Reputation: 23
I am creating a tertiary plot in a shiny app and the points are in different parts of the plot depending on the selected sites. The labels need to repel when points are overlapping or land on the axis. When I use geom_text_repel the labels disappear, geom_label_repel doesn't work with ggtern. Any alternatives would be appreaciated.
USDA.LAB <- USDA %>% dplyr::group_by(Label) %>% dplyr::summarise(
Clay = mean(Clay),
Sand = mean(Sand),
Silt = mean(Silt))
USDA.LAB$Angle = 0
USDA.LAB$Angle[which(USDA.LAB$Label == 'Loamy Sand')] = -35
df <- data.frame( HORIZON = c("A", "B"), Sand = c(5, 5), Silt =
c(5, 5), Clay = c(80, 80) )
base <- ggplot(data = USDA, aes(y=Clay, x=Sand, z=Silt)) +
coord_tern(L="x",T="y",R="z") +
geom_polygon(alpha = 0.75, size = 0.5, color = 'black',
aes(color=Label, fill=Label)) +
geom_text(data = USDA.LAB,
aes(label = Label, angle = Angle),
color = 'black',
size = 3.5) +
theme_rgbw() +
theme_showsecondary() +
theme_showarrows() +
custom_percent("Percent") +
theme(legend.justification = c(0, 1),
legend.position = c(0, 1),
axis.tern.padding = unit(0.15, 'npc')) +
labs(title = 'USDA Textural Classification Chart',
fill = 'Textural Class',
color = 'Textural Class') +
geom_point(data=df, size=3) + geom_text(data=df, aes(label = HORIZON), size=4)
# geom_text_repel(data= df, aes(label = HORIZON), size = 4) +
# geom_label_repel() #as it is not an approved geometry (for ternary plots) under the present ggtern package
Upvotes: 1
Views: 74
Reputation: 6921
One approach with {ggpp} to retrieve repelled label positions:
d <- data.frame(label = letters[1:3],
clay = c(1,1,1),
sand = c(1,1,1),
silt = c(1,1,2)
with jittered and nudged labels:
p <- d |>
ggplot(aes(x = clay, y = sand, z = silt, label = label)) +
geom_text_s(position = position_jitternudge(width = .1, height = .1,
seed = 123, x = 0.1,
direction = "split",
nudge.from = "jittered")
label_coords <- ggplot_build(p)$data[[1]][1:3]
d |>
cbind(label_coords) |>
ggplot(aes(x = clay, y = sand, z = silt)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(x = x, y = y, z = z, label = 1:3)) +
coord_tern('x', 'y', 'z') +
theme_nomask() ## prevent label clipping along axes
If needed, you can jitter coincident points accordingly.
Upvotes: 3