Reputation: 47
The Final question :
When camera make a pure Pan rotation how can I compute the homography H matrix between the the two images. H is a 3 x 3 matrix, H[0,0], H[0,1], H[1,0], H[1,1] seem easy to obtain from the rotations matrix but what about the others elements ?
Theoretical background
Given a camera matrix
K = np.diag([f, f, 1])
f beiing the focal length of the camera. The position of the camera center in world space coordinates
Tw = np.array([tx, ty, tz])
we build ITw
ITw = np.column_stack((np.eye(3), Tw))
we can compute the projective matrix
P = K @ Rot @ ITw
where Rot is a 3x3 rotation matrix Following for points belonging to the Z=0 plane in world coordinates we obtain an homography matrix
Hcalc = P[:,[0,1,3]]
Rot is defined as
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
pan = 10
tilt = -30
roll = 4
pan *= np.pi / 180
tilt *= np.pi / 180
roll *= np.pi / 180
r_pan = R.from_euler('Z', pan).as_matrix()
r_tilt = R.from_euler('X', tilt).as_matrix()
r_roll = R.from_euler('Z', roll).as_matrix()
Rot = r_roll @ r_tilt @ r_pan
Illustration with an exemple
As exemple I take f = 400 and Tw= [10 , -5 , 6] and a collection of source points on the ground, I only give X and Y coordinates as Z = 0
src_pts = np.array([
[ 0. , -7.62],
[ 0. , -6.35],
[ 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 1.27],
[ 0. , 2.54],
[ 0. , 3.81],
[20. , -7.62],
[20. , -6.35],
[20. , 0. ],
[20. , 1.27],
[20. , 2.54],
[20. , 3.81]])
the I can computes Pts10 the image points on the screen for these points with Hcal and I can check that
h10, status = cv2.findHomography(src_pts.reshape(-1,1,2), pts10.reshape(-1,1,2))
leads to the same value Next I do exactly the same with pan = 15° to compute h15 and Pts15
When it becomes more difficult for me !
The homography from one image to the other is given by h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts10.reshape(-1,1,2), pts15.reshape(-1,1,2))
And I obtain
array([[ 9.97147963e-01, -7.56172873e-02, 1.73592176e+01],
[ 7.54846993e-02, 9.98090883e-01, 1.87521001e+00],
[-1.09070429e-04, -3.49361263e-06, 1.00000000e+00]])
Calling rot10 and rot15 the rotation matrix for pan = 10° and 15° respectively Then
rot15 @ rot10.T / (rot15 @ rot10.T)[2,2]
array([[ 0.99714794, -0.07561722, 0.04339806],
[ 0.0754847 , 0.9980909 , 0.00468803],
[-0.04362816, -0.00139744, 1. ]])
It shows how to compute H[0,0], H[0,1], H[1,0], H[1,1]
rotNorm = rot15 @ rot10.T / (rot15 @ rot10.T)[2,2]
we have
H[i,j] = RotNorm[i,j] for i,j < 2
H[2,j] = RotNorm[2,j] / f for j < 2
but what about H[0,2] and H[1,2] ?
Thanks for reading me so far and I hope you can help me.
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Views: 33
Reputation: 47
As often in math, trap is too think something is obvious ! True formula to go from one image to the other is
K @ rot15 @ rot10.T @ inv(K)
as K is diagonal I assumed that it has no effect but when I made the entire computation I found
K @ rot15 @ rot10.T @ np.linalg.inv(K)
array([[ 9.96199327e-01, -7.55452868e-02, 1.73427108e+01],
[ 7.54128878e-02, 9.97141394e-01, 1.87342755e+00],
[-1.08966647e-04, -3.49027100e-06, 9.99048675e-01]])
and that is H :))
Upvotes: 1