Reputation: 51
I am trying to load a 3D model on my expo react native project. I read the documentation and have been doing exactly what they told me to do but my app is crashing whenever I try to load it. I am just trying to have the 3D model load but it is just not working. I have tried everything (including restarting, different model). So I was wondering if it has something to do with the code. Here is my metro.config.js code
const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);
defaultConfig.transformer = {
babelTransformerPath: require.resolve('react-native-svg-transformer'),
defaultConfig.resolver = {
assetExts: [
...defaultConfig.resolver.assetExts.filter((ext) => ext !== 'svg'),
sourceExts: [...defaultConfig.resolver.sourceExts, 'svg'],
module.exports = defaultConfig;
and here is screen code that loads the image
import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber/native';
import { OrbitControls, useGLTF, Environment } from '@react-three/drei/native';
function Model({ modelPath }) {
const gltf = useGLTF(modelPath);
return <primitive object={gltf.scene} />;
export default function Map3D() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
gl={{ antialias: true }}
camera={{ position: [0, 2, 10], fov: 50 }}
<ambientLight intensity={0.5} />
<directionalLight intensity={1} position={[5, 10, 5]} />
<boxGeometry args={[1, 1, 1]} />
<meshStandardMaterial color="gray" />
<Environment preset="sunset" />
<Model modelPath={require('../assets/earth_globe_hologram_2mb_looping_animation.glb')} />
<OrbitControls />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#000',
canvas: {
flex: 1,
Upvotes: 0
Views: 11