Ed McLaughlin
Ed McLaughlin

Reputation: 197

Integration testing on SQS and DynamoDB with LocalStack and TestContainers runs with success locally but returns 404 in GitLab Pipelines

As you will see below, I have integration tests running with LocalStack and TestContainers. Locally, the tests run end-to-end successfully. In GitLab Pipelines, they don't get past the configurations, where a table and queue are created on application start.

The errors are Error creating queue: Service returned HTTP status code 404 (Service: Sqs, Status Code: 404, Request ID: null) which indicates to me that the request is malformed in some way when running in pipeline, but I can't seem to get much insight into what the request looks like when it fails. The LocalStack logs aren't capturing the attempted call on pipeline fails, but they do log on successful runs locally.

Grateful for any insight anyone can provide.

Gitlab CICD config:

stages: # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
  - build
  - test
  - deploy

image: maven:3.9.9-eclipse-temurin-21

  stage: test
    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
    - ./mvnw -s mvn_ci_settings.xml integration-test
    # Run only ONCE on every commit or merge request
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
      when: never
      junit: target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml

This test configuration creates the localStackContainer Bean

@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class LocalStackConfig {

  private String awsRegion;

  private static final DockerImageName LOCALSTACK_IMAGE_NAME = DockerImageName.parse("localstack/localstack:3.8.1");

  private LocalStackContainer localStackContainer;

  public LocalStackContainer localStackContainer() {
    // Setting defaults for LocalStackContainer. Access and Secret keys are fake.
    // https://docs.localstack.cloud/references/credentials/
    this.localStackContainer = new LocalStackContainer(LOCALSTACK_IMAGE_NAME)
        .withEnv("LS_LOG", "trace-internal")
        .withEnv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", awsRegion)
        .withEnv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "fake")
        .withEnv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "fake")
    return this.localStackContainer;

  public void closeLocalStackContainer() {
    if (this.localStackContainer != null) {


This test configuration creates SQS and DynamoDB clients, creates a table and a queue on application starts, and logs LocalStack health checks.

@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class XadsIntegrationTestConfig {

    private LocalStackContainer localStackContainer;

    private String queueName;

    private String awsRegion;

    private static final Logger LOG = System.getLogger(ConsentRepositoryImpl.class.getName());

    public SqsClient sqsClient() {
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "SQS endpoint: " + localStackContainer.getEndpointOverride(SQS));

        return SqsClient.builder()
                    AwsBasicCredentials.create(localStackContainer.getAccessKey(), localStackContainer.getSecretKey())

    public DynamoDbClient dynamoDbClient() {
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "DynamoDB endpoint: " + localStackContainer.getEndpointOverride(DYNAMODB));

        return DynamoDbClient.builder()
                    AwsBasicCredentials.create(localStackContainer.getAccessKey(), localStackContainer.getSecretKey())

    public void onApplicationReady(ApplicationReadyEvent applicationReadyEvent) {

        ApplicationContext applicationContext = applicationReadyEvent.getApplicationContext();

        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Creating tables and sqsclient for integration tests");

        // Create DynamoDB table for testing
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Getting consentTable bean...");
        DynamoDbTable<Consent> consentTable = applicationContext.getBean("consentTable", DynamoDbTable.class);

        try {
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "consentTable created...");
            String logs = localStackContainer.getLogs();
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, logs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String logs = localStackContainer.getLogs();
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, "Error creating queue: " + e.getMessage());
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, logs);

        // Create SQS queue for testing
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Getting sqsclient bean...");
        SqsClient sqsClient = applicationContext.getBean("sqsClient", SqsClient.class);

        CreateQueueRequest createQueueRequest = CreateQueueRequest.builder()

        try {
            CreateQueueResponse createQueueResponse = sqsClient.createQueue(createQueueRequest);
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Queue created: " + createQueueResponse.queueUrl());
            String logs = localStackContainer.getLogs();
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, logs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String logs = localStackContainer.getLogs();
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, "Error creating queue: " + e.getMessage());
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, logs);


    private void checkLSHealth() {
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "LocalStack isRunning check...");
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "LocalStack is running: " + localStackContainer.isRunning());

        HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
        HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
            .uri(URI.create(localStackContainer.getEndpointOverride(DYNAMODB) + "/_localstack/health"))

        try {
            // Send the request synchronously
            HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "LocalStack health check response: " + response.statusCode());
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "LocalStack health check response body: " + response.body());
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.ERROR, "Error during LocalStack health check: " + e.getMessage());
            Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Restore interrupted status

        String endpoint = localStackContainer.getEndpoint().toString();
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "LocalStack endpoint: " + endpoint);

        String endpointOverride = localStackContainer.getEndpointOverride(DYNAMODB).toString();
        LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "LocalStack endpointOverride: " + endpointOverride);



Running locally, my tests (not shown here) run successfully. Running in GitLab Pipelines, I get 404 errors on calls to DynamoDB and SQS.

