Reputation: 49
I'm trying to create a Redis cluster using TestContainers to test my application, which depends on a Redis cluster. Here's what I have tried so far:
Code snippet for starting container:
Network network = Network.newNetwork();
RedisContainer redisContainer = new RedisContainer(DockerImageName.parse("redis:7.0.5"))
.withCommand("redis-server --port " + port +
" --requirepass " + redisPassword + // Password for clients
" --masterauth " + redisPassword + // Password for inter-node communication
" --cluster-enabled yes" +
" --cluster-config-file nodes.conf"+
" --cluster-node-timeout 5000"+
" --appendonly yes" +
" --bind" )
.withNetworkAliases("redis-" + i)
1. Single-Node Cluster
I attempted to create a single-node cluster with cluster-enabled set to yes and replica set to 0. I tried connecting to it using JedisCluster.
Issues and Fixes:
Initially, I got the error: Cluster slots not allocated
. I resolved this by running the CLUSTER ADDSLOTS command to allocate the slot range.
After this, I ran the CLUSTER NODES command and got the following output:
1f2673c5fdb45ca16d564658ff88f815db5cbf01 myself,master - 0 0 1 connected 0-16383
However, when I tried connecting to the cluster using JedisCluster, connection got established, I was able to get nodes list with ip and port using jedisCluster.getClusterNodes() api. When I tried writing some key value pair got below error after few seconds.
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterOperationException: Cluster retry deadline exceeded.
Oddly enough, running commands via redis-cli worked perfectly for both writing and reading data. Cluster Info Output:
Cluster Slots Output:
1) 1) (integer) 0
2) (integer) 16383
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 6379
3) "b47f7da9be31ce953d4b4fbf9e3a737d1c9b7a58"
4) (empty array)
2. Multi-Node Cluster
I also tried setting up a 6-node cluster (3 masters and 3 slaves).
JedisCluster.getClusterNodes() returned the correct node information for all 3 master nodes (IP and port). However, when I tried writing data to the cluster using JedisCluster, I got the following error:
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterOperationException: Cluster retry deadline exceeded.
When I used redis-cli -c to write data, it got stuck at the Redirecting to slot [<some slot>] located at <ip> node
Possible Issue I'm trying to bring up redis in a container using TestContainer module. I suspect the nodes in the cluster are unable to communicate with each other properly. In the case of the single-node cluster, some configuration might still be missing. Some
Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
JedisCluster Config code:
// Using redisContainer in above code snippet start the container and run <redis-cli --no-auth-warning -h localhost -p 6379 -a password cluster addslotsrange 0 16383> to add slots and continue with below code
GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
// Connect to the cluster using Jedis with a password
DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder jedisClientConfig = DefaultJedisClientConfig.builder()
final Set<HostAndPort> hosts = new HashSet<>(redisContainers.size());
int i = 0;
for(RedisContainer redisContainer : redisContainers){
String redisHost = "";
int redisPort = redisContainer.getMappedPort(basePort+i);
hosts.add(new HostAndPort(redisHost, redisPort));
i += 1;
System.out.println("Hosts " + hosts);
try (JedisCluster jedis = new JedisCluster(hosts,, 3, poolConfig)) {
Map<String, redis.clients.jedis.ConnectionPool> nodes = jedis.getClusterNodes();
System.out.println("Connected cluster nodes: " + nodes);
nodes.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key));
jedis.set("key", "value"); // This is where the error is seen
System.out.println("Key set in Redis Cluster: " + jedis.get("key"));
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Views: 83
Reputation: 26
In regards to "Single-Node Cluster":
The problem arises because .withExposedPorts(port)
exposes the Redis service on a dynamically allocated local port. Meanwhile, the JedisCluster client uses the seed nodes (provided hosts) to resolve the cluster topology via the CLUSTER SLOTS
command. Then, it will use host/port announced by the nodes themself to create connections to a particular node.
As you can see from the output you have provided cluster nodes will announce the actual port they are running on (6379) unless cluster-announce-port
is specified.
1f2673c5fdb45ca16d564658ff88f815db5cbf01 myself,master ...
Since port 6379 is not accessible outside the docker container (e.g., the test container exposes it on a different dynamically mapped port), call to jedis.set("key", "value");
will try to acquire connection to the node using the announced host/port and will fail.
