Reputation: 1
I have one view named CongratulationOverlay
, and in bottom there is one horizontal list. Now I want that overlay view to slide in to the horizontal list as I am appending that into list. and CongratulationOverlay
when this will display it will close automatic after 1 second and when it's hidden, it should slide in that list.
Group {
if let turntableAward = luckyWheelVM.turntableAward, !turntableAward.isEmpty {
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
ForEach(0..<turntableAward.count, id: \.self) { i in
luckyWheelVM.amountTypeFormat(type: turntableAward[i].awardType ?? 0,
amount: turntableAward[i].awardAmount ?? 0)) {
congratsCardIndex = i
totalAmount = luckyWheelVM.amountTypeFormat(type: turntableAward[i].awardType ?? 0, amount: turntableAward[i].awardAmount ?? 0)
popupType = .claim
isShowCongratCard = true
}.frame(width: UIScreen.screenWidth - 30, height: 120)
} else {
CustomText("No Prize Won", textColor: .white, font: .robotoBold(size: 24))
.overlay {
let value = luckyWheelVM.amountTypeFormat(
type: luckyWheelVM.successSpin?.awardType ?? 0,
amount: luckyWheelVM.successSpin?.awardAmount ?? 0
GeometryReader { geometry in
CongratulationOverlay(isShowCongratCard: $isShowCongratCard, popupType: $popupType, amount: popupType == .winCard ? value : totalAmount, onClaim: {
if popupType == .claim {
isShowCongratCard = false
if let turntableAward = luckyWheelVM.turntableAward, !turntableAward.isEmpty {
luckyWheelVM.onReceiveTurnTable(activityId: activityId,
recordId: turntableAward[congratsCardIndex].recordID ?? 0) { success in
if success {
luckyWheelVM.turntableAward?.remove(at: congratsCardIndex)
withAnimation {
viewModel.getUserMoneyData { _ in
userMoney = UserDataManager.shared.getUserMoney()
} else if popupType == .claimAll {
}, onClose: {
isShowCongratCard = false
}).position(x: geometry.size.width / 2, y: geometry.size.height / 2)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom).combined(with: .opacity))
For expecting result please watch below video
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Views: 27