Reputation: 1504
Here I am tasked with creating an UnsignedBigInteger
class that can handle numbers bigger than a long
. Am allowed to use a byte array as the internal representation, uint8_t[]
What I came up with is a UnsignedBigInteger
type storing the integer inside an array of uint8_t
buckets. I work in 64bit architecture (-m64
flag to the compiler).
I ran into a problem while trying to code an operator-
between two of my custom objects. We are dealing with unsigned
integers, say a and b: when a < b, a - b should follow the rules of modular arithmetic (refer to this question for further info on modular arithmetic).
Here is my attempt:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <cassert>
class UnsignedBigInteger {
constexpr static unsigned long long two_fifty_five{0xffULL}; // 0xff = 0d00000255 = 2^(8) - 1
constexpr static unsigned long long max_ull{std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long int>::max()};
UnsignedBigInteger() = default;
UnsignedBigInteger(const unsigned long long value) {
printf("value = %llu\n", value);
unsigned long long shift{two_fifty_five};
for (size_t i=0; i!=len; ++i) {
_value[i] = (value & shift) >> (8 * i);
printf("_value[%lu] in binary: %llb - shift: %llb\n", i, _value[i], shift);
shift <<= 8;
// above is equivalent to:
// _value[0] = value & 0xff;
// _value[1] = value & (0xff << 8);
// _value[2] = value & (0xff << 16);
// ... _value[6] = value & (0xff << 56);
unsigned long long int get() const {
unsigned long long int result{};
for (size_t i=0; i!=len; ++i) {
result += (_value[i] << (8*i));
printf("get result[%lu] = %llu, or in binary %llb\n", i, result, result);
return result;
UnsignedBigInteger operator-(const UnsignedBigInteger& addend) const {
UnsignedBigInteger result{};
for (size_t i=0; i!=len; ++i) {
result._value[i] = (_value[i] - addend._value[i]) % two_fifty_five;
(this->get() < addend.get()) && (result._value[i] == 0) ?
(result._value[i] = two_fifty_five) : true;
printf("subtraction result, buckets: _value[%lu]: %llb\n", i, result._value[i]);
printf("subtraction result obtained with get(): %llu\n", result.get());
return result;
constexpr static size_t len = 7;
uint8_t _value[len];
int main() {
// verify you are in 64-bit environment
constexpr static unsigned long long max_ull{std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long int>::max()};
assert(max_ull == 18'446'744'073'709'551'615ULL); // = 2^64 - 1 = billions of billions
printf("ULLONG_MAX is set for 64bit arithmetics: %llu - binary: %llb\n\n", max_ull, max_ull);
printf("Define two UnsignedBigInteger objects: \n");
UnsignedBigInteger a{13ULL}, b{27ULL};
printf("\nSubtract them:\n");
UnsignedBigInteger a_minus_b = a - b;
printf("a - b = %llu --- in binary %llb\n\n", a_minus_b, a_minus_b);
// should behave like this:
printf("\nAttempting to reproduce modular arithmetic for unsigned integer subtraction, as below:\n");
unsigned int five = 5, seven = 7;
unsigned int aa = five - seven;
printf("uint aa = 5 - 7 = %u\n", aa);
Here is the runnable version of MWE above on godbolt link.
It can be seen from the output console that the result of the subtraction is given correctly from the main program (follows modular arithmetic), while the printf
from the get()
function I set up during debugging seems unable to handle numbers higher than 24-bits (see total break of pattern in chunk of output below, get result[3]
get result[0] = 242, or in binary 11110010
get result[1] = 65522, or in binary 1111111111110010
get result[2] = 16777202, or in binary 111111111111111111110010
get result[3] = 18446744073709551602, or in binary 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110010
get result[4] = 241, or in binary 11110001
get result[5] = 65521, or in binary 1111111111110001
get result[6] = 16777201, or in binary 111111111111111111110001
subtraction result obtained with get(): 16777201
a - b = 72057594037927922
I am puzzled because get()
should be the output interface for UnsignedBigInteger
. What I print in main is a unsigned long long
, which is converted from UnsignedBigInteger
implicitly as I did not even set up a type conversion operator.
