
Reputation: 45

Recursive query to calculate folder size including nested files

I have a table in my Postgres 17 database where both files and folders are stored. If type = 'folder', then it represents a folder; otherwise, it's a file. By default, the size field is set for all files, but for folders, it is always 0.
Here is structure:

create table files (
    id          uuid          not null  primary key,
    name        varchar(255)  not null,
    type        varchar(8)    not null,
    message_id  varchar(255),
    mime_type   varchar(255)  not null,
    size        bigint,
    user_id     uuid          not null  references users,
    parent_id   uuid          references files on update cascade on delete cascade,
    "createdAt" timestamp with time zone not null,
    "updatedAt" timestamp with time zone not null

I need to get a list of files and folders sorted by size. The problem arises when calculating the size of folders because the nesting level can be unlimited. Attempts to come up with a solution using WITH RECURSIVE have been unsuccessful. I would appreciate any ideas on how to solve this problem.

Sample data and my current indexes to reproduce a test case:

INSERT INTO files (id, name, type, message_id, mime_type, size, user_id, parent_id, "createdAt", "updatedAt") VALUES
  ('79035060-f210-441f-a9af-5ca75ba462e8', 'undefined', 'unknown', '146836', '', 3982189, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-05 19:15:08.013000 +00:00', '2024-11-05 19:15:08.013000 +00:00')
, ('2d262af7-5488-44a6-99cf-731bbdc1d733', 'FORTUNE.mp3', 'audio', '146837', 'audio/mpeg', 3982189, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-05 19:15:21.357000 +00:00', '2024-11-05 19:15:21.357000 +00:00')
, ('10cd417a-217f-4e8d-916f-fd13ac34a7ab', 'П ЯГТУ 13.01.01 - 2020.pdf', 'document', '146840', 'application/pdf', 27262113, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-05 19:16:50.604000 +00:00', '2024-11-05 19:16:50.604000 +00:00')
, ('1330ddf6-f7e4-4adf-a211-63e4d750f0e0', '1092-013(3200,3400)-ИО42-ТХ.ИЧ (1).pdf', 'document', '146841', 'application/pdf', 27870067, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-05 19:19:15.976000 +00:00', '2024-11-05 19:19:15.976000 +00:00')
, ('69e6aa59-6e81-47af-b634-43e8bea617db', 'Folder 1.1', 'folder', null, 'telepack/folder', null, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-06 20:28:22.616000 +00:00', '2024-11-06 20:32:24.686000 +00:00')
, ('11fa9dc4-c2b3-4ec1-8140-3714128769ef', 'achivements_page-0002.jpg', 'image', '148278', 'image/jpeg', 1497622, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', 'f20ee2ed-abc6-4f09-af4b-11f44db53d36', '2024-11-10 18:15:18.669000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:15:18.669000 +00:00')
, ('5d71a664-53e3-4328-8bb4-6a075f165818', 'comeAlongWithMe.jpg', 'image', '148281', 'image/jpeg', 69567, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:13.041000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:13.041000 +00:00')
, ('4d3cd72f-de45-4293-9170-9c39970ae567', 'ex.pdf', 'document', '148284', 'application/pdf', 169226, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:15.219000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:15.219000 +00:00')
, ('24232377-c3b7-4b58-8290-4a291e83e114', 'favicon.ico', 'image', '148286', 'image/', 285478, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:15.969000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:15.969000 +00:00')
, ('afb4882d-0317-4a8c-8d7b-04e0d6b64da3', 'krasivye-kartinki-vysokogo-razresheniya-5.jpg', 'image', '148285', 'image/jpeg', 495899, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:16.651000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:16.651000 +00:00')
, ('ed9743c6-c976-4236-acbb-049eca787a68', 'achivements_page-0008.jpg', 'image', '148287', 'image/jpeg', 898499, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:17.460000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:17.460000 +00:00')
, ('8afff6cb-3e2e-4c0a-b779-75138ff49c5a', 'achivements_page-0006.jpg', 'image', '148288', 'image/jpeg', 1240426, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:17.760000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:17.760000 +00:00')
, ('55a02245-6f49-43b7-a693-92c559994c47', 'achivements_page-0007.jpg', 'image', '148289', 'image/jpeg', 838226, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:17.992000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:17.992000 +00:00')
, ('19a243f9-2466-4978-b5f2-27d51b02fc8f', 'achivements_page-0010.jpg', 'image', '148290', 'image/jpeg', 1101703, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:18.075000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:18.075000 +00:00')
, ('5b3ed0ee-7909-42b1-9c19-f6cae2965248', 'me2.jpg', 'image', '148291', 'image/jpeg', 147405, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:18.578000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:18.578000 +00:00')
, ('b97eed6e-9b15-4739-b30c-b228455b676a', 'achivements_page-0009.jpg', 'image', '148292', 'image/jpeg', 1414169, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:18.695000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:18.695000 +00:00')
