Ahmad Hk
Ahmad Hk

Reputation: 11

inject a line of code in a webpack module

On twitter/X website, the tweets with long text get cut and you have to press "view more" to view the whole tweet.

but after inspecting the HTTP call that get the tweet data, I saw that the response has the whole tweet text in result.note_tweet.text instead of result.full_text which has the short text.

so after inspecting the code that displays the tweet I found this line.

y.text = y.full_text || y.text || ""

so I want to make a userscript to replace this line with result.note_tweet.text but the problem is that this line of code is inside a function inside a webpack module

147093: (e, n, d) => {
        "use strict";
        d.d(n, {
            Z: () => h
        var t = d(824797)
          , r = d(210023)
          , a = d(246685)
          , o = d(546395)
          , l = d(92174);
        const i = e => e.reduce(( (e, n) => {
            const {indices: d} = n;
            return e.some((e => e.url === n.url && e.id_str === n.id_str && e.indices?.[0] === d?.[0])) ? e : e.concat(n)
        ), [])
          , s = /^(.*codecs=)([^";]+)(.*)$/
          , u = e => {
            const n = {
                sensitive_media_warning: e.sensitive_media_warning || e.ext_sensitive_media_warning,
                mediaStats: e.mediaStats || e.ext?.mediaStats?.r?.ok
              , d = (e => {
                if (e.video_info)
                    return e.video_info.variants.map((e => {
                        return {
                            content_type: (n = e.content_type,
                            s.test(n) ? n.replace(s, ( (e, n, d, t) => ${n}"${d}"${t})) : n)
                        var n
            return d && (n.video_info.variants = d),
          , c = (e=[]) => e.map((e => {
            return "photo" === e.type ? (n = e,
                sensitive_media_warning: n.sensitive_media_warning || n.ext_sensitive_media_warning
            }) : u(e);
            var n
          , b = e => e.initial ? e.initial : e.edit?.edit_control_initial ? {
            initial_tweet_id: e.edit.initial_tweet_id,
            edit_tweet_ids: e.edit.edit_control_initial.edit_tweet_ids,
            editable_until_msecs: e.edit.edit_control_initial.editable_until_msecs,
            is_edit_eligible: e.edit.edit_control_initial.is_edit_eligible,
            edits_remaining: e.edit.edit_control_initial.edits_remaining
        } : void 0;
        function h(e, n, d) {
            const {created_at: s, ext_edit_control: u, ext_has_birdwatch_notes: h, ext_limited_action_results: m, ext_views: p, extended_entities: A, in_reply_to_screen_name: D, in_reply_to_user_id_str: g, quoted_status_id_str: w, retweeted_status_id_str: M, user_id_str: _, ...S} = (0,
            o.Z)(e, n, d)
              , y = {
              , {article: f, birdwatch_pivot: k, entities: v, ext: T, ext_trusted_friends_metadata: C, full_text: P, grok_analysis_followups: R, has_birdwatch_notes: E, id_str: I, trend_id: B, withheld_entities: x, withheld_text: G} = e;
            G && (y.text = G,
            y.full_text = G,
            y.entities = x || {},
            y.withheld_text = P,
            y.withheld_entities = v),
            B && (y.trend_id = B),
            R && (y.grok_analysis_followups = R),
            A && (y.extended_entities = {
                media: c(A?.media)
            T?.voiceInfo?.r?.ok && (y.voiceInfo = T?.voiceInfo?.r?.ok,
            delete T?.voiceInfo),
            m && (y.limited_action_results = m.limited_actions.map((e => {
                const {limited_action_type: d, prompt: t} = e
                  , o = t?.cta_limited_action_prompt || t?.basic_limited_action_prompt
                  , l = (0,
                a.Z)(o, n)
                  , i = r.hd[d];
                return i && {
                    action: i,
                    prompt: l
            )).filter((e => e))),
            y.text = y.full_text || y.text || "",//*************************

And I tried so many ways to override the function but none worked.

so is there a way to inject this line into the module or is it impossible?

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