Here are logs of the run on local and in pipeline. I'm excluding the output of the LocalStack Logging below for brevity.

Local Logs:

2025-01-07T00:57:19.728-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack isRunning check...
2025-01-07T00:57:19.740-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack is running: true
2025-01-07T00:57:21.952-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack health check response: 200
2025-01-07T00:57:21.952-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack health check response body: {"services": {"acm": "disabled", "apigateway": "disabled", "cloudformation": "disabled", "cloudwatch": "disabled", "config": "disabled", "dynamodb": "available", "dynamodbstreams": "available", "ec2": "disabled", "es": "disabled", "events": "disabled", "firehose": "disabled", "iam": "disabled", "kinesis": "available", "kms": "disabled", "lambda": "disabled", "logs": "disabled", "opensearch": "disabled", "redshift": "disabled", "resource-groups": "disabled", "resourcegroupstaggingapi": "disabled", "route53": "disabled", "route53resolver": "disabled", "s3": "disabled", "s3control": "disabled", "scheduler": "disabled", "secretsmanager": "disabled", "ses": "disabled", "sns": "disabled", "sqs": "available", "ssm": "disabled", "stepfunctions": "disabled", "sts": "disabled", "support": "disabled", "swf": "disabled", "transcribe": "disabled"}, "edition": "community", "version": "3.8.1"}
2025-01-07T00:57:21.952-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack endpoint:
2025-01-07T00:57:21.952-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack endpointOverride:
2025-01-07T00:57:21.952-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Creating tables and sqsclient for integration tests
2025-01-07T00:57:21.952-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Getting consentTable bean...
2025-01-07T00:57:25.114-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : consentTable created...
2025-01-07T00:57:25.144-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Getting sqsclient bean...
2025-01-07T00:57:25.243-05:00  INFO 9560 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Queue created:

GitLab Pipeline logs:

2025-01-07T05:40:53.906Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : DynamoDB endpoint:
2025-01-07T05:40:54.782Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : SQS endpoint:
2025-01-07T05:40:55.488Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.q.DataSharingQueueIntegrationTests : Started DataSharingQueueIntegrationTests in 22.396 seconds (process running for 23.721)
2025-01-07T05:40:55.493Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack isRunning check...
2025-01-07T05:40:55.510Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack is running: true
2025-01-07T05:40:58.925Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack health check response: 200
2025-01-07T05:40:58.926Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack health check response body: {"services": {"acm": "disabled", "apigateway": "disabled", "cloudformation": "disabled", "cloudwatch": "disabled", "config": "disabled", "dynamodb": "available", "dynamodbstreams": "available", "ec2": "disabled", "es": "disabled", "events": "disabled", "firehose": "disabled", "iam": "disabled", "kinesis": "available", "kms": "disabled", "lambda": "disabled", "logs": "disabled", "opensearch": "disabled", "redshift": "disabled", "resource-groups": "disabled", "resourcegroupstaggingapi": "disabled", "route53": "disabled", "route53resolver": "disabled", "s3": "disabled", "s3control": "disabled", "scheduler": "disabled", "secretsmanager": "disabled", "ses": "disabled", "sns": "disabled", "sqs": "available", "ssm": "disabled", "stepfunctions": "disabled", "sts": "disabled", "support": "disabled", "swf": "disabled", "transcribe": "disabled"}, "edition": "community", "version": "3.8.1"}
2025-01-07T05:40:58.927Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack endpoint:
2025-01-07T05:40:58.927Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : LocalStack endpointOverride:
2025-01-07T05:40:58.927Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Creating tables and sqsclient for integration tests
2025-01-07T05:40:58.927Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Getting consentTable bean...
2025-01-07T05:40:59.643Z ERROR 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Error creating queue: Service returned HTTP status code 404 (Service: DynamoDb, Status Code: 404, Request ID: null)
025-01-07T05:40:59.646Z  INFO 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Getting sqsclient bean...
2025-01-07T05:41:13.994Z ERROR 179 --- [           main] g.f.x.p.r.impl.ConsentRepositoryImpl     : Error creating queue: Service returned HTTP status code 404 (Service: Sqs, Status Code: 404, Request ID: null)

Upvotes: 0

Views: 171

Answers (2)

Ed McLaughlin
Ed McLaughlin

Reputation: 197

The problem turned out to be related to a proxy that was setup. Disabling the proxy allows calls to be made to services in LocalStack.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 502

You should add following lines in your Gitlab CI/CD configuration file to run the job as a Docker container:

    # DinD service is required for Testcontainers
      - name: docker:dind
        # explicitly disable tls to avoid docker startup interruption
        command: ["--tls=false"]

From testcontainers Gitlab CI documentation:

In order to use Testcontainers in a Gitlab CI pipeline, you need to run the job as a Docker container (see Patterns for running inside Docker). So edit your .gitlab-ci.yml to include the Docker-In-Docker service (docker:dind) and set the DOCKER_HOST variable to tcp://docker:2375 and DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR to empty string.

Upvotes: 0

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