Reputation: 29
I have two JavaScript files in packageA
that I know have lint errors. I fixed and staged one. When I try to commit the staged file, it fails because of the unfixed/unstaged file.
I have a monorepo with a structure like this:
The root .lintstagedrc.mjs
export default {
'*.js': 'eslint --fix'
Each package's .lintstagedrc.mjs
export default {
'*.js': 'yarn lint:js',
'*.hbs': 'yarn lint:hbs'
Each package's package.json
"scripts": {
"lint:js": "eslint . --cache",
"lint:hbs": "handlebars-lint ."
I use Husky to run lint-staged. It's configured via .husky/pre-commit
which has:
npx lint-staged
If I run lint-staged in debug mode, I see:
lint-staged:generateTasks Generating linter tasks +0ms
lint-staged:generateTasks Generated task:
lint-staged:generateTasks {
lint-staged:generateTasks pattern: '*.js',
lint-staged:generateTasks commands: 'yarn lint:js',
lint-staged:generateTasks fileList: [
lint-staged:generateTasks '/myapp/packages/packageA/components/compA.js'
lint-staged:generateTasks ]
lint-staged:generateTasks } +1ms
lint-staged:generateTasks Generated task:
lint-staged:generateTasks { pattern: '*.hbs', commands: 'yarn lint:hbs', fileList: [] } +0ms
This looks like what I'd expect. One JS file, and ho HBS files.
It then backs up the original state, and runs the task for staged files.
[STARTED] Running tasks for staged files...
[STARTED] packages/packageA/.lintstagedrc.mjs — 1 file
[STARTED] *.js — 1 file
[STARTED] *.hbs — 0 files
[SKIPPED] *.hbs — no files
[STARTED] yarn lint:js
[FAILED] yarn lint:js [FAILED]
I believe the problem is that the list of staged files, which is appended to yarn lint:js
is being ignored because that script is eslint . --cache
I'd like it if I can update the yarn script to handle passed in files, or defaulting to .
. I tried to use bash with the command eslint ${@:-.} --cache
, but that didn't work.
I'm assuming I can update my .lintstagedrc.mjs
to directly call eslint
, but I'd really like to call it via yarn. That way if we ever change how we're linting in the future, only one place (package.json
) needs to be changed.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 32
Reputation: 29
I used the following Yarn script, and that seems to provide the desired result:
"lint:js": "sh -c 'eslint --cache ${@:-.}' --"
This allows me to run lint:js
from lint-staged and it only lints the staged files, and I can also manually run yarn lint:js
and it lints all JS files.
Upvotes: 0