Reputation: 1
I'm working on a application where I will render markers on a google map for a list of concerts. As of now, my data consists of right above 1600 concerts, so naturally I wanted to make use of clusters, and opted for MarkerClusterer. I found this video, in which he also explained how to avoid the error of "Maximum update depth exceeded":
Here is the code I've written, which is basically the same as the one in the video.
imports and other logic for my CustomMap component up here...
const optimizedData ={ _id, venue }) => ({
coordinates: venue.coordinates,
key: _id.toString()
if (!isLoaded) return <MapLoader />
return (
<Container fluid className="map-container px-0 d-flex justify-content-center">
<APIProvider apiKey={REACT_API_KEY}>
<Map defaultCenter={center} defaultZoom={zoom} mapId={MAP_ID}>
<Markers points={optimizedData} />
type Point = {
_id: ObjectId;
coordinates: google.maps.LatLngLiteral;
key: string;
type Props = { points: Point[] }
const Markers = ({ points }: Props) => {
const map = useMap();
const [markers, setMarkers] = useState<{ [key: string]: Marker }>({});
const clusterer = useRef<MarkerClusterer | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!map) return;
if (!clusterer.current) {
clusterer.current = new MarkerClusterer({ map })
}, [map])
useEffect(() => {
}, [markers])
const setMarkerRef = (marker: Marker | null, key: string) => {
// The following two lines is the error handling he mentioned in the video
if (marker && markers[key]) return;
if (!marker && !markers[key]) return;
setMarkers((prev) => {
if (marker) {
return { ...prev, [key]: marker }
} else {
const newMarkers = { ...prev };
delete newMarkers[key];
return newMarkers;
return <>
{ => (
ref={marker => setMarkerRef(marker, point.key)}
<span style={{ fontSize: "2rem" }}>⚡</span>
Despite adding the code to prevent the error (which he talks about from 17:21), I still have the error, even when using smaller amounts of data, such as 50 points. Does anyone know why?
Thanks in advance!
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Views: 51