, ('0e45d77d-9c10-442e-a53d-6ea02cdbc5c3', 'me1.jpg', 'image', '148293', 'image/jpeg', 1297162, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:24:19.455000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:24:19.455000 +00:00')
, ('337c33ce-266e-4614-9a20-20f504fb9f8a', 'photo_2023-06-19_23-23-45.jpg', 'image', '148295', 'image/jpeg', 138477, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:30:50.509000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:30:50.509000 +00:00')
, ('c126ee3e-8064-4b5c-8166-26bfa9f7d86c', 'testtest.pdf', 'document', '148296', 'application/pdf', 332410, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:30:51.005000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:30:51.005000 +00:00')
, ('808747de-8dc5-4c32-b2aa-92b73a98bc00', 'Документ-2023-12-05-100148.pdf', 'document', '148297', 'application/pdf', 167273, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:30:51.050000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:30:51.050000 +00:00')
, ('51826e2e-1b69-45ed-bd72-0029e4170cd2', 'Zapis_na_ekzamen_GIBDD.pdf', 'document', '148298', 'application/pdf', 611415, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:30:51.199000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:30:51.199000 +00:00')
, ('a414bce5-1118-468b-b829-7c9ec9533e6e', 'ьу3.jpg', 'image', '148299', 'image/jpeg', 546605, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-10 18:30:51.641000 +00:00', '2024-11-10 18:30:51.641000 +00:00')
, ('1d9515f0-26bb-493d-b37d-9a3dd3b7f516', 'mice.odt', 'unknown', '149267', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 8117, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', 'f20ee2ed-abc6-4f09-af4b-11f44db53d36', '2024-11-12 19:39:33.957000 +00:00', '2024-11-12 19:39:33.957000 +00:00')
, ('a6815361-c474-40b8-af77-c201fdc1b9d6', 'max folder name', 'folder', null, 'telepack/folder', null, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', 'f20ee2ed-abc6-4f09-af4b-11f44db53d36', '2024-11-20 18:26:03.939000 +00:00', '2024-11-20 18:26:03.941000 +00:00')
, ('e1f27a10-d168-4934-b4c8-877d7e7d8f38', 'Очень длинное название папки', 'folder', null, 'telepack/folder', null, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', 'a6815361-c474-40b8-af77-c201fdc1b9d6', '2024-11-20 18:27:40.028000 +00:00', '2024-11-20 18:27:40.028000 +00:00')
, ('f20ee2ed-abc6-4f09-af4b-11f44db53d36', 'eqqqq', 'folder', null, 'telepack/folder', null, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-06 20:32:45.624000 +00:00', '2024-11-24 13:46:02.153000 +00:00')
, ('705f4103-4849-4a1f-8370-582718c7c3fe', 'achivements_page-0001.jpg', 'image', '146838', 'image/jpeg', 1363469, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2024-11-05 19:16:02.300000 +00:00', '2024-11-24 14:03:44.810000 +00:00')
, ('956d3b50-002c-4c65-a182-cc419bd85311', 'Тоже очень длинное название папки', 'folder', null, 'telepack/folder', null, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', 'e1f27a10-d168-4934-b4c8-877d7e7d8f38', '2024-11-20 18:28:46.288000 +00:00', '2024-11-24 14:22:12.475000 +00:00')
, ('a7cf2f28-9609-4701-970c-faff89018440', 'oplataENG.pdf', 'document', '148294', 'application/pdf', 174460, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', '69e6aa59-6e81-47af-b634-43e8bea617db', '2024-11-10 18:30:50.469000 +00:00', '2024-11-25 20:04:51.559000 +00:00')
, ('7d6fb2ff-7feb-445b-8a88-5df8cf3d94aa', 'achivements_page-0003.jpg', 'image', '146839', 'image/jpeg', 996325, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', '69e6aa59-6e81-47af-b634-43e8bea617db', '2024-11-05 19:16:12.097000 +00:00', '2024-11-25 20:04:55.510000 +00:00')
, ('9fe73a57-2d46-42e4-987e-6c8569429491', 'download.pdf', 'document', '148283', 'application/pdf', 31313, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', '69e6aa59-6e81-47af-b634-43e8bea617db', '2024-11-10 18:24:13.745000 +00:00', '2024-11-25 20:05:02.285000 +00:00')
, ('0544b925-0020-4505-ba35-895d22fc748e', 'achivements_page-0005.jpg', 'image', '148282', 'image/jpeg', 860475, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', '69e6aa59-6e81-47af-b634-43e8bea617db', '2024-11-10 18:24:13.544000 +00:00', '2024-11-25 20:05:05.005000 +00:00')
, ('cbb438e8-8a3a-472d-915b-e1be3860c81c', 'truman', 'folder', null, 'telepack/folder', null, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', '956d3b50-002c-4c65-a182-cc419bd85311', '2024-12-02 18:40:53.584000 +00:00', '2024-12-02 18:40:53.587000 +00:00')
, ('35fec963-0119-4deb-b137-80fba575bf51', 'krasivye-kartinki-vysokogo-razresheniya-5.jpg', 'image', '170143', 'image/jpeg', 495899, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', null, '2025-01-11 08:16:09.694000 +00:00', '2025-01-11 08:16:09.694000 +00:00')
, ('1e5bb71c-b5d9-4854-b235-b3d7f7dd6440', '1678727590_bogatyr-club-p-serdechko-paltsami-foni-krasivo-23.png', 'image', '170422', 'image/png', 100744, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', '956d3b50-002c-4c65-a182-cc419bd85311', '2025-01-12 14:07:31.102000 +00:00', '2025-01-12 14:07:31.102000 +00:00')
, ('cc46637c-a14d-4bf8-8f83-c443ea461e59', 'dfasdfads fasd fasdf sadfsdafsadfewrt4tyerw yrewt wertwer tewr twer324324324 erwerwqe.jpg', 'image', '148277', 'image/jpeg', 1363469, '8292c944-708e-4ba9-a2fa-89fe71c73011', 'f20ee2ed-abc6-4f09-af4b-11f44db53d36', '2024-11-10 18:15:19.198000 +00:00', '2024-11-19 20:04:03.260000 +00:00')

