
Reputation: 21

100% accuracy for multi_class classification

I am training a model for multi label classification task for each class I have multiple labels after running the test i got 100% for both classes I used 150 000 images for training and validation and 30 000 image for the test and I am using the pretrained mobilenet_v2 model,CrossEntropy loss function this is the calculate _accuracy function I used

def calculate_metrics(output, target):
   _, predicted_action = output['action_name'].cpu().max(1)
   gt_action = target['action_name'].cpu()

   _, predicted_condition = output['condition'].cpu().max(1)
   gt_condition = target['condition'].cpu()

   with warnings.catch_warnings():  # sklearn may produce a warning when processing 
    zero row in confusion matrix
    accuracy_action = accuracy_score(y_true=gt_action.numpy(), y_pred=predicted_action.numpy())
    accuracy_condition = accuracy_score(y_true=gt_condition.numpy(), y_pred=predicted_condition.numpy())

   return accuracy_action, accuracy_condition

and this is the training and validation script

n_train_samples = len(train_dataloader)
print("Starting training ...")

for epoch in range(start_epoch, N_epochs + 1):
    total_loss = 0
    accuracy_action = 0
    accuracy_condition = 0
    for batch in train_dataloader:

        img = batch['img']
        target_labels = batch['labels']
        target_labels = {t: target_labels[t].to(device) for t in target_labels}
        output = model(

        loss_train, losses_train = model.get_loss(output, target_labels)
        total_loss += loss_train.item()
        batch_accuracy_action, batch_accuracy_condition = \
            calculate_metrics(output, target_labels)

        accuracy_action += batch_accuracy_action
        accuracy_condition += batch_accuracy_condition 


    print("epoch {:4d}, loss: {:.4f}, action: {:.4f}, condition: {:.4f}".format(
        total_loss / n_train_samples,
        accuracy_action / n_train_samples,
        accuracy_condition / n_train_samples))

    logger.add_scalar('train_loss', total_loss / n_train_samples, epoch)

    if epoch % 5 == 0:
        validate(model, val_dataloader, logger, epoch, device)
        checkpoint_save(model, savedir, epoch)

and this is the validation function

def validate(model, dataloader, logger, iteration, device, checkpoint=None):
if checkpoint is not None:
    checkpoint_load(model, checkpoint)

with torch.no_grad():
    avg_loss = 0
    accuracy_action = 0
    accuracy_condition = 0

    for batch in dataloader:
        img = batch['img']
        target_labels = batch['labels']
        target_labels = {t: target_labels[t].to(device) for t in target_labels}
        output = model(

        val_train, val_train_losses = model.get_loss(output, target_labels)
        avg_loss += val_train.item()
        batch_accuracy_action, batch_accuracy_condition = \
            calculate_metrics(output, target_labels)

        accuracy_action += batch_accuracy_action
        accuracy_condition += batch_accuracy_condition

n_samples = len(dataloader)
avg_loss /= n_samples
accuracy_action /= n_samples
accuracy_condition /= n_samples

print('-' * 72)
print("Validation  loss: {:.4f}, action: {:.4f}, condition: {:.4f}\n".format(
    avg_loss, accuracy_action, accuracy_condition))

logger.add_scalar('val_loss', avg_loss, iteration)
logger.add_scalar('val_accuracy_action', accuracy_action, iteration)
logger.add_scalar('val_accuracy_condition', accuracy_condition, iteration)


the csv files have this structure

image_path,action_name,condition D:\organized_files\half_data\training\Patient747_image142.jpg,EstablishAccountBalance,Hhealthy D:\organized_files\half_data\training\Patient745_image1485.jpg,EstablishAccountBalance,Healthy and the get_item function

 def __getitem__(self, idx):
    # take the data sample by its index
      img_path =[idx]

    # read image
      img =

    # apply the image augmentations if needed
      if self.transform:
        img = self.transform(img)

    # return the image and all the associated labels
       dict_data = {
        'img': img,
        'labels': {
        'action_name': self.action_name_labels[idx],
        'condition': self.condition_labels[idx],
       }       }
    return dict_data`

I am confused about the 100% acurracy for both classes I don't thik there is anything wrong with the scrip is there any explanation ?

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