Reputation: 61
I'm using Exif Native of flutter to write geolocation of the user on the pictures taken with the app. But it always return an error:
E/MethodChannel#native_exif(32091): java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid GPSLongitude value given. Must be of type Double or String.
E/MethodChannel#native_exif(32091): at com.cloudacy.native_exif.NativeExifPlugin.setAttributes(NativeExifPlugin.kt:43)
E/MethodChannel#native_exif(32091): at com.cloudacy.native_exif.NativeExifPlugin.onMethodCall(NativeExifPlugin.kt:172)
E/MethodChannel#native_exif(32091): at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler.onMessage(
E/MethodChannel#native_exif(32091): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.invokeHandler(
E/MethodChannel#native_exif(32091): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.lambda$dispatchMessageToQueue$0$io-flutter-embedding-engine-dart-DartMessenger(
It says that the type of the value given to the function must be Double or String, but it's already a String.
It only happens with GPSLongitude and GPSLatitude (not with GPSLatitudeRef or GPSLongitudeRef). Also I can read metadata of the image, so I think its not an error opening the file.
Here is the code:
try {
final exif = await Exif.fromPath(file.path);
// Conversión a formato decimal
String latitude = position.latitude.toStringAsFixed(6);
String longitude = position.longitude.toStringAsFixed(6);
print("Latitud EXIF: $latitude"); //printed propperly (33.408451)
print("Longitud EXIF: $longitude"); //printd propperly (-1.579307)
//Changed to 1.0 both for testing, same values than documentation
latitude = '1.0';
longitude = '1.0';
final timedate = await exif.getOriginalDate();
print(timedate); //printed properly
//here crash
await exif.writeAttribute("GPSLatitude", latitude);
await exif.writeAttribute(
"GPSLatitudeRef", position.latitude >= 0 ? "N" : "S");
await exif.writeAttribute("GPSLongitude", longitude);
await exif.writeAttribute(
"GPSLongitudeRef", position.longitude >= 0 ? "E" : "W");
// Verifica los valores escritos
final lat = await exif.getAttribute("GPSLatitude");
final latRef = await exif.getAttribute("GPSLatitudeRef");
final long = await exif.getAttribute("GPSLongitude");
final longRef = await exif.getAttribute("GPSLongitudeRef");
print("EXIF Latitud: $lat $latRef");
print("EXIF Longitud: $long $longRef");
await exif.close();
} catch (e) {
print("Error al escribir o leer metadatos EXIF: $e");
Result: Error al escribir o leer metadatos EXIF: PlatformException(error, Invalid GPSLongitude value given. Must be of type Double or String., null, java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid GPSLongitude value given. Must be of type Double or String.
But the values are correct and not null.
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