Reputation: 309
I'm trying to parallelise with openxlsx
and its function writeData
the export of many Excel individual files that should be somehow summarised in a central Excel file.
As can be shown in the reprex below I first create the central Excel file before creating the parallel processes and then I create the individual files in their respective parallel clusters.
The problem is that nothing (i.e. no 'summary', here simply the Row
counter) is written in the central Excel file, although I exported its associated workbook object to the parallel processes.
lapply(c("openxlsx", "parallel"), library, character.only = TRUE)
NameOutputFolder <- "Output"
NameOutputSubfolder <- "Individual files"
OutputFolder <- file.path(".", NameOutputFolder)
if(!dir.exists(OutputFolder)) dir.create(OutputFolder)
OutputSubfolder <- file.path(".", NameOutputFolder, NameOutputSubfolder)
if(!dir.exists(OutputSubfolder)) dir.create(OutputSubfolder)
OutputFile_Central <- file.path(OutputFolder, "Excel_Central.xlsx")
Workbook_Central <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb = Workbook_Central, sheetName = "Summary", zoom = 80, gridLines = FALSE)
no_cores <- detectCores()
print(paste0("Configuring parallelisation (", no_cores, " cores found) and setting up clusters"))
MyCluster <- makePSOCKcluster(no_cores - 1)
clusterEvalQ(MyCluster, {
clusterExport(MyCluster, c("OutputSubfolder", "Workbook_Central"))
parLapply(cl = MyCluster, X = 1:10, fun = function(Row){
OutputFile_Individual <- file.path(OutputSubfolder, paste0("Excel_Individual_", Row, ".xlsx"))
Workbook_Individual <- createWorkbook()
writeData(wb = Workbook_Central, sheet = "Summary", x = Row, startCol = 1, startRow = Row)
saveWorkbook(wb = Workbook_Individual, file = OutputFile_Individual, overwrite = TRUE)
saveWorkbook(wb = Workbook_Central, file = OutputFile_Central, overwrite = TRUE)
I guess the solution would be to create temporary central Excel files in each parallel process (indexed by Sys.getpid()
) and then to merge them in the unique central Excel file after the parallel code has run, right?
No other solution?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 47
Reputation: 17689
With clusterExport(MyCluster, c("OutputSubfolder", "Workbook_Central"))
you are copying master's OutputSubfolder
& Workbook_Central
objects to node processes, all changes are just local. And not just local to the function environment, those object live in separate R processes.
You might want to return summary data (Row
in this example) from parLapply
ed function and handle Workbook_Central
in your master process when working with a parLapply()
result. This would also align better with common lapply()
usage pattern -- stuff goes in, transformed stuff with the same length comes out, no (or minimal) side effects from applied function.
lapply(c("openxlsx", "parallel"), library, character.only = TRUE)
NameOutputFolder <- "Output"
NameOutputSubfolder <- "Individual files"
OutputFolder <- file.path(".", NameOutputFolder)
if(!dir.exists(OutputFolder)) dir.create(OutputFolder)
OutputSubfolder <- file.path(".", NameOutputFolder, NameOutputSubfolder)
if(!dir.exists(OutputSubfolder)) dir.create(OutputSubfolder)
OutputFile_Central <- file.path(OutputFolder, "Excel_Central.xlsx")
no_cores <- detectCores()
print(paste0("Configuring parallelisation (", no_cores, " cores found) and setting up clusters"))
#> [1] "Configuring parallelisation (8 cores found) and setting up clusters"
MyCluster <- makePSOCKcluster(no_cores - 1)
clusterEvalQ(MyCluster, {
clusterExport(MyCluster, c("OutputSubfolder"))
# collect summary data into resulting_list
resulting_list <- parLapply(cl = MyCluster, X = 1:10, fun = function(Row){
OutputFile_Individual <- file.path(OutputSubfolder, paste0("Excel_Individual_", Row, ".xlsx"))
Workbook_Individual <- createWorkbook()
saveWorkbook(wb = Workbook_Individual, file = OutputFile_Individual, overwrite = TRUE)
# return summary (a scalar, vector, list, data.frame, ...):
# structure of resulting_list
#> List of 10
#> $ : int 1
#> $ : int 2
#> $ : int 3
#> $ : int 4
#> $ : int 5
#> $ : int 6
#> $ : int 7
#> $ : int 8
#> $ : int 9
#> $ : int 10
# transform it for writeData(), writing a list would store it at A1:J1
(summary_data <- unlist(resulting_list))
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# create & save Workbook_Central
Workbook_Central <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb = Workbook_Central, sheetName = "Summary", zoom = 80, gridLines = FALSE)
writeData(wb = Workbook_Central, sheet = "Summary", x = summary_data, startCol = 1, startRow = 1)
saveWorkbook(wb = Workbook_Central, file = OutputFile_Central, overwrite = TRUE)
Resulting files:
#> ./Output
#> ├── Excel_Central.xlsx
#> └── Individual files
#> ├── Excel_Individual_1.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_10.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_2.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_3.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_4.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_5.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_6.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_7.xlsx
#> ├── Excel_Individual_8.xlsx
#> └── Excel_Individual_9.xlsx
Upvotes: 1