Reputation: 155
In my project/plugins.sbt file, I add a plugin that pulls in a dependency that has a vulnerability. The fix is another artifact that has a completely different group ID. How do I replace the first dependency with the fix?
So if, in plugins.sbt, I have something like
addSbtPlugin("com.fake.something", "myplugin", "0.1.2")
and that plugin pulls in dependency
I want to replace that dependency with another with a completely different group ID:
Is there a way to configure plugins.sbt (or build.sbt) so that org.some.framework:framework-core:1.2.3 is replaced with com.fixed.framework:framework-core:4.5.6 upon build? (I've already looked at using a newer version of the plugin - unfortunately the newer versions have the same vulnerability)
Thank you for reading my question?
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Views: 32
Reputation: 3468
1st option could be:
2nd option:
Create a PR in the plugin repo with the fix detailing why you are doing that
3rd option (not sure if this one works because I haven't tried it)
("com.fake.something" % "myplugin" % "0.1.2")
.exclude("org.some.framework", "framework-core")
libraryDependencies += {
val sbtV = (pluginCrossBuild / sbtBinaryVersion).value
val scalaV = (update / scalaBinaryVersion).value
sbtPluginExtra("com.fixed.framework" % "framework-core" % "4.5.5", sbtV, scalaV)
If you look at the three implementations of addSbtPlugin, the method returns a Setting[Seq[ModuleID]]
/** * Adds `dependency` as an sbt plugin for the specific sbt version `sbtVersion` and Scala version `scalaVersion`. * Typically, use the default values for these versions instead of specifying them explicitly. */ def addSbtPlugin( dependency: ModuleID, sbtVersion: String, scalaVersion: String ): Setting[Seq[ModuleID]] = libraryDependencies += sbtPluginExtra(dependency, sbtVersion, scalaVersion) /** * Adds `dependency` as an sbt plugin for the specific sbt version `sbtVersion`. * Typically, use the default value for this version instead of specifying it explicitly. */ def addSbtPlugin(dependency: ModuleID, sbtVersion: String): Setting[Seq[ModuleID]] = libraryDependencies += { val scalaV = (update / scalaBinaryVersion).value sbtPluginExtra(dependency, sbtVersion, scalaV) } /** * Adds `dependency` as an sbt plugin for the sbt and Scala versions configured by * `sbtBinaryVersion` and `scalaBinaryVersion` scoped to `update`. */ def addSbtPlugin(dependency: ModuleID): Setting[Seq[ModuleID]] = libraryDependencies += { val sbtV = (pluginCrossBuild / sbtBinaryVersion).value val scalaV = (update / scalaBinaryVersion).value sbtPluginExtra(dependency, sbtV, scalaV) }
all of them, call sbtPluginExtra
def sbtPluginExtra(m: ModuleID, sbtV: String, scalaV: String): ModuleID = partialVersion(sbtV) match { case Some((0, _)) | Some((1, _)) => m.extra( PomExtraDependencyAttributes.SbtVersionKey -> sbtV, PomExtraDependencyAttributes.ScalaVersionKey -> scalaV ) .withCrossVersion(Disabled()) case Some(_) => // this produces a normal suffix like _sjs1_2.13 val prefix = s"sbt${binarySbtVersion(sbtV)}_" m.cross(CrossVersion.binaryWith(prefix, "")) case None => sys.error(s"unknown sbt version $sbtV") }
returns a ModuleID wich has the method exclude(org, name)
/** Excludes the dependency with organization `org` and `name` from being introduced by this dependency during resolution. */ def exclude(org: String, name: String): ModuleID = excludeAll(ExclusionRule().withOrganization(org).withName(name))
Based on the code shared at the beginning I exclude the org and name you said and then manually added the dependency you want to add with the sbt and scala version you are using
Upvotes: 2