Upvotes: -1
Views: 127
Reputation: 1504
As suggested in the comments by @PaulMcKenzie and confirmed by @BenVoigt, the problem laid within UnsignedBigInteger
member function get()
: components of _values[]
- an array of uint8_t
which is UnsignedBigInteger
data member - are bitwise-shifted leftwards in line
result += (_value[i] << (8*i));
Here, type promotion rules kick in: everything on the right hand side ends up being an int
, leading the left hand side to overflow once the bit-shifting reaches the sign bit (24th).
A revised version of the MWE code with godbolt link is below.
All previously appearing compiler warnings were addressed by use of std::cout
in place of printf
Debugging lines were also commented out in order to produce cleaner output.
In addition the get()
function is substituted by a conversion operator operator unsigned long long int()
sporting a static_cast<unsigned long long>
inside, handling the conversion.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <format>
class UnsignedBigInteger {
constexpr static unsigned long long two_fifty_five{0xffULL}; // 0xff = 0d00000255 = 2^(8) - 1
constexpr static unsigned long long max_ull{std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long int>::max()};
constexpr static unsigned long long two_fifty_six{0x100ULL};
UnsignedBigInteger() = default;
UnsignedBigInteger(const unsigned long long value) {
//printf("value = %llu\n", value);
unsigned long long shift{two_fifty_five};
for (size_t i=0; i!=len; ++i) {
_value[i] = (value & shift) >> (8 * i);
//printf("_value[%lu] in binary: %hhb - bitmask used here: %llb\n", i, _value[i], shift);
shift <<= 8;
// above is equivalent to:
// _value[0] = value & 0xff;
// _value[1] = value & (0xff << 8);
// _value[2] = value & (0xff << 16);
// ... _value[6] = value & (0xff << 56);
operator unsigned long long int() const {
unsigned long long int result{};
for (size_t i=0; i!=len; ++i) {
result += static_cast<unsigned long long>(_value[i]) << (8*i);
//printf("get result[%lu] = %llu, or in binary %llb\n", i, result, result);
return result;
UnsignedBigInteger operator-(const UnsignedBigInteger& addend) const {
UnsignedBigInteger result{};
for (size_t i=0; i!=len; ++i) {
result._value[i] = (_value[i] - addend._value[i]) % two_fifty_six;
// if subtraction in line above yields a negative value, switch empty buckets to 1s:
if (*this < addend && result._value[i] == 0)
result._value[i] = two_fifty_five;
//printf("subtraction result, buckets: _value[%lu]: %hhb\n", i, result._value[i]);
return result;
constexpr static size_t len = 7;
uint8_t _value[len];
int main() {
// verify you are in 64-bit environment
constexpr static unsigned long long max_ull{std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long int>::max()};
assert(max_ull == 18'446'744'073'709'551'615ULL); // = 2^64 - 1 = billions of billions
printf("ULLONG_MAX is set for 64bit arithmetics: %llu -\nbinary: %llb\n\n", max_ull, max_ull);
printf("Define two UnsignedBigInteger objects:\n");
UnsignedBigInteger a{13ULL}, b{27ULL};
//UnsignedBigInteger a{0ULL}, b{1'000'000ULL};
std::cout << "a = " << a << "\n" << "b = " << b << std::endl;
printf("\nSubtract them\n(use modular arithmetic if a < b):\n");
UnsignedBigInteger a_minus_b = a - b;
std::cout << "a_minus_b = " << a << " - " << b << " = " << a_minus_b << std::endl;
std::cout << "In binary notation:\n";
std::cout << "a_minus_b = " << std::format("{:b}", static_cast<unsigned long long>(a)) << " - " << std::format("{:b}", static_cast<unsigned long long>(b)) << " = " << std::format("{:b}", static_cast<unsigned long long>(a_minus_b)) << std::endl;
This yields:
ULLONG_MAX is set for 64bit arithmetics: 18446744073709551615 -
binary: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Define two UnsignedBigInteger objects:
a = 13
b = 27
Subtract them
(use modular arithmetic if a < b):
a_minus_b = 13 - 27 = 72057594037927922
In binary notation:
a_minus_b = 1101 - 11011 = 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110010
which is as intended.
Upvotes: 0