Reputation: 21
I have a web application built with Python and Flask, and I'm trying to use SQL Alchemy to manage connection pooling for my connections to SQL Server. Since implementing this, we had an event where our SQL Server maxed out on memory and a bunch of applications and data-refreshes across our company crashed--so now we're very seriously looking into whether the connection pooling setup led to this overload.
I've found that once I execute a transaction with my SQL Alchemy Engine, it creates a persistent session on the SQL Server--which seems to be the desired behavior. However, the session also has a persistent open transaction--which is not the expected behavior.
I believe I'm following the best practices for transaction management in the documentation, and I can see in the pool.echo logging that the transaction is committed at the end of the engine.begin() block.
import sqlalchemy as sa
conn_string = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};SERVER=<serverAddress>,<port>;DATABASE=<myDB>;UID=<myUID>;PWD=<myPass>;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=yes;Connection Timeout=10"
engine = sa.create_engine(f"mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={conn_string}"
, echo_pool=True
, echo=True)
with engine.begin() as conn:
result = conn.execute(sa.text("select top 1 * from SomeTable"))
This yields the following echo logging lines:
2025-01-15 09:47:49,391 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS VARCHAR)
2025-01-15 09:47:49,393 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()
2025-01-15 09:47:49,428 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT schema_name()
2025-01-15 09:47:49,429 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00088s] ()
2025-01-15 09:47:49,531 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT CAST('test max support' AS NVARCHAR(max))
2025-01-15 09:47:49,532 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00140s] ()
2025-01-15 09:47:49,563 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT 1 FROM fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
2025-01-15 09:47:49,565 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00120s] ()
2025-01-15 09:47:49,624 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2025-01-15 09:47:49,626 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine select top 1 * from SomeTable
2025-01-15 09:47:49,627 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00135s] ()
2025-01-15 09:47:49,660 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine COMMIT
My understanding is that the last logging line with "COMMIT" is committing the transaction (which is read only in this case, but other times could be a write transaction). However, when I check the active sessions on SQL Server, I see the sleeping session with 1 open transaction.
SELECT s.session_id, s.status, s.transaction_isolation_level, s.open_transaction_count,
st.transaction_id, s.row_count, s.login_time, s.last_request_start_time,
s.last_request_end_time, s.client_version, s.client_interface_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s
JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions st ON st.session_id = s.session_id
WHERE login_name='myUID' AND host_name='myHost'
FROM sys.dm_tran_session_transactions AS t
WHERE t.session_id = s.session_id
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r
WHERE r.session_id = s.session_id
My colleagues think this is an orphaned transaction, and that those are the root cause of our server slow-downs/overload event. I'm not sure--I think this may simply be the way that SQL Alchemy implements the connection pool, and that the slowdown may have been caused by having too many of these connections open across our many deployment environments, where there end up being many pools across separate environments.
with engine.begin() as conn:
result = conn.execute(sa.text("select top 1 * from SchemaChangeHistory"))
2025-01-15 10:20:13,821 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2025-01-15 10:20:13,822 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine select top 1 * from SchemaChangeHistory
2025-01-15 10:20:13,823 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [cached since 1944s ago] ()
2025-01-15 10:20:13,905 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine COMMIT
after using the engine clears out the session with the open transaction. I could run this after each execution, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of connection pooling?2025-01-15 10:24:49,344 INFO sqlalchemy.pool.impl.QueuePool Pool disposed. Pool size: 5 Connections in pool: 0 Current Overflow: -5 Current Checked out connections: 0
2025-01-15 10:24:49,345 INFO sqlalchemy.pool.impl.QueuePool Pool recreating
import sqlalchemy as sa
engine = sa.create_engine(f"mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={os.environ.get('SQLCONNSTR_pe_DW')}"
, echo_pool=True
, echo=True
, poolclass=sa.pool.NullPool)
with engine.begin() as conn:
result = conn.execute(sa.text("select top 1 * from SchemaChangeHistory"))
2025-01-15 10:32:35,261 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS VARCHAR)
2025-01-15 10:32:35,262 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()
2025-01-15 10:32:35,296 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT schema_name()
2025-01-15 10:32:35,298 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00267s] ()
2025-01-15 10:32:35,398 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT CAST('test max support' AS NVARCHAR(max))
2025-01-15 10:32:35,400 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00206s] ()
2025-01-15 10:32:35,432 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT 1 FROM fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
2025-01-15 10:32:35,434 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00239s] ()
2025-01-15 10:32:35,500 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2025-01-15 10:32:35,502 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine select top 1 * from SomeTable
2025-01-15 10:32:35,503 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00152s] ()
2025-01-15 10:32:35,748 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine COMMIT
Upvotes: 1
Views: 73
Reputation: 9089
Leaving open connections is the point of the pooling but leaving open transactions seems totally broken to me. The connection should be reset when it is returned to the pool:
Maybe turn on pool logging as seen here:
Also I saw this but I'm not sure it affects you:
Upvotes: 1