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I'm currently making an app in Swift Ui using ARKit and I have AR objects placed in positions and the user should be able to move them around the room. the objects always face the user. I have tried everything to get it to work. im currently using the pan function and have resorted to Chatgpt which was useless.
Also this is my first post on here so let me know if I need to attach anything else.
@objc func handlePan(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { guard let sceneView = gesture.view as? ARSCNView else { return } let translation = gesture.translation(in: sceneView) // Drag movement in screen space gesture.setTranslation(.zero, in: sceneView) // Reset for incremental updates
// Hit test to detect the panel being interacted with
let location = gesture.location(in: sceneView)
if gesture.state == .began {
let hitTestResults = sceneView.hitTest(location, options: nil)
if let hitResult = hitTestResults.first {
if let panel = panelController.panelsInScene.first(where: { $0.parentNode == hitResult.node || $0.iconNode == hitResult.node }) {
panelToChange = panel
guard let panelToChange = panelToChange else { return }
// Get the camera's transform for orientation
guard let cameraTransform = sceneView.session.currentFrame?.camera.transform else { return }
switch gesture.state {
case .changed:
// Handle movement based on mode
if !buttonFunctions.movementModeBool {
handlePushPullMovement(panelToChange.parentNode, translation: translation, cameraTransform: cameraTransform)
} else {
handleUpDownMovement(panelToChange.parentNode, translation: translation, cameraTransform: cameraTransform)
private func handlePushPullMovement(_ node: SCNNode, translation: CGPoint, cameraTransform: simd_float4x4) {
// Determine swipe direction
let deltaZ = Float(translation.y) / 500 // Positive for down (pull), negative for up (push)
// Get the direction vector from the object to the camera (user's position)
let cameraPosition = SCNVector3(cameraTransform.columns.3.x, cameraTransform.columns.3.y, cameraTransform.columns.3.z) // Camera position
let objectPosition = node.worldPosition // AR object position
let directionToCamera = SCNVector3(
x: cameraPosition.x - objectPosition.x,
y: cameraPosition.y - objectPosition.y,
z: cameraPosition.z - objectPosition.z
// Normalize the direction vector
let length = sqrt(directionToCamera.x * directionToCamera.x +
directionToCamera.y * directionToCamera.y +
directionToCamera.z * directionToCamera.z)
let normalizedDirection = SCNVector3(
x: directionToCamera.x / length,
y: directionToCamera.y / length,
z: directionToCamera.z / length
// Apply the movement along the direction vector
node.position = SCNVector3(
x: node.position.x + normalizedDirection.x * deltaZ,
y: node.position.y + normalizedDirection.y * deltaZ,
z: node.position.z + normalizedDirection.z * deltaZ
// Up and Down mode: Move panel up/down (Y-axis) and left/right (X-axis)
private func handleUpDownMovement(_ node: SCNNode, translation: CGPoint, cameraTransform: simd_float4x4) {
// Scale translation values for smoother movement
let deltaX = Float(translation.x) / 500
let deltaY = Float(-translation.y) / 500 // Negative because drag up moves object upward
// Extract camera orientation vectors
let cameraRight = SCNVector3(cameraTransform.columns.0.x, cameraTransform.columns.0.y, cameraTransform.columns.0.z)
// Calculate movement along X (left/right) and Y (up/down)
let worldDeltaX = cameraRight.x * deltaX
let worldDeltaY = deltaY // Directly map to the Y-axis
// Update panel position
node.position.x += worldDeltaX
node.position.y += worldDeltaY
This is what I currently have but it moves backwards and forwards but it only moves like its stuck on its axis not towards me.
Ive tried quite a lot but the code is just starting to get more unreadable to the point where him not really sure what I have anymore.
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