You can overcome this by using statically mapped port bindin or use Jedis provided option for host/port mapping -DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder#hostAndPortMapper
Option 1: Expose redis service on predefined port
int externalPort = 7379;
int port = 6379;
Network network = Network.newNetwork();
RedisContainer redisContainer = new RedisContainer(DockerImageName.parse("redis:7.0.5"))
// Use static port binding together with cluster-announce-port
.withCreateContainerCmdModifier(cmd -> cmd.withPortBindings(
new PortBinding(Ports.Binding.bindPort(externalPort), ExposedPort.tcp(port))))
.withCommand("redis-server --port " + port +
" --requirepass " + redisPassword + // Password for clients
" --masterauth " + redisPassword + // Password for inter-node communication
" --cluster-announce-port " + externalPort +
" --cluster-enabled yes" +
" --cluster-config-file nodes.conf"+
" --cluster-node-timeout 5000"+
" --appendonly yes" +
" --bind" )
.withNetworkAliases("redis-" + i)
Option 2 : Use Jedis hostAndPortMapper
HostAndPortMapper nat = hostAndPort -> {
if (hostAndPort.getPort() == port) {
return new HostAndPort(redisContainer.getHost(), redisContainer.getMappedPort(port));
return hostAndPort;
// Connect to the cluster using Jedis with a password
DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder jedisClientConfig = DefaultJedisClientConfig.builder()
Also, make sure the cluster has reached a stable state after slots were configured.
Here is a more complete example using Option 2 with hostAndPortMapper. This is rough code and is provided purely as an example for demonstration purposes:
import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.*;
import com.redis.testcontainers.RedisContainer;
import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig;
import org.testcontainers.containers.Network;
import org.testcontainers.containers.output.*;
import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;
import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;
import redis.clients.jedis.*;
import java.util.*
import static redis.clients.jedis.Protocol.CLUSTER_HASHSLOTS;
class ScratchJedisClusterWithTestContainers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 0;
int externalPort = 7379;
int port = 6379;
Network network = Network.newNetwork();
RedisContainer redisContainer = new RedisContainer(DockerImageName.parse("redis:7.0.5"))
// Use static port binding together with cluster-announce-port
//.withCreateContainerCmdModifier(cmd -> cmd.withPortBindings(
// new PortBinding(Ports.Binding.bindPort(externalPort), ExposedPort.tcp(port))))
.withCommand("redis-server --port " + port +
// " --cluster-announce-port " + externalPort +
" --cluster-enabled yes" +
" --cluster-config-file nodes.conf"+
" --cluster-node-timeout 5000"+
" --appendonly yes" +
" --bind" )
.withNetworkAliases("redis-" + i)
// Lambda-based HostAndPortMapper
HostAndPortMapper nat = hostAndPort -> {
if (hostAndPort.getPort() == port) {
return new HostAndPort(redisContainer.getHost(), redisContainer.getMappedPort(port));
return hostAndPort;
redisContainer.withLogConsumer((OutputFrame frame) -> System.out.println(frame.getUtf8String()));
Set<HostAndPort> hosts = new HashSet<>();
String redisHost = "";
int redisPort = redisContainer.getMappedPort(port+i);
hosts.add(new HostAndPort(redisHost, redisPort));
int[] node1Slots = new int[CLUSTER_HASHSLOTS];
for (int j = 0; j < CLUSTER_HASHSLOTS; j++) {
node1Slots[j] = j;
// Connect to the cluster using Jedis with a password
DefaultJedisClientConfig.Builder jedisClientConfig = DefaultJedisClientConfig.builder()
// .password(redisPassword)
try(Jedis jedisnode = new Jedis(hosts.iterator().next(),{
// await cluster to be ready
awaitClusterReady(jedisnode, 10, 1000);
GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
System.out.println("Hosts " + hosts);
try (JedisCluster jedis = new JedisCluster(hosts,, 3, poolConfig)) {
Map<String, ConnectionPool> nodes = jedis.getClusterNodes();
//System.out.println("Connected cluster nodes: " + nodes);
nodes.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key));
jedis.set("key", "value"); // This is where the error is seen
System.out.println("Key set in Redis Cluster: " + jedis.get("key"));
private static void awaitClusterReady(Jedis jedis, int maxAttempts, int delayMillis) {
for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxAttempts; attempt++) {
String clusterInfo = jedis.clusterInfo();
if (clusterInfo.contains("cluster_state:ok") && clusterInfo.contains("cluster_slots_assigned:16384")) {
System.out.println("Cluster is ready!");
System.out.println("Attempt " + attempt + ": Cluster not ready. Retrying...");
try {
Thread.sleep(delayMillis); // Wait before the next attempt
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Sleep interrupted", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Cluster not ready after " + maxAttempts + " attempts.");
Upvotes: 1