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I have a big project that uses ChartIQ.
In the past, we used react-scripts start
for run the project
Now we are using react-app-rewired start
for run with the ChartIQ implementation.
It's not a main problem.
The problem is when I run the project I got an scss importing error.
We changed Node v14 to 20.
In header of index.scss we importing react-md part.
@import '~react-md/dist/react-md';
@import '~@react-md/list/dist/mixins';
But these are errors. When we run the project without ChartIQ it didn't have those errors. Actually css-loader and some modules added for ChartIQ. I think ~loader checking the scss file BUG SCREENSHOT
When I click the link with Ctrl on the VS Code, I can go that file. And I can find that two modules in node_modules folder Could you help me how to fix this problem? Thanks.
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