CREATE INDEX files_idx_parent_id ON files (parent_id);
CREATE INDEX files_idx_name      ON files (name);
CREATE INDEX files_idx_type      ON files (type);

This is my best attempt to calculate folder sizes, but it only accounts for one level of depth, which does not fully meet my requirements

    SELECT AS folder_id,
    FROM files f
    WHERE f.type = 'folder' AND f.parent_id IS NULL
    SELECT AS folder_id,
    FROM files f
    INNER JOIN cte ON f.parent_id = cte.folder_id
    WHERE f.type = 'folder'
    COALESCE(f.size, 0) + COALESCE(SUM(file.size), 0) AS size,
    f.mime_type AS "mimeType",
    f.message_id AS "messageId",
    f.user_id AS "userId",
    f.parent_id AS "parentId",
FROM files f
LEFT JOIN files file ON file.parent_id = AND file.type != 'folder'

Upvotes: 2

Views: 82

Answers (2)

Erwin Brandstetter
Erwin Brandstetter

Reputation: 658422

Get complete list of objects in the root directory (top level folder) with given attributes and size.

  • For files (all but folders) show their size.
  • For folders show the sum of the sizes of all nested objects (complete sub-tree).
   SELECT id, id AS parent_id, size
   FROM   files f
   WHERE  type = 'folder'                     -- only folders
   AND    f.parent_id IS NULL                 -- top level
   SELECT, AS parent_id, f1.size  -- is sticky
   FROM   folder f0
   JOIN   files  f1 USING (parent_id)         -- incl. folders
SELECT,, f.type
     , f0.size
     , f.mime_type, f.message_id, f.user_id, f.parent_id, f."createdAt"
   SELECT id, sum(size) AS size
   FROM   folder
   GROUP  BY id
   ) f0
JOIN files f USING (id)

SELECT,, f.type
     , f.size
     , f.mime_type, f.message_id, f.user_id, f.parent_id, f."createdAt"
FROM   files f
WHERE  f.type <> 'folder'   -- all but folders
AND    f.parent_id IS NULL  -- top level
ORDER  BY size DESC;        -- or whatever you want


  1. In the rCTE, only accumulate sizes for top-level folders.
  2. Aggregate per top-level folder and join back to table files to get full list of requested attributes.
  3. UNION ALL to top-level non-folders.

The index on (parent_id) basically covers this query.
If performance matters, the table is big, nesting goes deep, and rows are wide (as in the example), a tailored covering index (additionally) will help:

CREATE INDEX files_parent_id_covering_idx ON files (parent_id) INCLUDE (id, size);

About covering indexes:

Related case solved with a recursive function:

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 5916

Aggregation some values for parent and all childrens algorithm is:
1.Take all objects as root (id as root, id as parent)
2.Insert next level of objects as childs (root, child as (next) parent)
3. Recursively add all next levels.
Recursion ends on nodes without childrens.

See example with recursive query.

Anchor part takes all objects from table as root and this object as parent (id).

Recursive part joins childs for root as
Recursive query output see below.

