Reputation: 1539
I'm trying to create a host(shell) application with a child remote with a very simple tab navigation feature that displays child components
I generated a host/shell app called ga-host using the nx command line I also generated corresponding remote called connectors.
When I serve the ga-host using
nx serve ga-host --devRemotes=connectors
everything works fine, I see the welcome page
I can also route to the welcome page of the connectors using /connectors, which means the setup is fine.
I created a second route which displays "routeme component"
and this actually works, when I visit connectors/second I can see the second page when I serve the host again.
now I'm trying to create a simple tab feature
I added a child route called 'first', so from now the remote connectors/first should render the welcome page and the child route in the router-outlet
but when I access connectors/first in the browser, it doesn't throw a 404 page, which is great but the router-outlet remains empty, I would like to know why this is.
I'm also open to different ways to achieving this, thanks in advance.
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Views: 21