0, 'SIG Models': [4097], 'Vendor Models': []}]}
Success add app key index 0 to node 1
Enter model ID 4-digit hex:
Target SIG Model ID: 0000
Enter 0 to bind SIG model, 1 to bind vendor model:
{dbus.String('Vendor'): 514, dbus.String('Bindings'): [0]}
Update Model Config 0000
Bindings: [0]
{'status': 0, 'ele_address': 1, 'app_idx': 0, 'type': 'Vendor', 'model_id': 33685504}
Enter 0 to set publication SIG model, 1 to vendor model:
{'status': 2, 'ele_address': 1, 'pub_address': 0, 'app_idx': 0, 'credential_flag': 0, 'pub_ttl': 0, 'pub_period': 0, 'pub_retrans_count': 0, 'pub_retrans_interval_step': 0, 'model': 33685504}
Log of bluetooth-meshd related to model publication set:
mesh/node.c:dev_key_send_call() DevKeySend
mesh/model.c:msg_send() (6fff) 0xffb2ab58
mesh/model.c:msg_send() net_idx 0
mesh/model.c:mesh_model_rx() iv_index 00000000 key_aid = 00
mesh/net.c:net_msg_check_replay_cache() Test Replay src: 0001 seq: 000004 iv: 00000000
mesh/util.c:print_packet() 61105.911 Clr Rx: 03010000c00000ff000000000202
mesh/cfgmod-server.c:cfg_srv_pkt() CONFIG-SRV-opcode 0x3 size 13 idx 000
mesh/cfgmod-server.c:config_pub_set() pub_set: status 2, ea 0001, ota: 0000, mod: 202, idx: 000
mesh/model.c:msg_send() (7fff) 0x19f6980
mesh/model.c:msg_send() net_idx 0
mesh/model.c:mesh_model_rx() iv_index 00000000 key_aid = 00
mesh/net.c:net_msg_check_replay_cache() Test Replay src: 0001 seq: 000005 iv: 00000000
mesh/util.c:print_packet() 61105.912 Clr Rx: 80190201000000000000000000000202
mesh/cfgmod-server.c:cfg_srv_pkt() CONFIG-SRV-opcode 0x8019 size 14 idx 000
mesh/model.c:send_dev_key_msg_rcvd() Send "DevKeyMessageReceived"
mesh/net.c:net_msg_add_replay_cache() New Entry for 0001
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Views: 26