Then CTE totals - group by root all childrens, childrens of chilrens ...
path,names,sizes aggregated columns show this process.

Finally, join your table files with totals, for desired output.

If you want take only object in root directory, add condition
where parent_id is null
to anchor part or output part of query.

create table files (id int,name varchar(30),size int,parent_id int);
insert into files values
id name size parent_id
1 Dir1 null null
2 File2 1000 null
3 Dir2 null null
4 Dir3 null null
5 Dir3_File1 5000 4
6 Dir3_File2 5100 4
7 Dir3_SubDir1 null 4
8 Dir3_SubDir1_File1 1100 7
9 Dir3_SubDir1_File2 1200 7
 select id as root, 1 lvl,id,size,name
  ,cast(name as varchar(3000)) as path
from files
-- where parent_id is null -- 1. if you want take only object in root 
  union all
 select r.root, lvl+1 lvl,,t.size,
    ,cast(concat(path,'\', as varchar(3000)) path
 from r inner join files t on
  where lvl<10
,totals as(
select root as id,sum(coalesce(size,0)) as total_size
  ,concat(cast(count(*) as varchar),':'
        ,string_agg(coalesce(cast(size as varchar),'null'),'+' order by lvl,id) 
     ,string_agg(case when size>0 then name end,',' order by lvl,id)) names
from r
group by root
select f.*,t.*
from files f
inner join totals t on
-- where parent_id is null  --2. if you want take only object in root directory
order by t.total_size desc
id name size parent_id id total_size sizes names
4 Dir3 null null 4 12400 6:null+5000+5100+null+1100+1200 names:Dir3_File1,Dir3_File2,Dir3_SubDir1_File1,Dir3_SubDir1_File2
6 Dir3_File2 5100 4 6 5100 1:5100 names:Dir3_File2
5 Dir3_File1 5000 4 5 5000 1:5000 names:Dir3_File1
7 Dir3_SubDir1 null 4 7 2300 3:null+1100+1200 names:Dir3_SubDir1_File1,Dir3_SubDir1_File2
9 Dir3_SubDir1_File2 1200 7 9 1200 1:1200 names:Dir3_SubDir1_File2
8 Dir3_SubDir1_File1 1100 7 8 1100 1:1100 names:Dir3_SubDir1_File1
2 File2 1000 null 2 1000 1:1000 names:File2
3 Dir2 null null 3 0 1:null names:
1 Dir1 null null 1 0 1:null names:

This query briefly - without path's and other aggregates:

 select id as root,id,size
 from files
  union all
 select r.root,,t.size
 from r inner join files t on
,totals as(
  select root as id,sum(coalesce(size,0)) as total_size
  from r
  group by root
select f.*,t.total_size
from files f
inner join totals t on
order by t.total_size desc

For clarity, recursive query output

 select id as root,name as root_name, 1 lvl,id,size,name
  ,cast(name as varchar(3000)) as path
from files
  union all
 select r.root,r.root_name, lvl+1 lvl,,t.size,
    ,cast(concat(path,'\', as varchar(3000)) path
 from r inner join files t on
select * from r order by root,lvl
root root_name lvl id size name path
1 Dir1 1 1 null Dir1 Dir1
2 File2 1 2 1000 File2 File2
3 Dir2 1 3 null Dir2 Dir2
4 Dir3 1 4 null Dir3 Dir3
4 Dir3 2 5 5000 Dir3_File1 Dir3\Dir3_File1
4 Dir3 2 6 5100 Dir3_File2 Dir3\Dir3_File2
4 Dir3 2 7 null Dir3_SubDir1 Dir3\Dir3_SubDir1
4 Dir3 3 8 1100 Dir3_SubDir1_File1 Dir3\Dir3_SubDir1\Dir3_SubDir1_File1
4 Dir3 3 9 1200 Dir3_SubDir1_File2 Dir3\Dir3_SubDir1\Dir3_SubDir1_File2
5 Dir3_File1 1 5 5000 Dir3_File1 Dir3_File1
6 Dir3_File2 1 6 5100 Dir3_File2 Dir3_File2
7 Dir3_SubDir1 1 7 null Dir3_SubDir1 Dir3_SubDir1
7 Dir3_SubDir1 2 9 1200 Dir3_SubDir1_File2 Dir3_SubDir1\Dir3_SubDir1_File2
7 Dir3_SubDir1 2 8 1100 Dir3_SubDir1_File1 Dir3_SubDir1\Dir3_SubDir1_File1
8 Dir3_SubDir1_File1 1 8 1100 Dir3_SubDir1_File1 Dir3_SubDir1_File1
9 Dir3_SubDir1_File2 1 9 1200 Dir3_SubDir1_File2 Dir3_SubDir1_File2


Example with your data sample

Upvotes: 1

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