Reputation: 1
I've had some difficult problems for me. I am writing here with the last hope for their solution.
"SeeDocsAt": " ",
"SettingsVersion": 1.2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Egor\PycharmProjects\PythonProject3\", line 16, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Egor\.conda\envs\PythonProject3\lib\site-packages\airsim\", line 1065, in simSetWind'simSetWind', wind)
File "C:\Users\Egor\.conda\envs\PythonProject3\lib\site-packages\msgpackrpc\", line 41, in call
return self.send_request(method, args).get()
File "C:\Users\Egor\.conda\envs\PythonProject3\lib\site-packages\msgpackrpc\", line 46, in get
raise error.RPCError(self._error)
msgpackrpc.error.RPCError: rpclib: function 'simSetWind' (called with 1 arg(s)) threw an exception. The exception contained this information: bad cast.
# ready to run example: PythonClient/multirotor/
import airsim
# connect to the AirSim simulator
client = airsim.MultirotorClient()
wind = airsim.Vector3r(20, 0, 0)
client.moveToPositionAsync(-10, 10, -10, 5).join()
Unreal Engine magazine in VisualStudio 2022 shows me this:
An exception was raised at address 0x00007FF854AAB699 in UnrealEditor.exe : Microsoft C++ exception: clmdep_msgpack::v1::type_error at memory address 0x0000008cc691fvide0.
I've reviewed the entire code, but I still can't figure out where the error is happening. The problem occurs when trying to convert types, I guess it's the fault of RpcLibServerBase.cpr.
Could it be that the Settnigs json being overwritten because of Microsoft One Drive? Maybe someone has already encountered these problems or can explain how they can be solved? And also maybe someone knows what is the difference between RpcLibServerBase.cpr and RpcLibClientBase.cpr?
Thank you all very much in advance!
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Views: 45