Reputation: 11
I'm using some of the Terraform modules to create GCP instances, leveraging templates.
However, I can't for the life of me get the external IPs added via the documented access_config block in the instance - it only works if I put it in the template (which kinda defeats the point given that each instance will have its own IP). Here's an example of the code... any help on what I'm doing wrong would be appreciated! (and ideally it's not "just the raw resources" --- I'm trying to leverage some of the GCP best practices buried within the modules if possible).
module "vm_template" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/vm/google//modules/instance_template"
region = var.region
project_id = var.project
subnetwork = module.vpc.subnets_ids[1] # public
subnetwork_project = var.project
machine_type = "e2-micro"
source_image = "ubuntu-2004-focal-v20230918"
source_image_family = "ubuntu-2004-lts"
source_image_project = "ubuntu-os-cloud"
disk_size_gb = 10
disk_type = "pd-standard"
auto_delete = true
service_account = {
email =
scopes = ["cloud-platform"]
metadata = {
ssh-keys = "ubuntu:${file("~/.ssh/")}"
startup-script = file("./")
# this works if it's here but that's so wrong...
access_config = [{
nat_ip = module.puckatron_mail_address.addresses[0]
network_tier = "PREMIUM"
module "mail_instance" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/vm/google//modules/compute_instance"
region = var.region
num_instances = 1
hostname = "mail"
deletion_protection = false
instance_template = module.vm_template.self_link
# this appears to do nothing
static_ips = [module.mail_address.addresses[0]]
# this should work, but doesn't.
access_config = [{
nat_ip = module.mail_address.addresses[0]
network_tier = "PREMIUM"
module "mail_address" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/address/google"
version = "~> 3.1"
project_id = var.project
region = var.region
names = ["mail-ip"]
address_type = "EXTERNAL"
global = false
Upvotes: 1
Views: 20